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Georgia Computer Science Principles - Outline

  1. Introduction to Programming

  2. Project: Pair-Programming Paint!

  3. Programming with JavaScript

  4. JavaScript Control Structures

  5. Functions and Parameters

  6. Project: Tell a Story

  7. Basic Data Structures

  8. Digital Information

  9. Project: Steganography

  10. Project: Create an Image Filter!

  11. The Internet

  12. Project: The Effects of the Internet

  13. Data

  14. Project: Present a Data-Driven Insight

  15. Project: The Impacts of Computing

  16. Creative Development

  17. Final

  18. Computer Science Careers

  19. Midterm

  20. Extra Karel Practice

  21. Extra Karel Puzzles

  22. Karel Challenges

  23. Web Development

  24. Functions and Parameters Practice

  25. Extra Console Challenges

  26. Animation and Games

  27. Project: Breakout

  28. Data Structures Challenge Problems

  29. Visualizing Music

  30. Project: Tic Tac Toe

  31. Project: Helicopter Game

  32. More Basic Data Structures

  33. Computer Science Principles Pretest

  34. Computer Science Principles Posttest

  35. Project: The Shopping List

  36. Project: Testing 1, 2, 3 ...