CodeHS For Teachers

Your Computer Science Classroom Hub

Teach Exactly How and What You Want

Whether teaching in-person, virtually, or in a blended classroom, CodeHS has everything you need.

Get Started for Free

  • Courses in 10+ Programming languages

  • Classroom Management Tools for Virtual and In-Person Classes

  • Online IDE with Real-Time collaboration

  • Seamlessly Grade with Time-Saving Tools

  • Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities

Everything Needed To Teach

CodeHS courses are free, customizable, and aligned to state and national standards. Designed for teachers, like you, to pick up and start teaching right away.

Explore the Course Catalog

Videos & Slides

Short, digestible video tutorials covering programming topics and concepts in the upcoming lesson


Engaging exercises that allow students to design and build programs based on new concepts


Formative assessments including multiple choice questions about the tutorial video topics and concepts


Longer, open-ended labs and projects to advance students' programming skills


Program examples to give students the opportunity to explore how the code works in the fully loaded IDE


Comprehensive unit exams and summative assessments to gauge students full understanding


Student badges awarded after mastering key concepts -- teachers can also create custom badges!

Lesson Plans

Detailed lesson plans for every lesson -- easily print or modify to fit any classroom needs

Have Your Own Curriculum?

Easily create and organize Assignments in any CodeHS course that you’re teaching. You can add custom Assignments to pre-existing CodeHS courses or mix and match content.

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CodeHS gives me all of the resources I need in order to teach AP Computer Science A. The lessons and exercises are great for a flipped classroom. The ability to create quizzes and tests on the site is useful, and the ability to have students write their own code in the Sandbox for assignments that I give them during class makes it a one-stop place for Java!

Mariel Schneggenburger, Teacher

Southern Cayuga 1-12 Secondary School in Aurora, New York

Code Together Anywhere with the CodeHS IDE

Write, run, and debug code in the CodeHS IDE. Students can even collaborate and code together for pair-programming and group projects!

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  • Supports 10+ Programming Languages

  • Text and Block-Based Programming

  • Real-Time Collaboration & Sharing

  • Built-In Advanced Autograders

Running and grading code on a web IDE with projects beats any product out there. Plus, the curriculum is fun and easy to understand.

Calvin Irby, Teacher

Highlands High School in San Antonio, Texas

Seamlessly Manage Your Classroom & Assignments

From student roster setup to weekly attendance and activity tracking, teachers have full LMS capabilities with high-tech tools to effectively manage their computer science classes on CodeHS—virtually or in-person. CodeHS even integrates with other educational platforms!

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CodeHS made it a breeze to transition to virtual teaching. I’m able to easily monitor how much time each student spends on assignments, how often they log in each week, and make announcements to the whole class or just to individual students.

Jeff Wojcik, Teacher

Port Washington High School in Port Washington, Wisconsin

Streamline Your Workflow with Time-Saving Grading Tools

Manage student grades with the customizable Gradebook, zip through student program submissions with Fast Grade and built-in Autograders that grade, and provide students with instant feedback. See how easy grading code can be with CodeHS!

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Great Programmers Start with Great Teachers

Prepare to teach any computer science class! CodeHS professional development is designed to empower teachers with the skills, pedagogical knowledge, and confidence to go into the classroom and start teaching great computer science courses.


Teacher-Led Workshops

Summer PD Workshops

CodeHS Help Center

Join a Free PD Event

Endless Computer Science Exploration Resources

Coding in the Wild

Coding for Major League Baseball

Meet Eli, a Master’s Student at Johns Hopkins University studying Applied Mathematics and Statistics, and an incoming Analytics Fellow at the Baltimore Orioles.

Read Write Code

The Meteor Galaxy Game

Race through the galaxy taking down meteors from your spaceship! Meet the creator of this game and browse the CodeHS Playlist to create your very own Meteor Galaxy game.

Read Write Code

Virtual or In-Person Classroom Tips

Chad tells us about his transition to a virtual classroom in spring 2020 and the preparation for future unknown transitions as Odessa High School starts the school year in-person.

…computer programming is an essential skill for the modern world and CodeHS makes it possible for anyone to teach it at their school without a Computer Science degree.

Carmen Lagalante, Teacher

JSerra Catholic High School in San Juan Capistrano, California