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Activity Points Item Type
Introduction to Programming
Project: Pair-Programming Paint!
Programming with JavaScript
JavaScript Control Structures
Functions and Parameters
Project: Tell a Story
Basic Data Structures
Digital Information
Project: Steganography
Project: Create an Image Filter!
The Internet
Project: The Effects of the Internet
Project: Present a Data-Driven Insight
Project: The Impacts of Computing
Creative Development
Computer Science Careers
Extra Karel Practice
Extra Karel Puzzles
Karel Challenges
Web Development
Functions and Parameters Practice
Extra Console Challenges
Animation and Games
Project: Breakout
Data Structures Challenge Problems
Visualizing Music
Project: Tic Tac Toe
Project: Helicopter Game
More Basic Data Structures
Computer Science Principles Pretest
Computer Science Principles Posttest
Project: The Shopping List
Project: Testing 1, 2, 3 ...