Coding is an integral part of people analytics and can help address challenges of inequities in the 21st century workforce by highlighting trends, predicting outcomes, and drawing insights to make sense of large datasets on employees at organizations.
Understanding some programming will also help you better understand the limitations that the programmers lay out for you. And when you understand what’s going on behind the scenes in the game code, that makes it easier for you to work with the programmers to brainstorm.
We thought these tools were going to completely remove the need for humans, but what we learned after many years was that this wasn’t really possible — you still needed a skilled human to review the output.
A great e-commerce website depends on well-written software that’s both visible to the user, as well as doing heavy lifting behind the scenes.
Because I know how to code, I have a better idea of what is possible to design!
Hospitals are constantly trying to improve the quality of care they deliver and lean on analytics and predictive modeling to do this.
As a hazardous computer manufacturer, my company designs, manufactures, and sells computers that are built to go in some of the most unforgiving environments such as, oil & gas rigs and flight simulations.
Computer scientists can collect and analyze immense amounts of data about the nation and its population and utilize that data to advise policymakers to make informed decisions concerning things ranging from how to better prevent car crashes to how to combat climate change all via the marriage of big data analysis and policy making.
The world of coaching is full of opportunities for software to come and change the game. What I love about coaching is that the human component really is not replaceable — that the ideal way software can contribute is to make the coaches more effective and more efficient.
We use this data to analyze litter trends and identify better solutions for cleaning up our communities.
One of the reasons I love web development is its accessibility; I think it is a great stepping stone toward more advanced computer science disciplines, with plenty of room for growth and innovation in the field itself.
I work on making it easier for data to come together around real estate entities; mainly lots, buildings and apartments.
We rolled out a new offering in our pathway, specifically Web Design. We have been immensely delighted with our choice of curriculum, being CodeHS Web Design course. The curriculum is online, well designed, a self contained IDE for ease, automatic grader with useful feedback for student self-correction and affirmation, gradebook and world class customer support.
I'm so excited that the autograder transfers [fork] too. This is a game-changer for differentiation! I was recreating as well as hand grading all of the assignments that I offered "some help" on. Now, the kids will get instant feedback instead of submitting and waiting. They can ask questions right in class when something fails.
It was helpful to be a student in a course and see how my own students feel in a CodeHS class. I LOVE CodeHS so much and it has really, really helped me so much as a teacher. It **saves me so much time and the activities and videos are very engaging** and helpful for my students. Thank you again!
**I feel so much better about the Java content I need to teach.** I felt like the instructors cared and worked well with us. I loved the practice it provided, and the ranking scale every week.
**I love CodeHS because I don't have to know programming to give my students the opportunity to learn it** (although I am also enjoying working through the modules), and because at the heart of it, programming is problem-solving, which we need to have students doing in class every chance we get!
I have been using CodeHS for years and love the curriculum! Using CodeHS was so helpful when I was new to teaching. You have **everything you need at your fingertips.**
**There are so many features on CodeHS that can be used to assist the students and make my teaching more valuable and engaging**. The collaboration feature in the IDE and the tool where students can send you a direct message is awesome, especially since we have many students who just won't ask questions out loud. I can't name all of the awesome features, but there are many.
Also if you don’t have the PRO version, it is completely and **totally worth it!!**
The curriculum has been phenomenal so far. The CodeHS environment is really great and the students are really engaged in the material. I have not seen a student disengaged for even a few minutes. In short, I love the program and how it progresses the kids through the programming concepts. **The kids all love it and are eager to get started each day**. Plus, it is fun to teach as I like working through the roadblocks with the kids. It is like solving a big ol' puzzle!
Everything is great, a few students worked over the break and got into JavaScript and animation and are loving it. Yes, the teacher resources are great, I’ve given several handouts as checks for understanding and as references for the kids. **I love it, the kids love it.**
I have been using CodeHS free since 2018 and my students love it. I currently use CodeHS as a learning management system to **make my courses more customized.**
I first used CodeHS to learn Java so that I could prepare for the state Computer Science exam which I am happy to report that I passed on my first attempt. Having no prior experience with pseudocode or Java, **CodeHS really helped me understand how to read this code** and be able to write some of my own code.
I found CodeHS when I first started teaching coding as opposed to coding myself, and **I love using it every day** I'm in the classroom!
I used to think stock trading was simple. I thought you either buy or sell, but the reality is different. Each stockbroker has different trading strategies and execution instructions. Users need real-time data on the securities they’re trading. They want to collaborate with other traders in their team and set up automated trade execution algorithms. We use code to handle all of that.
As the software industry continues to “eat the world,” the software security industry has grown alongside it.
...if ads are a necessary evil for the internet to continue running, why not strive to make them as pleasing and engaging as possible for the viewer?
I work on our Artist Shops platform. We provide 'software as a service' to help hundreds of thousands of artists create and sell t-shirts and other products to millions of people.
“Choose an industry that interests you! If you are interested in what you’re working on, it’s the cherry on top of an already fun profession.”
I’m in HR Tech and we have developed a platform for companies to track, evaluate, and develop candidates and employees in their companies.
One great thing about programming is that it’s a vast field with a variety of different types or knowledge and skills to be exposed to. Keep following your interests and maintain a life-long learner attitude!
The algorithms that recognize earthquakes, determine their location, and estimate when a nearby community will experience shaking, must be automated.
Computer science is becoming more focused on data rather than computation, and modern statistics requires more computational sophistication to work with large data sets.
The code must ensure that the correct information is sent or received so that the correct action can be taken within the correct amount of time. This is common for most software, the difference with software on a vehicle is that the timing is critical.
Computers work with a binary system, that's how they understand information (ones and zeros). When you weave you also create analogies related to that—you go up or down with your thread.
All the newest computer science tools—computer vision, machine learning, big data, robotics, virtual reality—will allow this group of journalists to tell stories in new ways and to uncover important information.
The program has been improving each year and the addition of Cybersecurity makes CodeHS a cut above the rest!
I finished the CodeHS FTCE Prep course and it was instrumental in me passing the certification exam!
When I was told late last spring that I had to teach CODING for the first time in my 35 years of teaching, I started looking for another job... I found a 2 day “New Teacher Workshop” with CodeHS on the Indiana Department of Education website. I enrolled and completed it, then I completed the Bootcamp for Web Design. I still have a lot to learn, but I am improving. **Thank you for helping this poor old Business Teacher to grow even more.**
CodeHS has been wonderful for my classroom. The scholars have really enjoyed having **hands on practice**. Many who finish the work quickly have also been making use of the sandbox to make their own Karel programs. Overall the **curriculum is fantastic**, flows well from one to the next, and provides perfect supports to help all of my scholars to succeed.
**I really like the CodeHS approach** and set up. I have a few students moving ahead and working independently and I really like that feature. It’s funny some are uncertain about going ahead because they aren’t used to the differentiated model.
What students like about this is that they don't have to wait for others. So **it is a great tool for differentiation**! Love it! You guys do a great job.
Everyone keeps saying - why not use Khan Academy's code academy? And I keep telling them **CodeHS has the materials to support the teacher AND the class**!
**My freshmen absolutely love computer programming**. They rush in and get started way before the bell rings and keep going after the dismissal bell.
I am teaching at a University in Montana that is using CodeHS in a jump start program for high school students. I think quite highly of this as an **excellent opportunity for young people to introduce themselves to the art and science of computer programming** and consider it as a career path.
May I just say that **this program is the coolest thing ever**. My kids would never have the opportunity to learn coding any other way. At our tiny little school we just don't have any one qualified.
I have taught myself everything about coding simply by working through the courses on CodeHS. Anytime I meet with other CS teachers in Wisconsin, **I also tell them about CodeHS and how great it is to introduce students to coding**, even if you don't know anything about computer science.
I first used CodeHS to learn Java so that I could prepare for the state Computer Science exam which I am happy to report that I passed on my first attempt. Having no prior experience with pseudocode or Java, **CodeHS really helped me understand how to read this code** and be able to write some of my own code.
CodeHS has brought a new world to the computer science world at Odessa High School. CodeHS has provided **a variety of courses that have kept my students engaged and interested** in the topics. I also appreciate how helpful the staff is when I had questions and their timely responses. I am very impressed with their variety of knowledge. Lastly, one thing that I think that makes CodeHS stand out among other companies, is their teacher training options.