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Nevada Advanced Computer Science I - Outline

  1. What is Computing?

    1. 1.1 History of Computers

    2. Video 1.1.1 History of Computers
    3. Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Video Quiz
    4. Notes 1.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer?
    5. Free Response 1.1.4 Evidence Collection
    6. Connection 1.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage
    7. Connection 1.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace
    8. Connection 1.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing
    9. Connection 1.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert
    10. Connection 1.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers
    11. Connection 1.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper
    12. Connection 1.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean
    13. Connection 1.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors
    14. Free Response 1.1.13 Culminating Activity
    15. 1.2 Computer Organization

    16. Video 1.2.1 Computer Organization
    17. Check for Understanding 1.2.2 Video Quiz
    18. Connection 1.2.3 Draw a Computer
    19. Check for Understanding 1.2.4 What Kind of Device?
    20. 1.3 Software

    21. Video 1.3.1 Software
    22. Check for Understanding 1.3.2 Software Quiz
    23. Connection 1.3.3 Software Explained
    24. Free Response 1.3.4 Computer Applications You Use
    25. Free Response 1.3.5 Operating Systems
    26. 1.4 Hardware

    27. Video 1.4.1 Hardware
    28. Check for Understanding 1.4.2 Hardware Quiz
    29. Check for Understanding 1.4.3 Pick the Label
    30. Free Response 1.4.4 Label Your Computer
    31. Free Response 1.4.5 Computer Analogy
    32. Free Response 1.4.6 Hardware vs. Software
    33. Connection 1.4.7 Computer Virtualization
    34. Free Response 1.4.8 Computer Virtualization Response
    35. Badge 1.4.9 Hardware Badge
    36. 1.5 Future of Computing

    37. Video 1.5.1 Future of Computing
    38. Check for Understanding 1.5.2 Video Quiz
    39. Connection 1.5.3 Using DNA for Storage
    40. Free Response 1.5.4 Class Activity: Advancing Technology
    41. Connection 1.5.5 Pros and Cons of AI
    42. Free Response 1.5.6 AI: Is It a Bad Thing?
    43. Connection 1.5.7 AI Chips
    44. Free Response 1.5.8 AI Chips Response
    45. Connection 1.5.9 Cloud Computing vs Traditional Computing
    46. Free Response 1.5.10 Cloud Computing vs Traditional Computing Response
    47. 1.6 What is Computing? Quiz

    48. Unit Quiz 1.6.1 What is Computing? Quiz
  2. Programming with Karel

    1. 2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Video 2.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
    3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Karel Commands Quiz
    4. Example 2.1.3 Our First Karel Program
    5. Exercise 2.1.4 Your First Karel Program
    6. Exercise 2.1.5 Short Stack
    7. 2.2 More About Karel

    8. Video 2.2.1 More About Karel
    9. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
    10. Example 2.2.3 Tennis Ball Square
    11. Exercise 2.2.4 Make a Tower
    12. Exercise 2.2.5 Pyramid of Karel
    13. 2.3 Karel Can't Turn Right

    14. Video 2.3.1 Karel Can't Turn Right
    15. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Karel Can't Turn Right Quiz
    16. Example 2.3.3 Tower and Turn Right
    17. Exercise 2.3.4 Slide Karel
    18. Exercise 2.3.5 Fireman Karel
    19. Badge 2.3.6 Karel Turns Right Badge
    20. 2.4 Functions in Karel

    21. Video 2.4.1 Functions in Karel
    22. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Functions in Karel Quiz
    23. Example 2.4.3 Turn Around
    24. Exercise 2.4.4 Pancakes
    25. Exercise 2.4.5 Mario Karel
    26. 2.5 The Main Function

    27. Video 2.5.1 The Main Function
    28. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 The Main Function Quiz
    29. Example 2.5.3 Tower with Main Function
    30. Exercise 2.5.4 Pancakes with Main
    31. 2.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    32. Video 2.6.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition
    33. Check for Understanding 2.6.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
    34. Video 2.6.3 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
    35. Example 2.6.4 Hurdle Karel
    36. Exercise 2.6.5 The Two Towers
    37. 2.7 Commenting Your Code

    38. Video 2.7.1 Commenting Your Code
    39. Check for Understanding 2.7.2 Commenting Your Code Quiz
    40. Example 2.7.3 Hurdle Karel
    41. Exercise 2.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments
    42. 2.8 Abstraction

    43. Video 2.8.1 Abstraction
    44. Quiz 2.8.2 Abstraction Quiz
    45. Example 2.8.3 Abstracting Away buildTower
    46. Free Response 2.8.4 Abstracting Your Day
    47. Free Response 2.8.5 Reflection: Abstraction
    48. Free Response 2.8.6 Abstraction in Karel
    49. 2.9 Super Karel

    50. Video 2.9.1 Super Karel
    51. Check for Understanding 2.9.2 Super Karel Quiz
    52. Example 2.9.3 Hurdle Karel (with SuperKarel)
    53. Exercise 2.9.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel
    54. Badge 2.9.5 Super Karel Badge
    55. 2.10 For Loops

    56. Video 2.10.1 For Loops
    57. Check for Understanding 2.10.2 For Loops Quiz
    58. Example 2.10.3 Repeated Move
    59. Example 2.10.4 Put Down Tennis Balls
    60. Exercise 2.10.5 Take 'em All
    61. Exercise 2.10.6 Dizzy Karel
    62. Exercise 2.10.7 Ball in Each Corner
    63. Exercise 2.10.8 Lots of Hurdles
    64. 2.11 If Statements and Conditionals

    65. Video 2.11.1 If Statements and Conditionals
    66. Check for Understanding 2.11.2 If Statements and Conditionals Quiz
    67. Example 2.11.3 If Statements and Conditionals
    68. Example 2.11.4 Safe Take Ball
    69. Exercise 2.11.5 Is There a Ball?
    70. Exercise 2.11.6 Don't Crash!
    71. 2.12 If/Else Statements

    72. Video 2.12.1 If/Else Statements
    73. Check for Understanding 2.12.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
    74. Example 2.12.3 If/Else Statements
    75. Example 2.12.4 Opposite Day
    76. Exercise 2.12.5 Right Side Up
    77. Exercise 2.12.6 Right vs. Left Square
    78. Badge 2.12.7 Conditional Karel Badge
    79. 2.13 While Loops

    80. Video 2.13.1 While Loops
    81. Check for Understanding 2.13.2 While Loops Quiz
    82. Example 2.13.3 Move to Wall
    83. Exercise 2.13.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road
    84. Exercise 2.13.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls
    85. Exercise 2.13.6 Big Tower
    86. 2.14 How to Indent Your Code

    87. Video 2.14.1 How to Indent Your Code
    88. Check for Understanding 2.14.2 How to Indent Your Code Quiz
    89. Example 2.14.3 Dance and Clean Karel
    90. Exercise 2.14.4 Diagonal
    91. Exercise 2.14.5 Staircase
    92. Badge 2.14.6 Karel Exercises Badge
    93. 2.15 Control Structures Example

    94. Video 2.15.1 Control Structures Example
    95. Check for Understanding 2.15.2 Control Structures Example Quiz
    96. Example 2.15.3 Cleanup Karel
    97. Exercise 2.15.4 Random Hurdles
    98. 2.16 More Karel Examples and Testing

    99. Video 2.16.1 More Karel Examples and Testing
    100. Example 2.16.2 Move Tennis Ball Stack
    101. Video 2.16.3 Live Coding: Climbing Karel
    102. Example 2.16.4 Climbing Karel
    103. Check for Understanding 2.16.5 Quiz: Which Control Structure?
    104. Exercise 2.16.6 Opposite Corner
    105. 2.17 Programming with Karel Quiz

    106. Unit Quiz 2.17.1 Programming with Karel Quiz
  3. JavaScript Basics

    1. 3.1 Hello World

    2. Video 3.1.1 Hello World
    3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Hello World Quiz
    4. Example 3.1.3 Hello World
    5. Exercise 3.1.4 Your Name and Hobby
    6. Exercise 3.1.5 ASCII Animals
    7. Free Response 3.1.6 Translating ASCII
    8. 3.2 Variables

    9. Video 3.2.1 Variables
    10. Video 3.2.2 Live Coding: Variables
    11. Check for Understanding 3.2.3 Variables Quiz
    12. Example 3.2.4 Basic Variables
    13. Exercise 3.2.5 Daily Activities
    14. Debugging 3.2.6 Debugging Variables
    15. Free Response 3.2.7 Debugging Reflection
    16. Notes 3.2.8 Type Safety
    17. Example 3.2.9 Example: Type Safety In Java
    18. Debugging 3.2.10 Adding Safety with Const
    19. 3.3 User Input

    20. Video 3.3.1 User Input
    21. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 User Input Quiz
    22. Example 3.3.3 Basic User Input
    23. Exercise 3.3.4 Dinner Plans
    24. Exercise 3.3.5 Mad Lib
    25. Badge 3.3.6 User Input Badge
    26. 3.4 Basic Math

    27. Video 3.4.1 Basic Math
    28. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 Basic Math Quiz
    29. Example 3.4.3 Simple Calculator
    30. Example 3.4.4 Dollars to Pounds
    31. Example 3.4.5 Dividing Up Groups
    32. Exercise 3.4.6 T-Shirt Shop
    33. Exercise 3.4.7 Running Speed
    34. 3.5 Collaborative Programming

    35. Video 3.5.1 Pair-Programming
    36. Check for Understanding 3.5.2 Pair-Programming
    37. Connection 3.5.3 Why Practice Pair-Programming?
    38. Free Response 3.5.4 Pair-Programming Reflection
    39. 3.6 Random Numbers

    40. Video 3.6.1 Random Numbers
    41. Check for Understanding 3.6.2 Random Numbers Quiz
    42. Example 3.6.3 Rolling a Die
    43. Exercise 3.6.4 Treasure Chest Loot
    44. Exercise 3.6.5 Multiplication Practice
    45. Badge 3.6.6 Randomizer Badge
    46. 3.7 Basic Functions

    47. Video 3.7.1 Basic Functions
    48. Notes 3.7.2 Variables in Functions
    49. Quiz 3.7.3 Basic Functions Quiz
    50. Example 3.7.4 Function Flow
    51. Exercise 3.7.5 Digital Business Card
    52. Exercise 3.7.6 ASCII Karel
    53. 3.8 JavaScript Basics Quiz

    54. Unit Quiz 3.8.1 JavaScript Basics Quiz
    55. Badge 3.8.2 JavaScript Basics Badge
  4. Computer Science Careers

    1. 4.1 Computer Science Careers

    2. Video 4.1.1 Computer Science All Around Us
    3. Quiz 4.1.2 Computer Science All Around Us
    4. Connection 4.1.3 CS Careers
    5. Free Response 4.1.4 CS Career Response
    6. Connection 4.1.5 Coding in the Wild
    7. Free Response 4.1.6 Coding in the Wild Response
    8. Connection 4.1.7 Inclusive Coding
    9. Free Response 4.1.8 Inclusive Coding Response
    10. Connection 4.1.9 Credentials and Certifications
    11. Free Response 4.1.10 Credentials and Certifications Response
    12. 4.2 Career and Technical Student Organizations

    13. Connection 4.2.1 What Are They?
    14. Free Response 4.2.2 List of CTSOs Reflection
    15. Connection 4.2.3 Bylaws Case Study
    16. Free Response 4.2.4 Bylaws Case Study Reflection
    17. Notes 4.2.5 Research a CTSO
    18. Free Response 4.2.6 Research a CTSO Response
    19. Free Response 4.2.7 Create an Artifact
    20. Free Response 4.2.8 Attend an Event!
    21. 4.3 Project: Work-Based Learning

    22. Connection 4.3.1 Nevada Guide to Work-Based Learning
    23. Free Response 4.3.2 Nevada Guide To Work-Based Learning Response
    24. Free Response 4.3.3 Community Service Reflection
  5. Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene

    1. 5.1 What is Cybersecurity?

    2. Video 5.1.1 What is Cybersecurity?
    3. Check for Understanding 5.1.2 What is Cybersecurity?
    4. Connection 5.1.3 City Services Ransomware
    5. Free Response 5.1.4 Ransomware Reflection
    6. Example 5.1.5 Ransomware Simulator
    7. Connection 5.1.6 Internet of Things
    8. Connection 5.1.7 Hackers vs. Smart Homes
    9. Free Response 5.1.8 Internet of Things Reflection
    10. Connection 5.1.9 Threat Map
    11. Free Response 5.1.10 Why Learn about Cybersecurity?
    12. 5.2 The CIA Triad

    13. Video 5.2.1 CIA Triad
    14. Check for Understanding 5.2.2 CIA Triad
    15. Free Response 5.2.3 Which part of the CIA Triad?
    16. Free Response 5.2.4 Which part of the CIA Triad?
    17. Free Response 5.2.5 Breach of Confidentiality
    18. Free Response 5.2.6 Breach of Availability
    19. Resource 5.2.7 A Balancing Game
    20. 5.3 Digital Footprint and Reputation

    21. Video 5.3.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    22. Check for Understanding 5.3.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    23. Free Response 5.3.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint
    24. Connection 5.3.4 Right to be Forgotten?
    25. Free Response 5.3.5 Right to be Forgotten
    26. Free Response 5.3.6 What is your Digital Footprint?
    27. 5.4 Cyberbullying

    28. Video 5.4.1 Cyberbullying
    29. Check for Understanding 5.4.2 Cyberbullying
    30. Free Response 5.4.3 Scenario: Student Ranking
    31. Free Response 5.4.4 Scenario: Singled Out
    32. Free Response 5.4.5 Stopping Cyberbullying
    33. 5.5 Internet Safety

    34. Video 5.5.1 Internet Safety
    35. Check for Understanding 5.5.2 Internet Safety
    36. Free Response 5.5.3 Scenario: School Stranger
    37. Free Response 5.5.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals
    38. Free Response 5.5.5 Staying Safe
    39. 5.6 Privacy & Security

    40. Video 5.6.1 What is Data Privacy & Security?
    41. Check for Understanding 5.6.2 Privacy & Security Quiz
    42. Connection 5.6.3 How Strong is your Password?
    43. Free Response 5.6.4 How Strong is your password?
    44. Connection 5.6.5 Google Privacy Policy Search
    45. Free Response 5.6.6 Google Privacy Policy Search
    46. Example 5.6.7 Guess: Password List
    47. Example 5.6.8 Guess: Using an Algorithm
    48. Example 5.6.9 Guess: Brute Force
    49. Resource 5.6.10 Is Your Head in the Cloud?
    50. Notes 5.6.11 OWASP General Coding Practices
    51. Free Response 5.6.12 General Coding Practices Response
    52. 5.7 Information Literacy

    53. Video 5.7.1 Information Literacy
    54. Check for Understanding 5.7.2 Information Literacy
    55. Free Response 5.7.3 Effective Internet Searches
    56. Connection 5.7.4 Evaluate the Source 1
    57. Free Response 5.7.5 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1
    58. Notes 5.7.6 Evaluate the Source 2
    59. Free Response 5.7.7 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2
    60. Connection 5.7.8 Hero Pig?
    61. 5.8 Browser Configuration

    62. Video 5.8.1 Browser Configuration
    63. Check for Understanding 5.8.2 Browser Configuration
    64. Connection 5.8.3 Cached CodeHS
    65. Free Response 5.8.4 Cached CodeHS
    66. Example 5.8.5 Is Your Popup Blocker On?
    67. Free Response 5.8.6 Browser Extensions Lab
    68. 5.9 Visualizing and Interpreting Data

    69. Video 5.9.1 Visualizing Data
    70. Quiz 5.9.2 Visualizing Data Quiz
    71. Notes 5.9.3 Exploring Data Visualizations
    72. Connection 5.9.4 US Recorded Music Revenue
    73. Connection 5.9.5 National Parks
    74. Connection 5.9.6 March Madness
    75. Connection 5.9.7 Captain Marvel
    76. Free Response 5.9.8 Respond: Visualizations
    77. Free Response 5.9.9 Choosing a Visualization
    78. Video 5.9.10 Data Visualizations in Google Sheets
    79. Notes 5.9.11 Which Visualization is Best?
    80. Quiz 5.9.12 End of Lesson Quiz
    81. 5.10 Data Collection & Limitations

    82. Video 5.10.1 Collecting Data
    83. Quiz 5.10.2 Collecting Data Quiz
    84. Free Response 5.10.3 Design a Survey
    85. Free Response 5.10.4 Self-Driving Cars
    86. Quiz 5.10.5 Data Collection Quiz
    87. Video 5.10.6 Data Limitations
    88. Example 5.10.7 Line Graph
    89. Example 5.10.8 Bar Graph
    90. Example 5.10.9 Pie Chart
    91. 5.11 Creative Credit & Copyright

    92. Video 5.11.1 Creative Credit and Copyright
    93. Check for Understanding 5.11.2 Creative Credit and Copyright
    94. Free Response 5.11.3 Cite!
    95. Connection 5.11.4 Exploring Creative Commons
    96. Free Response 5.11.5 Respond: Creative Commons
    97. Free Response 5.11.6 Finding Images
    98. Free Response 5.11.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important?
    99. 5.12 Software Licenses

    100. Video 5.12.1 Software Licenses
    101. Check for Understanding 5.12.2 Software Licenses Quiz
    102. Free Response 5.12.3 Do I need a Software License?
    103. Free Response 5.12.4 Is This Original?
    104. Article 5.12.5 Review Licenses
    105. Free Response 5.12.6 Review Licenses Response
    106. 5.13 Hacking Ethics

    107. Video 5.13.1 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    108. Check for Understanding 5.13.2 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    109. Connection 5.13.3 Penetration Testing
    110. Free Response 5.13.4 Reflection: Penetration Testing
    111. Connection 5.13.5 Hack the Pentagon?
    112. Free Response 5.13.6 Reflection: Hack the Pentagon
    113. Check for Understanding 5.13.7 Ethical Hacker Agreement
    114. 5.14 Project: Public Service Announcement

    115. Free Response 5.14.1 Pick a Topic
    116. Free Response 5.14.2 Research
    117. Free Response 5.14.3 Choose Your Audience
    118. Free Response 5.14.4 What kind of PSA?
    119. Free Response 5.14.5 Draft your PSA
    120. Free Response 5.14.6 Finalize your PSA!
    121. 5.15 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz

    122. Unit Quiz 5.15.1 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz
    123. Badge 5.15.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
  6. The Canvas and Graphics

    1. 6.1 Intro to the Canvas and Graphics

    2. Notes 6.1.1 CodeHS Graphics Programs and Console Programs
    3. Video 6.1.2 Intro to Canvas and Graphics
    4. Notes 6.1.3 Debug Mode for Positioning
    5. Video 6.1.4 Live Coding: Circle and Rectangle
    6. Connection 6.1.5 Canvas Coordinates
    7. Quiz 6.1.6 Canvas and Graphics Quiz
    8. Example 6.1.7 Creating a Circle
    9. Example 6.1.8 A Circle and a Rectangle
    10. Exercise 6.1.9 A Ball in a Box
    11. Exercise 6.1.10 Raise the Flag
    12. 6.2 More Graphics Objects

    13. Video 6.2.1 More Graphics Objects
    14. Video 6.2.2 Live Coding: More Graphics Objects
    15. Quiz 6.2.3 Graphics Objects Quiz
    16. Example 6.2.4 Cute Animals
    17. Example 6.2.5 Greetings, Earth!
    18. Exercise 6.2.6 Exploration: XY Plot
    19. Exercise 6.2.7 Create Your Meme
    20. Exercise 6.2.8 Saturday Mornings
    21. 6.3 Positioning Graphics Objects

    22. Video 6.3.1 Positioning Graphics Objects
    23. Quiz 6.3.2 Positioning Quiz
    24. Example 6.3.3 8 Ball
    25. Exercise 6.3.4 Color the Rainbow
    26. Challenge 6.3.5 Create Your Own Plant!
    27. 6.4 JavaScript Graphics Quiz

    28. Quiz 6.4.1 JavaScript Graphics Quiz
  7. Control Structures

    1. 7.1 Booleans

    2. Video 7.1.1 Booleans
    3. Check for Understanding 7.1.2 Booleans Quiz
    4. Example 7.1.3 Boolean Exploration
    5. Exercise 7.1.4 Do You Have a Dog?
    6. Free Response 7.1.5 Booleans are Questions
    7. Exercise 7.1.6 Best Day Ever
    8. 7.2 If/Else Statements

    9. Video 7.2.1 If Statements
    10. Check for Understanding 7.2.2 If Statements Quiz
    11. Example 7.2.3 Are You Logged In?
    12. Exercise 7.2.4 Is It Raining?
    13. Exercise 7.2.5 Mood Playlist
    14. Badge 7.2.6 Conditionals Badge
    15. 7.3 Logical Operators

    16. Video 7.3.1 Logical Operators
    17. Check for Understanding 7.3.2 Logical Operators Quiz
    18. Example 7.3.3 Light Switch
    19. Example 7.3.4 Harry Potter
    20. Example 7.3.5 Weak Password
    21. Example 7.3.6 Logical Operators Game
    22. Exercise 7.3.7 Can You Graduate?
    23. Exercise 7.3.8 Switching Players
    24. Exercise 7.3.9 A Day of Decisions
    25. 7.4 Comparison Operators

    26. Video 7.4.1 Comparison Operators
    27. Check for Understanding 7.4.2 Comparison Operators Quiz
    28. Example 7.4.3 Great Names
    29. Example 7.4.4 Grade Range
    30. Example 7.4.5 Even and Odd
    31. Exercise 7.4.6 Rolling Dice
    32. Exercise 7.4.7 Teenagers
    33. Exercise 7.4.8 Rocket Launch Requirements
    34. Exercise 7.4.9 Trivia Game
    35. 7.5 Graphics and Conditionals

    36. Notes 7.5.1 Graphics and Conditionals
    37. Example 7.5.2 Circle or Rectangle?
    38. Exercise 7.5.3 Correct or Incorrect?
    39. Notes 7.5.4 Else If Statements
    40. Example 7.5.5 Conditional Circle Color
    41. Exercise 7.5.6 Odd or Even Shapes
    42. Quiz 7.5.7 Graphics and Conditionals Quiz
    43. Challenge 7.5.8 Interactive Modern Art
    44. 7.6 While Loops

    45. Video 7.6.1 While Loops
    46. Check for Understanding 7.6.2 While Loops Quiz
    47. Example 7.6.3 While Loop Countdown
    48. Debugging 7.6.4 Debugging: Best Name Ever
    49. Exercise 7.6.5 Level Up
    50. Exercise 7.6.6 Inventory
    51. 7.7 The Break Statement

    52. Video 7.7.1 The Break Statement
    53. Check for Understanding 7.7.2 The Break Statement Quiz
    54. Example 7.7.3 Adding Up Numbers
    55. Free Response 7.7.4 Break Statement Reflection
    56. Exercise 7.7.5 Snake Eyes
    57. Exercise 7.7.6 Better Password Prompt
    58. Exercise 7.7.7 Riddle Machine
    59. 7.8 While Loops and Graphics

    60. Notes 7.8.1 While Loops and Graphics
    61. Example 7.8.2 Lots of Circles
    62. Example 7.8.3 Corners on Corners
    63. Exercise 7.8.4 Concentric Circles
    64. Debugging 7.8.5 Debugging: Circle Positions
    65. Exercise 7.8.6 Growing Squares
    66. 7.9 For Loops

    67. Video 7.9.1 For Loops
    68. Example 7.9.2 For Loop Exploration
    69. Exercise 7.9.3 Chalkboard
    70. Example 7.9.4 Count By Twos
    71. Example 7.9.5 Eating Apples
    72. Debugging 7.9.6 Countdown by Sevens
    73. Check for Understanding 7.9.7 For Loops Quiz
    74. Exercise 7.9.8 Lives Left
    75. Example 7.9.9 For Loop Sum
    76. Exercise 7.9.10 Jukebox
    77. 7.10 For Loops and Graphics

    78. Notes 7.10.1 For Loops and Graphics
    79. Example 7.10.2 Lots of Circles Revisited
    80. Exercise 7.10.3 Exploration: Confetti
    81. Notes 7.10.4 Using i to Position Objects and Adjust Size
    82. Example 7.10.5 Horizontal Stripes #1: Using i to Adjust Position
    83. Example 7.10.6 Horizontal Stripes #2: Using i to Adjust Size
    84. Debugging 7.10.7 Debugging: Colorful Bullseye
    85. Exercise 7.10.8 Caterpillar
    86. Badge 7.10.9 Looper Badge
    87. 7.11 Javascript Control Structures Quiz

    88. Unit Quiz 7.11.1 JavaScript Control Structures Quiz
  8. Networks and the Internet

    1. 8.1 Intro to the Internet

    2. Video 8.1.1 Welcome to the Internet
    3. Quiz 8.1.2 Welcome to the Internet Quiz
    4. Free Response 8.1.3 The Internet and You
    5. 8.2 Internet Hardware

    6. Video 8.2.1 Hardware of the Internet
    7. Quiz 8.2.2 Internet Hardware Quiz
    8. Connection 8.2.3 The Internet is in the Ocean
    9. 8.3 Internet Addresses

    10. Video 8.3.1 Internet Addresses
    11. Quiz 8.3.2 Internet Addresses Quiz
    12. Free Response 8.3.3 The Need for Addresses
    13. Quiz 8.3.4 4-bit Addresses
    14. Free Response 8.3.5 IPv4 vs IPv6
    15. 8.4 DNS

    16. Video 8.4.1 DNS
    17. Quiz 8.4.2 DNS Quiz
    18. Connection 8.4.3 How Does DNS Work?
    19. Free Response 8.4.4 How Does DNS Work?
    20. Badge 8.4.5 DNS Badge
    21. 8.5 Routing

    22. Video 8.5.1 Routing
    23. Quiz 8.5.2 Routing Quiz
    24. Free Response 8.5.3 Redundancy
    25. 8.6 Packets and Protocols

    26. Video 8.6.1 Packets and Protocols
    27. Quiz 8.6.2 Packets and Protocols Quiz
    28. Resource 8.6.3 Passing Notes
    29. Connection 8.6.4 How the Internet Works
    30. Free Response 8.6.5 The Story of the Internet
    31. 8.7 The Impact of the Internet

    32. Video 8.7.1 The Impact of the Internet
    33. Quiz 8.7.2 The Impact of the Internet Quiz
    34. Connection 8.7.3 What is the Digital Divide?
    35. Free Response 8.7.4 What is the Digital Divide?
    36. 8.8 Networks and the Internet Quiz

    37. Quiz 8.8.1 Networks and the Internet Quiz
    38. Badge 8.8.2 The Internet Badge
  9. Functions

    1. 9.1 Parameters

    2. Video 9.1.1 Parameters
    3. Video 9.1.2 Live Coding: Parameters
    4. Quiz 9.1.3 Parameters Quiz
    5. Example 9.1.4 Greetings
    6. Example 9.1.5 Slope of a Line
    7. Example 9.1.6 Draw Lots of Circles!
    8. Exercise 9.1.7 Area of Triangle
    9. Exercise 9.1.8 Rainbow Revisited
    10. Exercise 9.1.9 Cityscape
    11. Notes 9.1.10 Finding the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
    12. Exercise 9.1.11 Calculating the Area of a Rectangle
    13. 9.2 Return Values

    14. Video 9.2.1 Return Values
    15. Quiz 9.2.2 Return Values Quiz
    16. Example 9.2.3 Mathematical Returns
    17. Example 9.2.4 Offscreen Graphics
    18. Exercise 9.2.5 Max
    19. Exercise 9.2.6 Overlapping Graphics
    20. Exercise 9.2.7 Is It Even?
    21. Notes 9.2.8 Basic Unit Testing
    22. Exercise 9.2.9 Writing and Testing a Multiplication Function
    23. 9.3 Default Parameter Values

    24. Video 9.3.1 Default Parameter Values
    25. Quiz 9.3.2 Default Parameter Values Quiz
    26. Example 9.3.3 Default Printing
    27. Debugging 9.3.4 Farming International
    28. Exercise 9.3.5 Compound Interest
    29. Exercise 9.3.6 Default Face
    30. 9.4 Variable Scopes

    31. Video 9.4.1 Variable Scope
    32. Video 9.4.2 Live Coding: Variable Scope
    33. Quiz 9.4.3 Variable Scope Quiz
    34. Example 9.4.4 Scope of X
    35. Exercise 9.4.5 Exploration: Scope of Ball
    36. Free Response 9.4.6 Scope Reflection
    37. Challenge 9.4.7 Choose Wisely Game
    38. Badge 9.4.8 JavaScript Functions Badge
    39. 9.5 JavaScript vs Karel

    40. Video 9.5.1 JavaScript vs Karel
    41. Example 9.5.2 Making Karel's World
    42. Example 9.5.3 Making Karel Turn Left
    43. Exercise 9.5.4 Making Karel Turn Right
    44. Exercise 9.5.5 Making Karel Move
    45. Connection 9.5.6 What is an API?
    46. Free Response 9.5.7 Reflection: Is Karel an API?
    47. 9.6 Functions Quiz

    48. Unit Quiz 9.6.1 Functions and Parameters Quiz
  10. Arrays

    1. 10.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays

    2. Video 10.1.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
    3. Check for Understanding 10.1.2 Intro to Lists/Arrays Quiz
    4. Example 10.1.3 Making an Array
    5. Exercise 10.1.4 List of Places to Travel
    6. Exercise 10.1.5 List of Even Numbers
    7. 10.2 Indexing Into an Array

    8. Video 10.2.1 Indexing Into an Array
    9. Check for Understanding 10.2.2 Indexing into an Array Quiz
    10. Example 10.2.3 Array Indexing Practice
    11. Exercise 10.2.4 Top Websites
    12. 10.3 Adding/Removing From an Array

    13. Video 10.3.1 Adding/Removing From an Array
    14. Check for Understanding 10.3.2 Adding/Removing from an Array Quiz
    15. Notes 10.3.3 Arrays, ArrayLists, and LinkedLists
    16. Example 10.3.4 Add/Remove From Array
    17. Example 10.3.5 Adding/Removing from a LinkedList
    18. Exercise 10.3.6 Practice Push and Pop
    19. Exercise 10.3.7 Practice Adding and Removing from a LinkedList
    20. 10.4 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays

    21. Video 10.4.1 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays
    22. Check for Understanding 10.4.2 Array Length and Looping Through Arrays Quiz
    23. Example 10.4.3 Print Shopping List
    24. Example 10.4.4 Sum Array
    25. Exercise 10.4.5 Product of List
    26. Exercise 10.4.6 Print Flight Itinerary
    27. Exercise 10.4.7 Double List
    28. Exercise 10.4.8 Evens Only List
    29. Exercise 10.4.9 Reverse List
    30. 10.5 Iterating Over an Array

    31. Video 10.5.1 Examples: Iterating Over an Array
    32. Check for Understanding 10.5.2 Iterating Over an Array Quiz
    33. Example 10.5.3 Coin Flips
    34. Example 10.5.4 Many Crazy Balls
    35. Exercise 10.5.5 Coin Flip Fun: Number of Heads and Tails
    36. Exercise 10.5.6 Coin Flip Fun: Longest Streak of Heads
    37. Exercise 10.5.7 Changing Circles
    38. Exercise 10.5.8 Draw a Barcode
    39. 10.6 Finding an Element in a List

    40. Video 10.6.1 Finding an Element in a List
    41. Check for Understanding 10.6.2 Finding an Element in a List Quiz
    42. Example 10.6.3 Array indexOf
    43. Exercise 10.6.4 Who is in Line?
    44. 10.7 Removing an Element From an Array

    45. Video 10.7.1 Removing an Element From an Array
    46. Check for Understanding 10.7.2 Removing an Element from an Array Quiz
    47. Example 10.7.3 Splice and Remove
    48. Exercise 10.7.4 Remove From Line
    49. 10.8 Sorting an Array

    50. Video 10.8.1 Sorting an Array
    51. Quiz 10.8.2 Sorting an Array Quiz
    52. Example 10.8.3 Bubble Sort Visualization
    53. Exercise 10.8.4 Implement Bubble Sort
    54. 10.9 Data Structures Quiz

    55. Quiz 10.9.1 Arrays Quiz
  11. More Data Structures and Algorithms

    1. 11.1 What is an Algorithm?

    2. Video 11.1.1 What is an Algorithm?
    3. Free Response 11.1.2 Every Day Algorithms
    4. Connection 11.1.3 Big O Notation
    5. Free Response 11.1.4 Big O Notation
    6. 11.2 Intro to Sets

    7. Video 11.2.1 Intro to Sets
    8. Check for Understanding 11.2.2 Intro to Sets Quiz
    9. Example 11.2.3 Basic Sets
    10. Exercise 11.2.4 Vowels
    11. Exercise 11.2.5 Mutual Friends
    12. Exercise 11.2.6 Total Network of Friends
    13. 11.3 Intro to Grids

    14. Video 11.3.1 Intro to Grids
    15. Check for Understanding 11.3.2 Intro to Grids Quiz
    16. Example 11.3.3 Grid Basics
    17. Exercise 11.3.4 Building a Database
    18. Free Response 11.3.5 Comparing Data Structures
    19. 11.4 Looping Over a Grid

    20. Video 11.4.1 Looping Over a Grid
    21. Check for Understanding 11.4.2 Looping Over a Grid Quiz
    22. Example 11.4.3 Print Grid
    23. Exercise 11.4.4 Summing Grid
    24. 11.5 Grid Example: Get a Row

    25. Video 11.5.1 Grid Example: Get a Row
    26. Check for Understanding 11.5.2 Grid Example: Get a Row Quiz
    27. Example 11.5.3 Get a Row
    28. Exercise 11.5.4 Grid Diagonal
    29. Challenge 11.5.5 Watercolor Grid
    30. 11.6 Introduction to Recursion

    31. Connection 11.6.1 Recursion in 100 Seconds
    32. Notes 11.6.2 Count Down with Recursion
    33. Example 11.6.3 Count Down Recursion Example
    34. Exercise 11.6.4 Recursion Exercise
    35. 11.7 What is Artificial Intelligence?

    36. Video 11.7.1 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    37. Quiz 11.7.2 What is Artificial Intelligence?
    38. Connection 11.7.3 A Day in the Life of AI
    39. Free Response 11.7.4 A Day in the Life of AI
    40. Connection 11.7.5 Guess the Drawing
    41. Connection 11.7.6 Drawing with AI
    42. Free Response 11.7.7 Drawing with AI
    43. 11.8 Artificial Intelligence in Gaming

    44. Video 11.8.1 AI in Gaming
    45. Quiz 11.8.2 AI in Gaming
    46. Connection 11.8.3 Determine Finite States
    47. Free Response 11.8.4 Determine Finite States
    48. Connection 11.8.5 The Future of AI in Gaming
    49. Free Response 11.8.6 The Future of AI in Gaming
    50. 11.9 Building Tic Tac Toe

    51. Notes 11.9.1 Building Tic Tac Toe
    52. Exercise 11.9.2 Build the Board
    53. Exercise 11.9.3 Take Turn
    54. Exercise 11.9.4 Check Win
    55. Exercise 11.9.5 Complete the Game
    56. 11.10 Creating a Non Player Character

    57. Connection 11.10.1 Pac-Man NPC Exploration
    58. Free Response 11.10.2 Pac-Man NPC Reflection
    59. Notes 11.10.3 Building a Non Player Character for Tic Tac Toe
    60. Exercise 11.10.4 Tic Tac Toe with Random NPC
    61. Free Response 11.10.5 Random NPC Reflection
  12. Final Project

    1. 12.1 Intro to Design Thinking

    2. Video 12.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking
    3. Quiz 12.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking
    4. Free Response 12.1.3 User Interface Scavenger Hunt
    5. Connection 12.1.4 Case Study: Helping Blind People See
    6. Free Response 12.1.5 Case Study Responses
    7. Example 12.1.6 Tell a Story Example
    8. Example 12.1.7 Tell a Story Example: Moving Scene
    9. Free Response 12.1.8 Brainstorming Project Ideas
    10. 12.2 Prototype

    11. Video 12.2.1 Prototype
    12. Quiz 12.2.2 Prototype Quiz
    13. Connection 12.2.3 Wizard of Oz Prototyping
    14. Connection 12.2.4 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype
    15. Free Response 12.2.5 Make Your Paper Prototypes!
    16. 12.3 Test

    17. Video 12.3.1 Test
    18. Quiz 12.3.2 Testing Quiz
    19. Connection 12.3.3 Testing with Users
    20. Connection 12.3.4 Example: How to User Test
    21. Free Response 12.3.5 How to User Test Responses
    22. Connection 12.3.6 Example: How NOT to User Test
    23. Free Response 12.3.7 How NOT to User Test Responses
    24. Resource 12.3.8 How to Make Accessible Programs
    25. Free Response 12.3.9 Test Prototype 1
    26. Free Response 12.3.10 Test Prototype 2
    27. Free Response 12.3.11 Improve Your Prototype
    28. 12.4 Project Prep and Development

    29. Free Response 12.4.1 Pseudocode
    30. Free Response 12.4.2 Timeline & Team Roles
    31. Challenge 12.4.3 Write the Code!
    32. Free Response 12.4.4 Peer Review
    33. Presentation 12.4.5 Present your Project
  13. Animation and Games

    1. 13.1 Timers

    2. Video 13.1.1 Timers
    3. Check for Understanding 13.1.2 Timers Quiz
    4. Example 13.1.3 Moving Ball
    5. Example 13.1.4 Magic 8 Ball
    6. Exercise 13.1.5 Crazy Ball
    7. Exercise 13.1.6 Paint Splatter
    8. Notes 13.1.7 Project: Evasion (Timers)
    9. Free Response 13.1.8 Project Info and Links
    10. 13.2 Stopping Timers

    11. Video 13.2.1 Stopping Timers
    12. Check for Understanding 13.2.2 Stop Timer Quiz
    13. Example 13.2.3 Random Circles
    14. Exercise 13.2.4 Growing Circle
    15. Exercise 13.2.5 Brick Wall
    16. Notes 13.2.6 Project: Evasion (Stop Timers)
    17. Badge 13.2.7 Animating Shapes Badge
    18. 13.3 Collisions

    19. Video 13.3.1 Collisions
    20. Video 13.3.2 Live Coding: Collisions
    21. Check for Understanding 13.3.3 Collisions Quiz
    22. Example 13.3.4 Bouncing Ball
    23. Exercise 13.3.5 Collision Simulation
    24. Exercise 13.3.6 Carnival Game
    25. Notes 13.3.7 Project: Evasion (Collisions)
    26. 13.4 Mouse Click Events

    27. Video 13.4.1 Mouse Click Events
    28. Check for Understanding 13.4.2 Mouse Click Quiz
    29. Example 13.4.3 Click For Circles
    30. Exercise 13.4.4 Pausing the Carnival Game
    31. Exercise 13.4.5 Dripping Paint
    32. Notes 13.4.6 Project: Evasion (Mouse Click)
    33. 13.5 More Mouse Events

    34. Video 13.5.1 More Mouse Events
    35. Check for Understanding 13.5.2 More Mouse Events Quiz
    36. Example 13.5.3 Simple Painting
    37. Example 13.5.4 Painting with Color
    38. Exercise 13.5.5 Coordinates
    39. Exercise 13.5.6 Target
    40. Exercise 13.5.7 Drag and Drop
    41. Notes 13.5.8 Project: Evasion (More Mouse)
    42. Badge 13.5.9 Advanced Animator Badge
    43. 13.6 Key Events

    44. Video 13.6.1 Key Events
    45. Check for Understanding 13.6.2 Key Events Quiz
    46. Example 13.6.3 Keyboard Character
    47. Exercise 13.6.4 Basic Snake
    48. Notes 13.6.5 Project: Evasion (Key Events)
    49. Free Response 13.6.6 Project Reflection
    50. 13.7 Animation and Games Quiz

    51. Unit Quiz 13.7.1 Animation and Games Quiz
  14. JavaScript Level 1 Certification Practice

    1. 14.1 Practice #1: JavaScript Basics

    2. Quiz 14.1.1 Quiz: JavaScript Basics
    3. Notes 14.1.2 Practice #1 Reflection
    4. 14.2 Practice #2: JavaScript Control Structures

    5. Quiz 14.2.1 Quiz: JavaScript Control Structures
    6. Notes 14.2.2 Practice #2 Reflection
    7. 14.3 Practice #3: JavaScript Functions and Objects

    8. Quiz 14.3.1 Quiz: JavaScript Functions and Objects
    9. Notes 14.3.2 Practice #3 Reflection