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Creative Computing (MS) - Outline

  1. Web Design

    1. 1.1 Introduction to HTML

    2. Video 1.1.1 Introduction to HTML
    3. Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz
    4. Example 1.1.3 Our First HTML Page
    5. Exercise 1.1.4 Say Hello!
    6. 1.2 Structure of an HTML Page

    7. Video 1.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page
    8. Check for Understanding 1.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz
    9. Example 1.2.3 HTML Template
    10. Example 1.2.4 Hello World Page
    11. Exercise 1.2.5 The <title> Tag
    12. Exercise 1.2.6 Your First HTML Page
    13. 1.3 Formatting Text

    14. Video 1.3.1 Formatting Text
    15. Check for Understanding 1.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz
    16. Example 1.3.3 Dictionary
    17. Exercise 1.3.4 That's Bold
    18. Exercise 1.3.5 Artificial Intelligence
    19. Exercise 1.3.6 State Capitals
    20. Badge 1.3.7 Formatting Badge
    21. 1.4 Links

    22. Video 1.4.1 Links
    23. Check for Understanding 1.4.2 Links Quiz
    24. Example 1.4.3 The <a> Tag
    25. Exercise 1.4.4 Simple Link
    26. Exercise 1.4.5 My Favorite Websites
    27. 1.5 Images

    28. Video 1.5.1 Images
    29. Check for Understanding 1.5.2 Images Quiz
    30. Example 1.5.3 The <img> Tag
    31. Example 1.5.4 Building the CodeHS Homepage
    32. Exercise 1.5.5 Collage on a Theme
    33. Exercise 1.5.6 Linking an Image
    34. Exercise 1.5.7 Personal Library
    35. 1.6 HTML Lists

    36. Video 1.6.1 HTML Lists
    37. Check for Understanding 1.6.2 HTML Lists Quiz
    38. Example 1.6.3 Grocery Shopping
    39. Exercise 1.6.4 Favorite Things
    40. Exercise 1.6.5 To-Do List
    41. Exercise 1.6.6 List Article
    42. 1.7 HTML Tables

    43. Video 1.7.1 HTML Tables
    44. Check for Understanding 1.7.2 HTML Tables Quiz
    45. Example 1.7.3 Address Book
    46. Exercise 1.7.4 Favorite Songs
    47. Exercise 1.7.5 Calendar
    48. Survey 1.7.6 Mindsets
    49. 1.8 HTML Styling

    50. Video 1.8.1 HTML Styling
    51. Check for Understanding 1.8.2 HTML Styling Quiz
    52. Example 1.8.3 Stylish Address Book
    53. Exercise 1.8.4 Background Colors
    54. Exercise 1.8.5 Style Your To-Do List
    55. Badge 1.8.6 Styling Badge
    56. 1.9 Introduction to CSS

    57. Video 1.9.1 Introduction to CSS
    58. Check for Understanding 1.9.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz
    59. Example 1.9.3 Styling your H1s
    60. Exercise 1.9.4 First style with CSS
    61. Exercise 1.9.5 List Styling
    62. 1.10 CSS Select by Tag

    63. Video 1.10.1 CSS Select by Tag
    64. Check for Understanding 1.10.2 CSS Select by Tag Quiz
    65. Example 1.10.3 Rainbow
    66. Example 1.10.4 Dog Styling
    67. Exercise 1.10.5 Restaurant Menu
    68. Exercise 1.10.6 Put Karel Together
    69. 1.11 CSS Select by Class

    70. Video 1.11.1 CSS Select by Class
    71. Check for Understanding 1.11.2 CSS Select by Class Quiz
    72. Example 1.11.3 Simple Checkerboard
    73. Exercise 1.11.4 Tic Tac Toe
    74. Exercise 1.11.5 Music Library
    75. 1.12 CSS Select by ID

    76. Video 1.12.1 CSS Select by ID
    77. Check for Understanding 1.12.2 CSS Select by ID Quiz
    78. Example 1.12.3 Logo
    79. Exercise 1.12.4 Favorite Dog
    80. Exercise 1.12.5 Bingo
    81. 1.13 Viewing Websites

    82. Video 1.13.1 Viewing Websites
    83. Check for Understanding 1.13.2 Viewing Websites Quiz
    84. Free Response 1.13.3 Explaining a URL
    85. Badge 1.13.4 Web Development Badge
    86. 1.14 Project: Your First Website

    87. Challenge 1.14.1 Your First Website
    88. 1.15 Web Design Quiz

    89. Unit Quiz 1.15.1 Web Design Quiz
  2. Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog

    1. 2.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Video 2.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
    3. Quiz 2.1.2 Quiz: Karel Commands
    4. Example 2.1.3 Our First Karel Program
    5. Exercise 2.1.4 Your First Karel Program
    6. Exercise 2.1.5 Short Stack
    7. 2.2 More Basic Karel

    8. Video 2.2.1 More Basic Karel
    9. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
    10. Example 2.2.3 Tennis Ball Square
    11. Exercise 2.2.4 Make a Tower
    12. Exercise 2.2.5 Pyramid of Karel
    13. 2.3 Karel Can't Turn Right

    14. Video 2.3.1 Karel Can't Turn Right
    15. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Karel Can't Turn Right Quiz
    16. Example 2.3.3 Tower and Turn Right
    17. Exercise 2.3.4 Fireman Karel
    18. Exercise 2.3.5 Slide Karel
    19. Badge 2.3.6 Right Turn Karel Badge
    20. 2.4 Functions in Karel

    21. Video 2.4.1 Functions in Karel
    22. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Functions in Karel Quiz
    23. Example 2.4.3 Turn Around
    24. Exercise 2.4.4 Pancakes
    25. Exercise 2.4.5 Mario Karel
    26. 2.5 The Start Function

    27. Video 2.5.1 The Start Function
    28. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 The Start Function Quiz
    29. Example 2.5.3 Tower with Start Function
    30. Exercise 2.5.4 Pancakes with Start
    31. 2.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    32. Video 2.6.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
    33. Check for Understanding 2.6.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
    34. Example 2.6.3 Hurdle Karel
    35. Exercise 2.6.4 The Two Towers
    36. 2.7 Commenting Your Code

    37. Video 2.7.1 Commenting Your Code
    38. Check for Understanding 2.7.2 Commenting Your Code Quiz
    39. Example 2.7.3 Hurdle Karel
    40. Exercise 2.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments
    41. 2.8 Super Karel

    42. Video 2.8.1 Super Karel
    43. Check for Understanding 2.8.2 Super Karel Quiz
    44. Example 2.8.3 Hurdle Karel (with SuperKarel)
    45. Exercise 2.8.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel
    46. Badge 2.8.5 Super Karel Badge
    47. 2.9 For Loops

    48. Video 2.9.1 For Loops
    49. Check for Understanding 2.9.2 For Loops Quiz
    50. Example 2.9.3 Repeated Move
    51. Example 2.9.4 Put Down Tennis Balls
    52. Exercise 2.9.5 Take 'em All
    53. Exercise 2.9.6 Dizzy Karel
    54. Exercise 2.9.7 For Loop Square
    55. Exercise 2.9.8 Lots of Hurdles
    56. 2.10 If Statements

    57. Video 2.10.1 If Statements
    58. Check for Understanding 2.10.2 If Statements Quiz
    59. Example 2.10.3 If Statements
    60. Example 2.10.4 Safe Take Ball
    61. Exercise 2.10.5 Is There a Ball?
    62. Exercise 2.10.6 Don't Crash
    63. Survey 2.10.7 Mindsets
    64. 2.11 If/Else Statements

    65. Video 2.11.1 If/Else Statements
    66. Check for Understanding 2.11.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
    67. Example 2.11.3 If/Else Statements
    68. Example 2.11.4 One Ball in Each Spot
    69. Exercise 2.11.5 Right Side Up
    70. Exercise 2.11.6 Right vs. Left Square
    71. Badge 2.11.7 Conditional Karel Badge
    72. 2.12 While Loops in Karel

    73. Video 2.12.1 While Loops in Karel
    74. Check for Understanding 2.12.2 While Loops in Karel Quiz
    75. Example 2.12.3 Move to Wall
    76. Exercise 2.12.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road
    77. Exercise 2.12.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls
    78. Exercise 2.12.6 Big Tower
    79. 2.13 Control Structures Example

    80. Video 2.13.1 Control Structures Example
    81. Check for Understanding 2.13.2 Control Structures Example Quiz
    82. Example 2.13.3 Cleanup Karel
    83. Exercise 2.13.4 Random Hurdles
    84. 2.14 More Karel Examples and Testing

    85. Video 2.14.1 More Karel Examples and Testing
    86. Check for Understanding 2.14.2 Quiz: Which Control Structure?
    87. Example 2.14.3 Move Tennis Ball Stack
    88. Example 2.14.4 Climbing Karel
    89. 2.15 How to Indent Your Code

    90. Video 2.15.1 How to Indent Your Code
    91. Check for Understanding 2.15.2 How to Indent Your Code Quiz
    92. Example 2.15.3 Dance and Clean Karel
    93. Exercise 2.15.4 Diagonal
    94. Exercise 2.15.5 Staircase
    95. Badge 2.15.6 Karel Exercises Badge
    96. 2.16 Karel Challenges

    97. Challenge 2.16.1 Fetch
    98. Challenge 2.16.2 Racing Karel
    99. Challenge 2.16.3 Go Through the Fence
    100. Challenge 2.16.4 Escape Karel
    101. Badge 2.16.5 Karel Challenges Badge
    102. 2.17 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz

    103. Unit Quiz 2.17.1 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz
  3. Introduction to Programming with Turtle Graphics

    1. 3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle

    2. Video 3.1.1 Intro to Tracy
    3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Intro to Tracy
    4. Example 3.1.3 Slinky
    5. Exercise 3.1.4 Stretched Slinky
    6. 3.2 Tracy's Grid World

    7. Video 3.2.1 Tracy's Grid World
    8. Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Tracy's Grid World
    9. Example 3.2.3 Dashed Line
    10. Exercise 3.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line
    11. Exercise 3.2.5 Caterpillar
    12. Badge 3.2.6 Grid World Badge
    13. 3.3 Turning Tracy

    14. Video 3.3.1 Turning Tracy
    15. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 Turning Tracy
    16. Example 3.3.3 Square
    17. Example 3.3.4 X and Y Axes
    18. Exercise 3.3.5 Rectangle
    19. Exercise 3.3.6 4 Columns
    20. 3.4 For Loops

    21. Video 3.4.1 For Loops
    22. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 For Loops
    23. Example 3.4.3 Square Using Loops
    24. Example 3.4.4 Dotted Line
    25. Exercise 3.4.5 Row of Circles
    26. Exercise 3.4.6 4 Columns 2.0
    27. Badge 3.4.7 Looping Badge
    28. 3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles

    29. Video 3.5.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    30. Check for Understanding 3.5.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    31. Example 3.5.3 Asterisk
    32. Example 3.5.4 Four Circles
    33. Exercise 3.5.5 Hexagon
    34. Exercise 3.5.6 'X' Marks the Spot
    35. Exercise 3.5.7 Circle Pyramid
    36. 3.6 Comments

    37. Video 3.6.1 Comments
    38. Check for Understanding 3.6.2 Comments
    39. Example 3.6.3 Four Circles with Comments
    40. Exercise 3.6.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments
    41. 3.7 Naming Guidelines

    42. Video 3.7.1 Naming Guidelines
    43. Check for Understanding 3.7.2 Naming Guidelines
    44. 3.8 Functions

    45. Video 3.8.1 Functions
    46. Check for Understanding 3.8.2 Functions
    47. Example 3.8.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks
    48. Exercise 3.8.4 Beaded Bracelet
    49. Exercise 3.8.5 Shape Stack
    50. Badge 3.8.6 Functions Badge
    51. 3.9 Artistic Effects

    52. Video 3.9.1 Artistic Effects
    53. Check for Understanding 3.9.2 Artistic Effects
    54. Example 3.9.3 Rainbow Octagon
    55. Example 3.9.4 Circle Square Triangle
    56. Exercise 3.9.5 Four Colored Triangles
    57. Exercise 3.9.6 Colorful Bracelet
    58. Challenge 3.9.7 Kid's Shapes Toy
    59. 3.10 Top Down Design

    60. Video 3.10.1 Top Down Design
    61. Check for Understanding 3.10.2 Top Down Design
    62. Example 3.10.3 Bubble Wrap
    63. Exercise 3.10.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0
    64. Exercise 3.10.5 Sidewalk
    65. 3.11 Variables

    66. Video 3.11.1 Variables
    67. Check for Understanding 3.11.2 Variables
    68. Example 3.11.3 Increasing Length
    69. Exercise 3.11.4 Dartboard
    70. Exercise 3.11.5 Line of Increasing Blocks
    71. 3.12 User Input

    72. Video 3.12.1 User Input
    73. Check for Understanding 3.12.2 User Input
    74. Example 3.12.3 Color Coded Increasing Length
    75. Exercise 3.12.4 Colored Dartboard
    76. Exercise 3.12.5 Four Corners
    77. Badge 3.12.6 User Input Badge
    78. 3.13 Parameters

    79. Video 3.13.1 Parameters
    80. Check for Understanding 3.13.2 Parameters
    81. Example 3.13.3 Concentric Circles
    82. Exercise 3.13.4 Colorful Caterpillar
    83. Exercise 3.13.5 Circle in a Square
    84. Exercise 3.13.6 Snowman
    85. 3.14 Using i in For Loops

    86. Video 3.14.1 Using i in For Loops
    87. Check for Understanding 3.14.2 Using i in For Loops
    88. Example 3.14.3 Geometry
    89. Exercise 3.14.4 Geometry 2.0
    90. 3.15 Extended Loop Control

    91. Video 3.15.1 Extended Loop Control
    92. Check for Understanding 3.15.2 Extended Loop Control
    93. Example 3.15.3 Square Swirl
    94. Exercise 3.15.4 Dartboard using i
    95. Exercise 3.15.5 Phone Signal
    96. Badge 3.15.6 Master of i Badge
    97. 3.16 If Statements

    98. Video 3.16.1 If Statements
    99. Check for Understanding 3.16.2 If Statements
    100. Example 3.16.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks
    101. Exercise 3.16.4 Happy Face
    102. Exercise 3.16.5 Black and White Squares
    103. 3.17 If/ Else Statements

    104. Video 3.17.1 If/Else Statements
    105. Check for Understanding 3.17.2 If/Else Statements
    106. Example 3.17.3 Positive, Negative, Zero
    107. Exercise 3.17.4 Rating
    108. Exercise 3.17.5 Happy/ Sad Face
    109. 3.18 While Loops

    110. Video 3.18.1 While Loops
    111. Check for Understanding 3.18.2 While Loops
    112. Example 3.18.3 Increasing Circles
    113. Exercise 3.18.4 Increasing Squares
    114. Exercise 3.18.5 Guess a Number
    115. Badge 3.18.6 Conditionals Badge
    116. 3.19 Putting Together Control Structures

    117. Video 3.19.1 Putting Together Control Structures
    118. Check for Understanding 3.19.2 Putting Together Control Structures
    119. Example 3.19.3 Block Pyramid
    120. Exercise 3.19.4 Guess a Number 2.0
    121. Exercise 3.19.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0
    122. Challenge 3.19.6 Checkerboard
    123. Badge 3.19.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge
    124. 3.20 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz

    125. Quiz 3.20.1 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz
    126. Badge 3.20.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
  4. Extra Karel Practice

    1. 4.1 Extra Karel Practice

    2. Challenge 4.1.1 Functions Practice: K For Karel
    3. Challenge 4.1.2 Functions Practice: Karel Plants A Tree
    4. Challenge 4.1.3 Functions Practice: X Marks the Spot
    5. Challenge 4.1.4 While Loop Practice: Blackout
    6. Challenge 4.1.5 While Loop Practice: Move To Top
    7. Challenge 4.1.6 Functions and While Loop Practice: Opposite Corner
    8. Challenge 4.1.7 While Loop Practice: Checkered Row
    9. Challenge 4.1.8 For Loop Practice: Tall Hurdles
    10. Challenge 4.1.9 Functions and While Loop Practice: Row and Back
    11. Challenge 4.1.10 Functions and For Loop Practice: Opposite Squares
    12. Challenge 4.1.11 Stairway To Heaven
    13. Badge 4.1.12 Karel Practice Badge
  5. Extra Karel Puzzles

    1. 5.1 Extra Karel Puzzles

    2. Challenge 5.1.1 Midpoint Karel
    3. Challenge 5.1.2 Target Karel
    4. Challenge 5.1.3 The Winding Yellow Road
    5. Challenge 5.1.4 Super Random Hurdles
    6. Challenge 5.1.5 Copy
    7. Challenge 5.1.6 Multiply
    8. Challenge 5.1.7 Fibonacci Karel
    9. Challenge 5.1.8 Comparison Karel
    10. Challenge 5.1.9 Swap
    11. Challenge 5.1.10 Sorting Karel
    12. Badge 5.1.11 Karel Puzzles Badge
  6. Turtle Graphics (2018-2019)

    1. 6.1 Commands

    2. Video 6.1.1 Commands
    3. Quiz 6.1.2 Commands
    4. Example 6.1.3 Move Forward
    5. Example 6.1.4 Move Backward
    6. Example 6.1.5 Rotate
    7. Example 6.1.6 Perpendicular Lines
    8. Exercise 6.1.7 Square
    9. Exercise 6.1.8 Diamond
    10. Exercise 6.1.9 Staircase
    11. 6.2 Colors

    12. Video 6.2.1 Colors
    13. Quiz 6.2.2 Colors
    14. Example 6.2.3 Perpendicular Lines, Part 2
    15. Example 6.2.4 Red Square
    16. Exercise 6.2.5 Alternating Colors
    17. Exercise 6.2.6 Rainbow
    18. Exercise 6.2.7 Rainbow, Part 2
    19. 6.3 Loops

    20. Video 6.3.1 Loops
    21. Quiz 6.3.2 Loops
    22. Example 6.3.3 Square, Part 2
    23. Example 6.3.4 Spiral
    24. Exercise 6.3.5 Triangle
    25. Exercise 6.3.6 Hexagon
    26. Exercise 6.3.7 Staircase, Part 2
    27. Exercise 6.3.8 Circle
    28. Badge 6.3.9 Looping Badge
    29. 6.4 Functions

    30. Video 6.4.1 Functions
    31. Quiz 6.4.2 Functions
    32. Example 6.4.3 Square, Part 3
    33. Exercise 6.4.4 Staircase, Part 3
    34. Exercise 6.4.5 Hexagon, Part 2
    35. Exercise 6.4.6 Alternating Colors, Part 2
    36. Exercise 6.4.7 Fenceposts
    37. Challenge 6.4.8 Diamonds
    38. 6.5 Project

    39. Challenge 6.5.1 Get Creative
    40. 6.6 Unit Quiz

    41. Quiz 6.6.1 Turtle Graphics Unit Test
    42. Badge 6.6.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
  7. Coding in Music

    1. 7.1 Making Beats with Code

    2. Video 7.1.1 Make Your Own Beats
    3. Example 7.1.2 Example Beats
    4. Example 7.1.3 Beats and Colors
    5. Challenge 7.1.4 Make Your Own Beats!
    6. Connection 7.1.5 Making Music with Machine Learning
    7. Example 7.1.6 Final Project Inspiration
    8. Badge 7.1.7 Beats Badge
    9. 7.2 Visualizing Music

    10. Video 7.2.1 Visualizing Music
    11. Example 7.2.2 Good Times
    12. Example 7.2.3 Sappy
    13. Challenge 7.2.4 Visualizing Music
    14. 7.3 Simple Song Maker

    15. Video 7.3.1 Simple Song Maker
    16. Challenge 7.3.2 Piano Practice
    17. Example 7.3.3 Mary Had a Little Lamb
    18. Example 7.3.4 Thirds
    19. Challenge 7.3.5 Simple Song Maker
    20. 7.4 Custom Song Builder

    21. Video 7.4.1 Custom Song Builder
    22. Example 7.4.2 Simple Chord Song
    23. Example 7.4.3 Pentatonic C Scale
    24. Example 7.4.4 Pentatonic A Scale
    25. Example 7.4.5 Blues Major Pentatonic Scale in C (Yo Scale)
    26. Challenge 7.4.6 Custom Song Builder
    27. Badge 7.4.7 Song Builder Badge
    28. 7.5 Chord Builder

    29. Video 7.5.1 Chord Progressions
    30. Connection 7.5.2 Chord Progression Songs
    31. Example 7.5.3 Fun with Chords
    32. Example 7.5.4 Inverted Chords
    33. Challenge 7.5.5 Playing Chords
    34. 7.6 Loops in Music

    35. Video 7.6.1 Loops in Music
    36. Example 7.6.2 Video Example
    37. Example 7.6.3 Heart and Soul (Part 1)
    38. Example 7.6.4 The Same Four Chords
    39. Challenge 7.6.5 Chord Motifs
    40. Connection 7.6.6 Looping in Music
    41. 7.7 Building Songs with Beats

    42. Video 7.7.1 Songs with Beats
    43. Example 7.7.2 Delilah with Percussion
    44. Example 7.7.3 Heart and Soul (Part 2)
    45. Challenge 7.7.4 Drop a Beat
    46. Badge 7.7.5 Audio Artist Badge
    47. 7.8 Visualizing a Song

    48. Video 7.8.1 Visualizing a Song
    49. Example 7.8.2 Drum Kicks
    50. Example 7.8.3 Delilah with Visualization
    51. Challenge 7.8.4 Set the Stage
    52. Connection 7.8.5 Music meets AI
    53. 7.9 Final Project

    54. Video 7.9.1 Final Project
    55. Example 7.9.2 Doorbell Chime
    56. Example 7.9.3 Final Project Example
    57. Example 7.9.4 Don't Stop Believing
    58. Challenge 7.9.5 Final Masterpiece
    59. Badge 7.9.6 Coding in Music Badge
  8. Generating Art with Code

    1. 8.1 Memes Memes Memes

    2. Connection 8.1.1 Made with Code: Art
    3. Video 8.1.2 Creating Art with Code
    4. Example 8.1.3 Meme Generator
    5. Challenge 8.1.4 Make a Meme
    6. Connection 8.1.5 Visual Art in Motion
    7. Example 8.1.6 Final Project Inspiration
    8. Badge 8.1.7 Introduction to Coding in Art Badge
    9. 8.2 Filtered Collage

    10. Video 8.2.1 Creating Collages
    11. Example 8.2.2 Collage Example 1
    12. Example 8.2.3 Collage Example 2
    13. Challenge 8.2.4 Collage With Effects
    14. 8.3 Famous Artists

    15. Video 8.3.1 Inspired Art
    16. Connection 8.3.2 Andy Warhol
    17. Example 8.3.3 Homage to Andy Warhol
    18. Connection 8.3.4 Jackson Pollock
    19. Example 8.3.5 Homage to Jackson Pollock
    20. Challenge 8.3.6 Inspired Art
    21. 8.4 Face Filters

    22. Video 8.4.1 Face Filters
    23. Example 8.4.2 Face Tracking
    24. Connection 8.4.3 How do Face Filters Work?
    25. Example 8.4.4 Glasses Filter
    26. Example 8.4.5 Sunglasses Filter
    27. Example 8.4.6 Top Hat Filter
    28. Example 8.4.7 Ironman Filter
    29. Badge 8.4.8 Filters Badge
    30. 8.5 Paintbrush

    31. Video 8.5.1 Paintbrush
    32. Example 8.5.2 Cityscape
    33. Example 8.5.3 Many Colors
    34. Challenge 8.5.4 Mouse Painting
    35. 8.6 Turtle Patterns

    36. Video 8.6.1 Turtle Patterns
    37. Connection 8.6.2 Fractals Explained
    38. Example 8.6.3 Snowflake
    39. Example 8.6.4 Square Spiral
    40. Challenge 8.6.5 Fractals and Other Patterns
    41. 8.7 GIF Generator

    42. Video 8.7.1 GIF Generator
    43. Example 8.7.2 When you see your best friend
    44. Example 8.7.3 "Excuse me?"
    45. Challenge 8.7.4 Build a GIF
    46. Badge 8.7.5 Gif Badge
    47. 8.8 GIFs With Background Music

    48. Video 8.8.1 GIFs with Music
    49. Connection 8.8.2 Still Images to Music
    50. Example 8.8.3 Vacation Photo Slideshow
    51. Example 8.8.4 Book Trailer
    52. Challenge 8.8.5 GIF with Audio
    53. 8.9 Art Stories

    54. Video 8.9.1 Art Stories
    55. Example 8.9.2 My Sad Puppy
    56. Example 8.9.3 Simon the Penguin
    57. Challenge 8.9.4 Narrate a Story
    58. 8.10 Final Masterpiece

    59. Video 8.10.1 Final Project
    60. Example 8.10.2 Tiger Chow Commercial
    61. Example 8.10.3 Who is Marie Curie?
    62. Challenge 8.10.4 My Masterpiece
    63. Badge 8.10.5 Coding in Art Badge
  9. Coding in Sports

    1. 9.1 Coding a Sports Game

    2. Connection 9.1.1 Illuminating the Creative Side of Code
    3. Video 9.1.2 Introduction to Coding in Sports
    4. Example 9.1.3 Trash Shot Example
    5. Challenge 9.1.4 Make a Shot
    6. Connection 9.1.5 Nike Sports Research: The Art of Science
    7. Example 9.1.6 Final Project Inspiration
    8. Badge 9.1.7 Introduction to Coding in Sports Badge
    9. 9.2 Game Events

    10. Video 9.2.1 Game Events
    11. Example 9.2.2 Hockey Shootout
    12. Challenge 9.2.3 Eventful Games
    13. Connection 9.2.4 Coding in the Wild: Basketball
    14. 9.3 Sound Effects

    15. Video 9.3.1 Sound Effects
    16. Example 9.3.2 Baseball Catch
    17. Challenge 9.3.3 Score!!!
    18. 9.4 Make a Shot!

    19. Video 9.4.1 Finishing Touches
    20. Example 9.4.2 Recycling Game
    21. Challenge 9.4.3 Make a Shot!
    22. Badge 9.4.4 Make a Shot! badge
    23. 9.5 Air Horn App

    24. Video 9.5.1 Air Horn App
    25. Example 9.5.2 Sport Sounds
    26. Challenge 9.5.3 Air Horn App
    27. Connection 9.5.4 NFL's Magic Yellow Line
    28. 9.6 Event Handlers

    29. Video 9.6.1 Event Handlers
    30. Challenge 9.6.2 Get the Ball Moving
    31. 9.7 Putting Game

    32. Video 9.7.1 Putting Game
    33. Example 9.7.2 Hockey Rink Hole
    34. Challenge 9.7.3 Avoid the Obstacles
    35. Badge 9.7.4 Hole in One! badge
    36. 9.8 Level Up!

    37. Video 9.8.1 Multi-Level Game
    38. Example 9.8.2 Multiple Sports Holes
    39. Challenge 9.8.3 Round Two!
    40. 9.9 Final Touches

    41. Video 9.9.1 Final Touches
    42. Example 9.9.2 Hut Hut Putt Putt
    43. Challenge 9.9.3 Putt Putt CLINK
    44. Connection 9.9.4 Life of a Software Engineer at EA Sports
    45. 9.10 Make a Game!

    46. Video 9.10.1 Final Project
    47. Example 9.10.2 The Golf Coast
    48. Example 9.10.3 Mini-Golf Course
    49. Challenge 9.10.4 Mini-Golf
    50. Badge 9.10.5 Pro Golfer
  10. What is Computing?

    1. 10.1 History of Computers

    2. Video 10.1.1 History of Computers
    3. Check for Understanding 10.1.2 Video Quiz
    4. Notes 10.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer?
    5. Free Response 10.1.4 Evidence Collection
    6. Connection 10.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage
    7. Connection 10.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace
    8. Connection 10.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing
    9. Connection 10.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert
    10. Connection 10.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers
    11. Connection 10.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper
    12. Connection 10.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean
    13. Connection 10.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors
    14. Free Response 10.1.13 Culminating Activity
    15. 10.2 Computer Organization

    16. Video 10.2.1 Computer Organization
    17. Check for Understanding 10.2.2 Video Quiz
    18. Connection 10.2.3 Draw a Computer
    19. Check for Understanding 10.2.4 What Kind of Device?
    20. 10.3 Software

    21. Video 10.3.1 Software
    22. Check for Understanding 10.3.2 Video Quiz
    23. Connection 10.3.3 Software Explained
    24. Free Response 10.3.4 Computer Applications You Use
    25. Free Response 10.3.5 Operating Systems
    26. 10.4 Hardware

    27. Video 10.4.1 Hardware
    28. Check for Understanding 10.4.2 Video Quiz
    29. Check for Understanding 10.4.3 Pick the Label
    30. Free Response 10.4.4 Label Your Computer
    31. Free Response 10.4.5 Computer Analogy
    32. Free Response 10.4.6 Hardware vs Software
    33. Badge 10.4.7 Hardware Badge
    34. 10.5 Future of Computing

    35. Video 10.5.1 Future of Computing
    36. Check for Understanding 10.5.2 Video Quiz
    37. Connection 10.5.3 Using DNA for Storage
    38. Free Response 10.5.4 Class Activity: Advancing Technology
    39. Connection 10.5.5 Pros and Cons of AI
    40. Free Response 10.5.6 AI: Is It a Bad Thing?
    41. 10.6 Computer Model

    42. Presentation 10.6.1 Computer Models
    43. Badge 10.6.2 What is a Computer Badge
  11. Digital Information

    1. 11.1 Intro to Digital Information

    2. Video 11.1.1 What is Digital Information?
    3. Check for Understanding 11.1.2 What is Digital Information Quiz
    4. Example 11.1.3 Fast Food Menu
    5. Free Response 11.1.4 Reflection: Encodings Everywhere
    6. 11.2 Number Systems

    7. Video 11.2.1 Number Systems
    8. Notes 11.2.2 Number Base Tool
    9. Check for Understanding 11.2.3 Number Systems Quiz
    10. Video 11.2.4 Decimal to Binary
    11. Check for Understanding 11.2.5 Decimal to Binary Quiz
    12. Exercise 11.2.6 Binary Game
    13. 11.3 Encoding Text with Binary

    14. Video 11.3.1 Encoding Text with Binary
    15. Check for Understanding 11.3.2 Encoding Text with Binary Quiz
    16. Example 11.3.3 Custom Encoding
    17. Example 11.3.4 Bits to ASCII
    18. Exercise 11.3.5 Hello World in Bits
    19. Exercise 11.3.6 Create your own Encoding
    20. Badge 11.3.7 Encoding Badge
    21. 11.4 Pixel Images

    22. Video 11.4.1 Pixel Images
    23. Check for Understanding 11.4.2 Pixel Images Quiz
    24. Resource 11.4.3 Creating Pixel Images
    25. Example 11.4.4 CodeHS Logo
    26. Exercise 11.4.5 Checkerboard
    27. Exercise 11.4.6 Ladder
    28. Exercise 11.4.7 Create an Image!
    29. 11.5 Hexadecimal

    30. Video 11.5.1 Hexadecimal
    31. Check for Understanding 11.5.2 Hexadecimal Quiz
    32. Exercise 11.5.3 Binary to Hex Game
    33. 11.6 Pixel Colors!

    34. Video 11.6.1 Pixel Colors
    35. Check for Understanding 11.6.2 Pixel Colors Quiz
    36. Example 11.6.3 Colors in Bits
    37. Exercise 11.6.4 Exploring RGB
    38. Exercise 11.6.5 Making Yellow
    39. Exercise 11.6.6 Rainbow
    40. Exercise 11.6.7 Create a Color Image!
    41. 11.7 Image Manipulation

    42. Video 11.7.1 Manipulating Images
    43. Check for Understanding 11.7.2 Manipulating Images Quiz
    44. Video 11.7.3 Programming with WebImage
    45. Check for Understanding 11.7.4 Programming with WebImage Quiz
    46. Example 11.7.5 Black and White Filter
    47. Example 11.7.6 Brighten Filter
    48. Example 11.7.7 Saturation Filter
    49. Example 11.7.8 Pixel Picker
    50. Badge 11.7.9 Digital Information Badge
  12. The Internet

    1. 12.1 Intro to the Internet

    2. Video 12.1.1 Welcome to the Internet
    3. Check for Understanding 12.1.2 Welcome to the Internet Quiz
    4. Free Response 12.1.3 The Internet and You
    5. 12.2 Internet Hardware

    6. Video 12.2.1 Hardware of the Internet
    7. Check for Understanding 12.2.2 Internet Hardware Quiz
    8. Connection 12.2.3 The Internet is in the Ocean
    9. 12.3 Internet Addresses

    10. Video 12.3.1 Internet Addresses
    11. Check for Understanding 12.3.2 Internet Addresses Quiz
    12. Free Response 12.3.3 The Need for Addresses
    13. Check for Understanding 12.3.4 4-bit Addresses
    14. Free Response 12.3.5 IPv4 vs IPv6
    15. 12.4 DNS

    16. Video 12.4.1 DNS
    17. Check for Understanding 12.4.2 DNS Quiz
    18. Connection 12.4.3 How Does DNS Work?
    19. Free Response 12.4.4 How Does DNS Work?
    20. Badge 12.4.5 DNS Badge
    21. 12.5 Routing

    22. Video 12.5.1 Routing
    23. Check for Understanding 12.5.2 Routing Quiz
    24. Free Response 12.5.3 Redundancy
    25. Traceroute 12.5.4 Route Tracing
    26. 12.6 Packets and Protocols

    27. Video 12.6.1 Packets and Protocols
    28. Check for Understanding 12.6.2 Packets and Protocols Quiz
    29. Resource 12.6.3 Passing Notes
    30. Connection 12.6.4 How the Internet Works
    31. Free Response 12.6.5 The Story of the Internet
    32. 12.7 The Impact of the Internet

    33. Video 12.7.1 The Impact of the Internet
    34. Check for Understanding 12.7.2 The Impact of the Internet Quiz
    35. Connection 12.7.3 Are All Bits Created Equal?
    36. 12.8 Project: The Effects of the Internet

    37. Free Response 12.8.1 Topic Brainstorm
    38. Free Response 12.8.2 Gathering Resources
    39. Presentation 12.8.3 Make Your Project
    40. Badge 12.8.4 The Internet Badge
    41. 12.9 Computing Ideas Completed

    42. Badge 12.9.1 Computing Ideas Completion Badge