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TX CS 2: 130.422.c.1.g

CodeHS Lessons

Choose, identify, and use the appropriate abstract data type, advanced data structure, and supporting algorithms to properly represent the data in a program problem solution;

25.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
25.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
25.11 When Do I Use an Object?
25.12 Intro to Sets
25.13 Intro to Grids
8.1 Tuples
8.2 Lists
9.1 2d Lists
9.4 Dictionaries
12.1 Classes and Objects
27.1 Classes and Objects
4.4 JavaScript Objects
9.19 Intro to Lists/Arrays
6.1 Tuples
6.2 Lists
6.5 2d Lists
6.6 Dictionaries
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
5.3 Using Arrays
5.4 ArrayList Methods
5.5 Arrays vs ArrayLists
5.6 The List Interface
5.7 2D Arrays (Matrices or Grids)
5.8 HashMaps
5.1 What are Data Structures?
5.2 Introduction to Arrays
5.6 Arrays vs ArrayLists
5.9 2D Arrays (Matrices or Grids)
5.11 HashMaps
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
11.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
19.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
19.4 When Do I Use an Object?
19.5 Intro to Sets
19.6 Intro to Grids
17.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
20.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
20.4 When Do I Use an Object?
20.5 Intro to Sets
20.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
26.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
26.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
26.11 When Do I Use an Object?
26.12 Intro to Sets
26.13 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
12.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
19.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
19.4 When Do I Use an Object?
19.5 Intro to Sets
19.6 Intro to Grids
12.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
9.11 Intro to Lists/Arrays
17.1 Intro to Objects/Maps
17.4 When Do I Use an Object?
17.5 Intro to Sets
17.6 Intro to Grids
12.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
12.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
12.11 When Do I Use an Object?
12.12 Intro to Sets
12.13 Intro to Grids
21.1 Intro to Lists/Arrays
21.8 Intro to Objects/Maps
21.11 When Do I Use an Object?
21.12 Intro to Sets
21.13 Intro to Grids