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World of Computing - Outline

  1. Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog

    1. 1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Video 1.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
    3. Quiz 1.1.2 Quiz: Karel Commands
    4. Example 1.1.3 Our First Karel Program
    5. Exercise 1.1.4 Your First Karel Program
    6. Exercise 1.1.5 Short Stack
    7. 1.2 More Basic Karel

    8. Video 1.2.1 More Basic Karel
    9. Check for Understanding 1.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
    10. Example 1.2.3 Tennis Ball Square
    11. Exercise 1.2.4 Make a Tower
    12. Exercise 1.2.5 Pyramid of Karel
    13. 1.3 Karel Can't Turn Right

    14. Video 1.3.1 Karel Can't Turn Right
    15. Check for Understanding 1.3.2 Karel Can't Turn Right Quiz
    16. Example 1.3.3 Tower and Turn Right
    17. Exercise 1.3.4 Fireman Karel
    18. Exercise 1.3.5 Slide Karel
    19. Badge 1.3.6 Right Turn Karel Badge
    20. 1.4 Functions in Karel

    21. Video 1.4.1 Functions in Karel
    22. Check for Understanding 1.4.2 Functions in Karel Quiz
    23. Example 1.4.3 Turn Around
    24. Exercise 1.4.4 Pancakes
    25. Exercise 1.4.5 Mario Karel
    26. 1.5 The Start Function

    27. Video 1.5.1 The Start Function
    28. Check for Understanding 1.5.2 The Start Function Quiz
    29. Example 1.5.3 Tower with Start Function
    30. Exercise 1.5.4 Pancakes with Start
    31. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    32. Video 1.6.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
    33. Check for Understanding 1.6.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
    34. Example 1.6.3 Hurdle Karel
    35. Exercise 1.6.4 The Two Towers
    36. 1.7 Commenting Your Code

    37. Video 1.7.1 Commenting Your Code
    38. Check for Understanding 1.7.2 Commenting Your Code Quiz
    39. Example 1.7.3 Hurdle Karel
    40. Exercise 1.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments
    41. 1.8 Super Karel

    42. Video 1.8.1 Super Karel
    43. Check for Understanding 1.8.2 Super Karel Quiz
    44. Example 1.8.3 Hurdle Karel (with SuperKarel)
    45. Exercise 1.8.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel
    46. Badge 1.8.5 Super Karel Badge
    47. 1.9 For Loops

    48. Video 1.9.1 For Loops
    49. Check for Understanding 1.9.2 For Loops Quiz
    50. Example 1.9.3 Repeated Move
    51. Example 1.9.4 Put Down Tennis Balls
    52. Exercise 1.9.5 Take 'em All
    53. Exercise 1.9.6 Dizzy Karel
    54. Exercise 1.9.7 For Loop Square
    55. Exercise 1.9.8 Lots of Hurdles
    56. 1.10 If Statements

    57. Video 1.10.1 If Statements
    58. Check for Understanding 1.10.2 If Statements Quiz
    59. Example 1.10.3 If Statements
    60. Example 1.10.4 Safe Take Ball
    61. Exercise 1.10.5 Is There a Ball?
    62. Exercise 1.10.6 Don't Crash
    63. Survey 1.10.7 Mindsets
    64. 1.11 If/Else Statements

    65. Video 1.11.1 If/Else Statements
    66. Check for Understanding 1.11.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
    67. Example 1.11.3 If/Else Statements
    68. Example 1.11.4 One Ball in Each Spot
    69. Exercise 1.11.5 Right Side Up
    70. Exercise 1.11.6 Right vs. Left Square
    71. Badge 1.11.7 Conditional Karel Badge
    72. 1.12 While Loops in Karel

    73. Video 1.12.1 While Loops in Karel
    74. Check for Understanding 1.12.2 While Loops in Karel Quiz
    75. Example 1.12.3 Move to Wall
    76. Exercise 1.12.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road
    77. Exercise 1.12.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls
    78. Exercise 1.12.6 Big Tower
    79. 1.13 Control Structures Example

    80. Video 1.13.1 Control Structures Example
    81. Check for Understanding 1.13.2 Control Structures Example Quiz
    82. Example 1.13.3 Cleanup Karel
    83. Exercise 1.13.4 Random Hurdles
    84. 1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing

    85. Video 1.14.1 More Karel Examples and Testing
    86. Check for Understanding 1.14.2 Quiz: Which Control Structure?
    87. Example 1.14.3 Move Tennis Ball Stack
    88. Example 1.14.4 Climbing Karel
    89. 1.15 How to Indent Your Code

    90. Video 1.15.1 How to Indent Your Code
    91. Check for Understanding 1.15.2 How to Indent Your Code Quiz
    92. Example 1.15.3 Dance and Clean Karel
    93. Exercise 1.15.4 Diagonal
    94. Exercise 1.15.5 Staircase
    95. Badge 1.15.6 Karel Exercises Badge
    96. 1.16 Karel Challenges

    97. Challenge 1.16.1 Fetch
    98. Challenge 1.16.2 Racing Karel
    99. Challenge 1.16.3 Go Through the Fence
    100. Challenge 1.16.4 Escape Karel
    101. Badge 1.16.5 Karel Challenges Badge
    102. 1.17 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz

    103. Unit Quiz 1.17.1 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz
  2. What is Computing?

    1. 2.1 History of Computers

    2. Video 2.1.1 History of Computers
    3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Video Quiz
    4. Notes 2.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer?
    5. Free Response 2.1.4 Evidence Collection
    6. Connection 2.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage
    7. Connection 2.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace
    8. Connection 2.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing
    9. Connection 2.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert
    10. Connection 2.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers
    11. Connection 2.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper
    12. Connection 2.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean
    13. Connection 2.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors
    14. Free Response 2.1.13 Culminating Activity
    15. 2.2 Computer Organization

    16. Video 2.2.1 Computer Organization
    17. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 Video Quiz
    18. Connection 2.2.3 Draw a Computer
    19. Check for Understanding 2.2.4 What Kind of Device?
    20. 2.3 Software

    21. Video 2.3.1 Software
    22. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Video Quiz
    23. Connection 2.3.3 Software Explained
    24. Free Response 2.3.4 Computer Applications You Use
    25. Free Response 2.3.5 Operating Systems
    26. 2.4 Hardware

    27. Video 2.4.1 Hardware
    28. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Video Quiz
    29. Check for Understanding 2.4.3 Pick the Label
    30. Free Response 2.4.4 Label Your Computer
    31. Free Response 2.4.5 Computer Analogy
    32. Free Response 2.4.6 Hardware vs Software
    33. 2.5 Future of Computing

    34. Video 2.5.1 Future of Computing
    35. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 Video Quiz
    36. Connection 2.5.3 Using DNA for Storage
    37. Free Response 2.5.4 Class Activity: Advancing Technology
    38. Connection 2.5.5 Pros and Cons of AI
    39. Free Response 2.5.6 AI: Is It a Bad Thing?
    40. 2.6 Computer Model

    41. Presentation 2.6.1 Computer Models
    42. Badge 2.6.2 What is a Computer Badge
    43. 2.7 What is Computing? Quiz

    44. Unit Quiz 2.7.1 What is Computing? Quiz
  3. Introduction to Programming with Karel the Dog

    1. 3.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Video 3.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
    3. Quiz 3.1.2 Quiz: Karel Commands
    4. Example 3.1.3 Our First Karel Program
    5. Exercise 3.1.4 Your First Karel Program
    6. Exercise 3.1.5 Short Stack
    7. Debugging 3.1.6 Dancing Karel
    8. 3.2 More Basic Karel

    9. Video 3.2.1 More Basic Karel
    10. Quiz 3.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
    11. Example 3.2.3 Tennis Ball Square
    12. Exercise 3.2.4 Make a Tower
    13. Exercise 3.2.5 Pyramid of Karel
    14. Debugging 3.2.6 Go Through the Door
    15. 3.3 Karel Can't Turn Right

    16. Video 3.3.1 Karel Can't Turn Right
    17. Quiz 3.3.2 Karel Can't Turn Right Quiz
    18. Example 3.3.3 Tower and Turn Right
    19. Exercise 3.3.4 Slide Karel
    20. Exercise 3.3.5 Fireman Karel
    21. Free Response 3.3.6 Reflection: Teaching Karel New Commands
    22. 3.4 Functions in Karel

    23. Video 3.4.1 Functions in Karel
    24. Quiz 3.4.2 Functions in Karel Quiz
    25. Example 3.4.3 Turn Around
    26. Exercise 3.4.4 Pancakes
    27. Exercise 3.4.5 Backflip
    28. Exercise 3.4.6 Digging Karel
    29. Debugging 3.4.7 Build a Shelter
    30. Debugging 3.4.8 Build a Tent
    31. 3.5 The Start Function

    32. Video 3.5.1 The Start Function
    33. Quiz 3.5.2 The Start Function Quiz
    34. Example 3.5.3 Tower with Start Function
    35. Exercise 3.5.4 Pancakes with Start
    36. Exercise 3.5.5 Digging Karel with Start
    37. 3.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    38. Video 3.6.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
    39. Quiz 3.6.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
    40. Example 3.6.3 Hurdle Karel
    41. Exercise 3.6.4 The Two Towers
    42. Debugging 3.6.5 Make a 'Z'
    43. Free Response 3.6.6 Reflection: Top Down Design
    44. 3.7 Commenting Your Code

    45. Video 3.7.1 Commenting Your Code
    46. Quiz 3.7.2 Commenting Your Code Quiz
    47. Example 3.7.3 Hurdle Karel
    48. Exercise 3.7.4 The Two Towers + Comments
    49. Free Response 3.7.5 Reflection: Commenting
    50. 3.8 Super Karel

    51. Video 3.8.1 Super Karel
    52. Quiz 3.8.2 Super Karel Quiz
    53. Example 3.8.3 Hurdle Karel (with SuperKarel)
    54. Exercise 3.8.4 The Two Towers + SuperKarel
    55. 3.9 For Loops

    56. Video 3.9.1 For Loops
    57. Quiz 3.9.2 For Loops Quiz
    58. Example 3.9.3 Repeated Move
    59. Example 3.9.4 Put Down Tennis Balls
    60. Exercise 3.9.5 Take 'em All
    61. Exercise 3.9.6 Dizzy Karel
    62. Exercise 3.9.7 For Loop Square
    63. Exercise 3.9.8 Lots of Hurdles
    64. Debugging 3.9.9 Go Down the Slide: Part One
    65. Debugging 3.9.10 Go Down the Slide: Part Two
    66. Free Response 3.9.11 Reflection: For Loops
    67. 3.10 If Statements

    68. Video 3.10.1 If Statements
    69. Quiz 3.10.2 If Statements Quiz
    70. Example 3.10.3 If Statements
    71. Example 3.10.4 Safe Take Ball
    72. Exercise 3.10.5 Is There a Ball?
    73. 3.11 If/Else Statements

    74. Video 3.11.1 If/Else Statements
    75. Quiz 3.11.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
    76. Example 3.11.3 If/Else Statements
    77. Example 3.11.4 One Ball in Each Spot
    78. Exercise 3.11.5 Right Side Up
    79. Debugging 3.11.6 Face the Right Direction
    80. Debugging 3.11.7 Fetch Puzzle
    81. Free Response 3.11.8 Reflection: If / Else Statements
    82. 3.12 While Loops in Karel

    83. Video 3.12.1 While Loops in Karel
    84. Quiz 3.12.2 While Loops in Karel Quiz
    85. Example 3.12.3 Move to Wall
    86. Exercise 3.12.4 Follow The Yellow Ball Road
    87. Exercise 3.12.5 Lay Row of Tennis Balls
    88. Exercise 3.12.6 Big Tower
    89. Debugging 3.12.7 Put Balls Away
    90. Debugging 3.12.8 Time Capsule
    91. Free Response 3.12.9 Reflection: While Loops
    92. 3.13 Control Structures Example

    93. Video 3.13.1 Control Structures Example
    94. Quiz 3.13.2 Control Structures Example Quiz
    95. Example 3.13.3 Cleanup Karel
    96. Exercise 3.13.4 Decorate the Fence
    97. 3.14 More Karel Examples and Testing

    98. Video 3.14.1 More Karel Examples and Testing
    99. Quiz 3.14.2 Quiz: Which Control Structure?
    100. Example 3.14.3 Move Tennis Ball Stack
    101. Example 3.14.4 Climbing Karel
    102. 3.15 How to Indent Your Code

    103. Video 3.15.1 How to Indent Your Code
    104. Quiz 3.15.2 How to Indent Your Code Quiz
    105. Example 3.15.3 Dance and Clean Karel
    106. Exercise 3.15.4 Diagonal
    107. Exercise 3.15.5 Staircase
    108. 3.16 Ultra Karel

    109. Video 3.16.1 Ultra Karel
    110. Quiz 3.16.2 Ultra Karel Quiz
    111. Example 3.16.3 Red Frame
    112. Example 3.16.4 Slip n Slide
    113. Exercise 3.16.5 Checkerboard Karel
    114. Badge 3.16.6 Karel Exercises Badge
    115. 3.17 Karel Challenges

    116. Challenge 3.17.1 Fetch
    117. Challenge 3.17.2 Racing Karel
    118. Challenge 3.17.3 Firework
    119. Challenge 3.17.4 Random Hurdles
    120. Challenge 3.17.5 Go Through the Fence
    121. Badge 3.17.6 Karel Challenges Badge
    122. 3.18 Final Project

    123. Free Response 3.18.1 Brainstorm and Discuss
    124. Free Response 3.18.2 Planning
    125. Free Response 3.18.3 Pseudocode
    126. Challenge 3.18.4 Create your Project!
    127. Badge 3.18.5 Final Project Badge
    128. Survey 3.18.6 Mindsets
    129. 3.19 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz

    130. Unit Quiz 3.19.1 Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog Quiz
  4. What is Computing? Original Material

    1. 4.1 History of Computers

    2. Connection 4.1.1 Timeline of Computer History
    3. Free Response 4.1.2 Respond: Summarize an Era
    4. Free Response 4.1.3 Reflection: Computers' Role in Your Life
    5. Connection 4.1.4 Who Really Invented the Modern Computer?
    6. Free Response 4.1.5 Class Activity: Famous Computer Innovators
    7. Connection 4.1.6 Computer Commercial from 1956
  5. New Material (2020-2021)

    1. 5.1 History of Computers

    2. Video 5.1.1 History of Computers
    3. Check for Understanding 5.1.2 Video Quiz
    4. Notes 5.1.3 Mission: Who invented the computer?
    5. Free Response 5.1.4 Evidence Collection
    6. Connection 5.1.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage
    7. Connection 5.1.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace
    8. Connection 5.1.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing
    9. Connection 5.1.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert
    10. Connection 5.1.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers
    11. Connection 5.1.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper
    12. Connection 5.1.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean
    13. Connection 5.1.12 Bonus Exhibit: Computer Inventors
    14. Free Response 5.1.13 Culminating Activity