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Nevada Computer Science and Applications - Outline

  1. Welcome

    1. 1.1 Welcome

    2. Free Response 1.1.1 Course Overview
    3. Free Response 1.1.2 Set Learning Goals
    4. Free Response 1.1.3 VARK Quiz & Reflection
  2. Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene

    1. 2.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation

    2. Video 2.1.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    4. Free Response 2.1.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint
    5. Connection 2.1.4 Right to be Forgotten?
    6. Free Response 2.1.5 Right to be Forgotten
    7. Free Response 2.1.6 What is your Digital Footprint?
    8. Example 2.1.7 Social Media Clean-up
    9. 2.2 Cyberbullying

    10. Video 2.2.1 Cyberbullying
    11. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 Cyberbullying
    12. Free Response 2.2.3 Scenario: Student Ranking
    13. Free Response 2.2.4 Scenario: Singled Out
    14. Free Response 2.2.5 Stopping Cyberbullying
    15. 2.3 Internet Safety

    16. Video 2.3.1 Internet Safety
    17. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Internet Safety
    18. Free Response 2.3.3 Scenario: School Stranger
    19. Free Response 2.3.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals
    20. Free Response 2.3.5 Staying Safe
    21. 2.4 Privacy & Security

    22. Video 2.4.1 What is Data Privacy & Security?
    23. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Privacy & Security Quiz
    24. Connection 2.4.3 How Strong is your Password?
    25. Free Response 2.4.4 How Strong is your password?
    26. Connection 2.4.5 Google Privacy Policy Search
    27. Free Response 2.4.6 Google Privacy Policy Search
    28. Example 2.4.7 Guess: Password List
    29. Example 2.4.8 Guess: Using an Algorithm
    30. Example 2.4.9 Guess: Brute Force
    31. 2.5 Information Literacy

    32. Video 2.5.1 Information Literacy
    33. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 Information Literacy
    34. Free Response 2.5.3 Effective Internet Searches
    35. Connection 2.5.4 Evaluate the Source 1
    36. Free Response 2.5.5 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1
    37. Connection 2.5.6 Evaluate the Source 2
    38. Free Response 2.5.7 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2
    39. Connection 2.5.8 Hero Pig?
    40. 2.6 Creative Credit & Copyright

    41. Video 2.6.1 Creative Credit and Copyright
    42. Check for Understanding 2.6.2 Creative Credit and Copyright
    43. Free Response 2.6.3 Cite!
    44. Connection 2.6.4 Exploring Creative Commons
    45. Free Response 2.6.5 Respond: Creative Commons
    46. Free Response 2.6.6 Task: Finding Images
    47. Free Response 2.6.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important?
    48. 2.7 Hacking Ethics

    49. Video 2.7.1 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    50. Check for Understanding 2.7.2 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    51. Connection 2.7.3 Penetration Testing
    52. Free Response 2.7.4 Reflection: Penetration Testing
    53. Connection 2.7.5 Hack the Pentagon?
    54. Free Response 2.7.6 Reflection: Hack the Pentagon
    55. Check for Understanding 2.7.7 Ethical Hacker Agreement
    56. 2.8 Project: Public Service Announcement

    57. Free Response 2.8.1 Pick a Topic
    58. Free Response 2.8.2 Research
    59. Free Response 2.8.3 Choose Your Audience
    60. Free Response 2.8.4 What kind of PSA?
    61. Free Response 2.8.5 Collect Data
    62. Connection 2.8.6 Create a Data Visualization
    63. Free Response 2.8.7 Draft your PSA
    64. Free Response 2.8.8 Finalize your PSA!
    65. 2.9 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz

    66. Unit Quiz 2.9.1 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz
    67. Badge 2.9.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
  3. Introduction to Programming with Turtle Graphics

    1. 3.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle

    2. Video 3.1.1 Intro to Tracy
    3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Intro to Tracy
    4. Example 3.1.3 Slinky
    5. Exercise 3.1.4 Stretched Slinky
    6. 3.2 Tracy's Grid World

    7. Video 3.2.1 Tracy's Grid World
    8. Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Tracy's Grid World
    9. Example 3.2.3 Dashed Line
    10. Exercise 3.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line
    11. Exercise 3.2.5 Caterpillar
    12. Badge 3.2.6 Grid World Badge
    13. 3.3 Turning Tracy

    14. Video 3.3.1 Turning Tracy
    15. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 Turning Tracy
    16. Example 3.3.3 Square
    17. Example 3.3.4 X and Y Axes
    18. Exercise 3.3.5 Rectangle
    19. Exercise 3.3.6 4 Columns
    20. 3.4 For Loops

    21. Video 3.4.1 For Loops
    22. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 For Loops
    23. Example 3.4.3 Square Using Loops
    24. Example 3.4.4 Dotted Line
    25. Exercise 3.4.5 Row of Circles
    26. Exercise 3.4.6 4 Columns 2.0
    27. Badge 3.4.7 Looping Badge
    28. 3.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles

    29. Video 3.5.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    30. Check for Understanding 3.5.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    31. Example 3.5.3 Asterisk
    32. Example 3.5.4 Four Circles
    33. Exercise 3.5.5 Hexagon
    34. Exercise 3.5.6 'X' Marks the Spot
    35. Exercise 3.5.7 Circle Pyramid
    36. 3.6 Comments

    37. Video 3.6.1 Comments
    38. Check for Understanding 3.6.2 Comments
    39. Example 3.6.3 Four Circles with Comments
    40. Exercise 3.6.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments
    41. 3.7 Naming Guidelines

    42. Video 3.7.1 Naming Guidelines
    43. Check for Understanding 3.7.2 Naming Guidelines
    44. 3.8 Functions

    45. Video 3.8.1 Functions
    46. Check for Understanding 3.8.2 Functions
    47. Example 3.8.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks
    48. Exercise 3.8.4 Beaded Bracelet
    49. Exercise 3.8.5 Shape Stack
    50. Badge 3.8.6 Functions Badge
    51. 3.9 Artistic Effects

    52. Video 3.9.1 Artistic Effects
    53. Check for Understanding 3.9.2 Artistic Effects
    54. Example 3.9.3 Rainbow Octagon
    55. Example 3.9.4 Circle Square Triangle
    56. Exercise 3.9.5 Four Colored Triangles
    57. Exercise 3.9.6 Colorful Bracelet
    58. Challenge 3.9.7 Kid's Shapes Toy
    59. 3.10 Top Down Design

    60. Video 3.10.1 Top Down Design
    61. Check for Understanding 3.10.2 Top Down Design
    62. Example 3.10.3 Bubble Wrap
    63. Exercise 3.10.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0
    64. Exercise 3.10.5 Sidewalk
    65. 3.11 Abstraction

    66. Video 3.11.1 Abstraction
    67. Check for Understanding 3.11.2 Abstraction
    68. Example 3.11.3 Abstracting Away draw_square()
    69. Free Response 3.11.4 Abstracting Your Day
    70. Free Response 3.11.5 Reflection: Abstraction
    71. Free Response 3.11.6 Abstraction in Tracy
    72. 3.12 Variables

    73. Video 3.12.1 Variables
    74. Check for Understanding 3.12.2 Variables
    75. Example 3.12.3 Increasing Length
    76. Exercise 3.12.4 Dartboard
    77. Exercise 3.12.5 Line of Increasing Blocks
    78. 3.13 User Input

    79. Video 3.13.1 User Input
    80. Check for Understanding 3.13.2 User Input
    81. Example 3.13.3 Color Coded Increasing Length
    82. Exercise 3.13.4 Colored Dartboard
    83. Exercise 3.13.5 Four Corners
    84. Badge 3.13.6 User Input Badge
    85. 3.14 Parameters

    86. Video 3.14.1 Parameters
    87. Check for Understanding 3.14.2 Parameters
    88. Example 3.14.3 Concentric Circles
    89. Exercise 3.14.4 Colorful Caterpillar
    90. Exercise 3.14.5 Circle in a Square
    91. Exercise 3.14.6 Snowman
    92. 3.15 Using i in For Loops

    93. Video 3.15.1 Using i in For Loops
    94. Check for Understanding 3.15.2 Using i in For Loops
    95. Example 3.15.3 Geometry
    96. Exercise 3.15.4 Geometry 2.0
    97. 3.16 Extended Loop Control

    98. Video 3.16.1 Extended Loop Control
    99. Check for Understanding 3.16.2 Extended Loop Control
    100. Example 3.16.3 Square Swirl
    101. Exercise 3.16.4 Dartboard using i
    102. Exercise 3.16.5 Phone Signal
    103. Badge 3.16.6 Master of i Badge
    104. 3.17 If Statements

    105. Video 3.17.1 If Statements
    106. Check for Understanding 3.17.2 If Statements
    107. Example 3.17.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks
    108. Exercise 3.17.4 Happy Face
    109. Exercise 3.17.5 Black and White Squares
    110. 3.18 If/ Else Statements

    111. Video 3.18.1 If/Else Statements
    112. Check for Understanding 3.18.2 If/Else Statements
    113. Example 3.18.3 Positive, Negative, Zero
    114. Exercise 3.18.4 Rating
    115. Exercise 3.18.5 Happy/ Sad Face
    116. 3.19 While Loops

    117. Video 3.19.1 While Loops
    118. Check for Understanding 3.19.2 While Loops
    119. Example 3.19.3 Increasing Circles
    120. Exercise 3.19.4 Increasing Squares
    121. Exercise 3.19.5 Guess a Number
    122. Badge 3.19.6 Conditionals Badge
    123. Survey 3.19.7 Mindset Survey 1
    124. 3.20 Putting Together Control Structures

    125. Video 3.20.1 Putting Together Control Structures
    126. Check for Understanding 3.20.2 Putting Together Control Structures
    127. Example 3.20.3 Block Pyramid
    128. Exercise 3.20.4 Guess a Number 2.0
    129. Exercise 3.20.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0
    130. Challenge 3.20.6 Checkerboard
    131. Badge 3.20.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge
    132. 3.21 Project: PSA Image

    133. Connection 3.21.1 Draft your PSA Image
    134. Free Response 3.21.2 Pseudocode
    135. Challenge 3.21.3 Write your Program
    136. 3.22 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz

    137. Quiz 3.22.1 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz
    138. Badge 3.22.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
  4. Web Design

    1. 4.1 Introduction to HTML

    2. Video 4.1.1 Introduction to HTML
    3. Check for Understanding 4.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz
    4. Example 4.1.3 Our First HTML Page
    5. Exercise 4.1.4 Say Hello!
    6. 4.2 Structure of an HTML Page

    7. Video 4.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page
    8. Check for Understanding 4.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz
    9. Example 4.2.3 HTML Template
    10. Example 4.2.4 Hello World Page
    11. Exercise 4.2.5 The <title> Tag
    12. Exercise 4.2.6 Your First HTML Page
    13. 4.3 Formatting Text

    14. Video 4.3.1 Formatting Text
    15. Check for Understanding 4.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz
    16. Example 4.3.3 Dictionary
    17. Exercise 4.3.4 That's Bold
    18. Exercise 4.3.5 Artificial Intelligence
    19. Exercise 4.3.6 State Capitals
    20. Badge 4.3.7 Formatting Badge
    21. 4.4 Links

    22. Video 4.4.1 Links
    23. Check for Understanding 4.4.2 Links Quiz
    24. Example 4.4.3 The <a> Tag
    25. Exercise 4.4.4 Simple Link
    26. Exercise 4.4.5 My Favorite Websites
    27. 4.5 Images

    28. Video 4.5.1 Images
    29. Check for Understanding 4.5.2 Images Quiz
    30. Example 4.5.3 The <img> Tag
    31. Example 4.5.4 Building the CodeHS Homepage
    32. Exercise 4.5.5 Collage on a Theme
    33. Exercise 4.5.6 Linking an Image
    34. Exercise 4.5.7 Personal Library
    35. 4.6 Copyright

    36. Video 4.6.1 Copyright
    37. Check for Understanding 4.6.2 Copyright Quiz
    38. Example 4.6.3 Citing Sources Example
    39. Connection 4.6.4 Exploring Creative Commons
    40. Free Response 4.6.5 Response: Creative Commons
    41. Free Response 4.6.6 Finding Images
    42. Exercise 4.6.7 Make a Collage
    43. Free Response 4.6.8 Why Copyright is Important
    44. 4.7 HTML Lists

    45. Video 4.7.1 HTML Lists
    46. Check for Understanding 4.7.2 HTML Lists Quiz
    47. Example 4.7.3 Grocery Shopping
    48. Exercise 4.7.4 Favorite Things
    49. Exercise 4.7.5 To-Do List
    50. Exercise 4.7.6 List Article
    51. 4.8 HTML Tables

    52. Video 4.8.1 HTML Tables
    53. Check for Understanding 4.8.2 HTML Tables Quiz
    54. Example 4.8.3 Address Book
    55. Exercise 4.8.4 Favorite Songs
    56. Exercise 4.8.5 Calendar
    57. 4.9 HTML Styling

    58. Video 4.9.1 HTML Styling
    59. Check for Understanding 4.9.2 HTML Styling Quiz
    60. Example 4.9.3 Stylish Address Book
    61. Exercise 4.9.4 Background Colors
    62. Exercise 4.9.5 Style Your To-Do List
    63. Badge 4.9.6 Styling Badge
    64. 4.10 HTML Colors

    65. Video 4.10.1 HTML Colors
    66. Check for Understanding 4.10.2 HTML Colors Quiz
    67. Example 4.10.3 HTML Colors Examples
    68. Exercise 4.10.4 Create Your Own Color
    69. Exercise 4.10.5 Gradients
    70. Connection 4.10.6 Color Wheel
    71. Exercise 4.10.7 Using Good Colors
    72. 4.11 Introduction to CSS

    73. Video 4.11.1 Introduction to CSS
    74. Check for Understanding 4.11.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz
    75. Example 4.11.3 Styling your H1s
    76. Exercise 4.11.4 First style with CSS
    77. Exercise 4.11.5 List Styling
    78. 4.12 CSS Select by Tag

    79. Video 4.12.1 CSS Select by Tag
    80. Check for Understanding 4.12.2 CSS Select by Tag Quiz
    81. Example 4.12.3 Rainbow
    82. Example 4.12.4 Dog Styling
    83. Exercise 4.12.5 Restaurant Menu
    84. Exercise 4.12.6 Put Karel Together
    85. 4.13 CSS Select by Class

    86. Video 4.13.1 CSS Select by Class
    87. Check for Understanding 4.13.2 CSS Select by Class Quiz
    88. Example 4.13.3 Simple Checkerboard
    89. Exercise 4.13.4 Tic Tac Toe
    90. Exercise 4.13.5 Music Library
    91. 4.14 CSS Select by ID

    92. Video 4.14.1 CSS Select by ID
    93. Check for Understanding 4.14.2 CSS Select by ID Quiz
    94. Example 4.14.3 Logo
    95. Exercise 4.14.4 Favorite Dog
    96. Exercise 4.14.5 Bingo
    97. 4.15 Multi-file Websites

    98. Video 4.15.1 Splitting Your Site into Files
    99. Check for Understanding 4.15.2 Splitting Your Site into Files Quiz
    100. Example 4.15.3 Multipage Site Example
    101. Exercise 4.15.4 Add a Style Sheet
    102. Exercise 4.15.5 Dividing the Site
    103. Exercise 4.15.6 Career Site: Creating Structure
    104. 4.16 Viewing Websites

    105. Video 4.16.1 Viewing Websites
    106. Check for Understanding 4.16.2 Viewing Websites Quiz
    107. Free Response 4.16.3 Explaining a URL
    108. Badge 4.16.4 Web Development Badge
    109. 4.17 Project: PSA Homepage

    110. Connection 4.17.1 Make a Plan
    111. Challenge 4.17.2 Create your Website
  5. Networking Fundamentals

    1. 5.1 Introduction to the Internet

    2. Notes 5.1.1 Getting Started
    3. Video 5.1.2 Welcome to the Internet
    4. Check for Understanding 5.1.3 Intro to the Internet
    5. Connection 5.1.4 Inside Facebook's Connectivity Lab
    6. Free Response 5.1.5 Connectivity Lab Reflection
    7. 5.2 Internet Hardware and Sending Information

    8. Video 5.2.1 Internet Hardware
    9. Check for Understanding 5.2.2 Internet Hardware
    10. Video 5.2.3 Sending Information
    11. Check for Understanding 5.2.4 Sending Information
    12. Connection 5.2.5 The Internet is in the Ocean
    13. Free Response 5.2.6 Internet in the Ocean Reflection
    14. 5.3 Internet Addresses

    15. Video 5.3.1 Internet Addresses
    16. Check for Understanding 5.3.2 Internet Addresses
    17. Free Response 5.3.3 The Need for Addresses
    18. Connection 5.3.4 IPv4 vs. IPv6
    19. Connection 5.3.5 The Long Transition to IPv6
    20. Free Response 5.3.6 Reflection: IPv4 vs IPv6
    21. 5.4 Domain Name System (DNS)

    22. Video 5.4.1 Domain Name System (DNS)
    23. Check for Understanding 5.4.2 Domain Name System
    24. Connection 5.4.3 How Does DNS Work?
    25. Free Response 5.4.4 How Does DNS Work?
    26. 5.5 Routing

    27. Video 5.5.1 Routing
    28. Check for Understanding 5.5.2 Routing
    29. Traceroute 5.5.3 Route Tracing
    30. Free Response 5.5.4 Redundancy
    31. 5.6 Packets & Protocols

    32. Video 5.6.1 Packets
    33. Check for Understanding 5.6.2 Packets
    34. Video 5.6.3 Protocols
    35. Check for Understanding 5.6.4 Protocols
    36. Resource 5.6.5 Passing Notes
    37. Connection 5.6.6 How the Internet Works
    38. Free Response 5.6.7 How the Internet Works Reflection
    39. 5.7 Viewing a Webpage

    40. Video 5.7.1 Viewing a Webpage
    41. Check for Understanding 5.7.2 Viewing a Webpage
    42. Free Response 5.7.3 Explaining a URL
    43. Connection 5.7.4 Net Neutrality Explained
    44. Connection 5.7.5 FCCs Net Neutrality Rules Officially Repealed
    45. Free Response 5.7.6 Take a Side on Net Neutrality
    46. Connection 5.7.7 Net Neutrality and Cybersecurity
    47. Free Response 5.7.8 Net Neutrality and Cybersecurity Research
    48. 5.8 Impact of the Internet

    49. Video 5.8.1 Impact of the Internet
    50. Check for Understanding 5.8.2 Impact of the Internet
    51. Free Response 5.8.3 The Internet and You
    52. Connection 5.8.4 Crucial Steps Needed to Close the U.S. Digital Div
    53. Free Response 5.8.5 Closing the Digital Divide
    54. 5.9 Network Attacks

    55. Video 5.9.1 Network Attacks Overview
    56. Free Response 5.9.2 Network Attacks
    57. Video 5.9.3 Common Network Attacks
    58. Check for Understanding 5.9.4 Network Attacks
    59. Connection 5.9.5 Social Engineering Hack
    60. Free Response 5.9.6 Social Engineering Reflection
    61. Connection 5.9.7 DDoS Attacks
    62. Free Response 5.9.8 DDoS Reflection
    63. Video 5.9.9 SUPPLEMENTARY: Other Network Attacks
    64. 5.10 Securing a Network

    65. Video 5.10.1 Access Control
    66. Check for Understanding 5.10.2 Access Control
    67. Connection 5.10.3 RADIUS Overview with AAA Protocol
    68. Connection 5.10.4 RADIUS Server Access Control
    69. Free Response 5.10.5 RADIUS Reflection
    70. Video 5.10.6 Detecting Intrusions to Secure a Network
    71. Quiz 5.10.7 Securing a Network
    72. Connection 5.10.8 How to Secure your IT Network
    73. Free Response 5.10.9 Secure your IT Network Basics
    74. Connection 5.10.10 Network Administrator Career
    75. Free Response 5.10.11 Network Administrator Career
    76. 5.11 Project: Secure the Company's Network

    77. Connection 5.11.1 Secure the Company's Network
    78. Free Response 5.11.2 Establish Firewall Rules
    79. Free Response 5.11.3 Reading Logs
    80. Example 5.11.4 SSH Logs
    81. Free Response 5.11.5 Project Reflection
    82. 5.12 Networking Fundamentals Quiz

    83. Quiz 5.12.1 Networking Fundamentals Quiz
    84. Badge 5.12.2 Networking Fundamentals Badge
  6. Final Project

    1. 6.1 Intro to Design Thinking

    2. Video 6.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking
    3. Quiz 6.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking
    4. Free Response 6.1.3 User Interface Scavenger Hunt
    5. Connection 6.1.4 Case Study: Helping Blind People See
    6. Free Response 6.1.5 Case Study Responses
    7. Free Response 6.1.6 Brainstorming Project Ideas
    8. 6.2 Prototype

    9. Video 6.2.1 Prototype
    10. Quiz 6.2.2 Prototype Quiz
    11. Connection 6.2.3 Wizard of Oz Prototyping
    12. Connection 6.2.4 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype
    13. Free Response 6.2.5 Make Your Paper Prototypes!
    14. 6.3 Test

    15. Video 6.3.1 Test
    16. Quiz 6.3.2 Testing Quiz
    17. Connection 6.3.3 Testing with Users
    18. Connection 6.3.4 Example: How to User Test
    19. Free Response 6.3.5 How to User Test Responses
    20. Connection 6.3.6 Example: How NOT to User Test
    21. Free Response 6.3.7 How NOT to User Test Responses
    22. Free Response 6.3.8 Test Prototype 1
    23. Free Response 6.3.9 Test Prototype 2
    24. Free Response 6.3.10 Improve Your Prototype
    25. 6.4 Project Prep and Development

    26. Free Response 6.4.1 Timeline & Team Roles
    27. Free Response 6.4.2 Create an Interactive Visualization
    28. Challenge 6.4.3 Develop a New Logo
    29. Challenge 6.4.4 Write the Code!
    30. Presentation 6.4.5 Present your Project
  7. Advanced Tracy Challenges

    1. 7.1 Advanced Challenges with Tracy

    2. Challenge 7.1.1 Half Pyramid
    3. Challenge 7.1.2 Pizza
    4. Challenge 7.1.3 Grid
    5. Challenge 7.1.4 Block Pyramid 2.0
  8. Building Mathematical Models

    1. 8.1 Modeling with Tracy

    2. Video 8.1.1 Graphing with Tracy
    3. Example 8.1.2 Linear Graph
    4. Example 8.1.3 Wave Graph
    5. Exercise 8.1.4 Making Waves
    6. Exercise 8.1.5 Graphing with Tracy!
    7. Video 8.1.6 Modeling with Tracy
    8. Example 8.1.7 Paula's Savings
    9. Example 8.1.8 Montgomery Temperature
    10. Exercise 8.1.9 Electricity Bill
    11. Exercise 8.1.10 Savings Account
    12. Badge 8.1.11 Mathematical Models #HourOfCode Badge
  9. Advanced HTML and CSS

    1. 9.1 Getting Started - Advanced HTML and CSS

    2. Video 9.1.1 Getting Started
    3. Example 9.1.2 Example: Image Filters
    4. Example 9.1.3 Example: Animations
    5. Example 9.1.4 Example: Interactions
    6. 9.2 Multi-file Websites

    7. Video 9.2.1 Splitting Your Site into Files
    8. Check for Understanding 9.2.2 Splitting Your Site into Files Quiz
    9. Example 9.2.3 Multipage Site Example
    10. Exercise 9.2.4 Add a Style Sheet
    11. Exercise 9.2.5 Dividing the Site
    12. Exercise 9.2.6 Career Site: Creating Structure
    13. 9.3 Embedding iframes

    14. Video 9.3.1 Embedding iframes
    15. Check for Understanding 9.3.2 Embedding IFrames Quiz
    16. Example 9.3.3 Embedding CodeHS
    17. Example 9.3.4 Embedding a Map
    18. Exercise 9.3.5 Embedding a Website
    19. Exercise 9.3.6 Embed a Tweet
    20. Exercise 9.3.7 Embed a Video
    21. Exercise 9.3.8 Career Site: Include Outside Information
    22. 9.4 Divs

    23. Video 9.4.1 Divs
    24. Check for Understanding 9.4.2 Divs Quiz
    25. Example 9.4.3 Divvying up the Site
    26. Exercise 9.4.4 Quotes
    27. Exercise 9.4.5 Flags
    28. Exercise 9.4.6 Career Site: Separate the Content
    29. Badge 9.4.7 Div Badge
    30. 9.5 Spans

    31. Video 9.5.1 Spans
    32. Check for Understanding 9.5.2 Spans Quiz
    33. Example 9.5.3 Span Formatting
    34. Exercise 9.5.4 Vocabulary
    35. Exercise 9.5.5 Text Decoration
    36. Exercise 9.5.6 Career Site: Style Special Pieces
    37. 9.6 Combining CSS Selectors

    38. Video 9.6.1 Combining CSS Selectors
    39. Check for Understanding 9.6.2 Combining CSS Selectors Quiz
    40. Example 9.6.3 More Specific Styling
    41. Exercise 9.6.4 Choosing Nested Tags
    42. Exercise 9.6.5 Highlight the First Item
    43. Exercise 9.6.6 Calorie Recommendations
    44. 9.7 The Don't Repeat Yourself Principle

    45. Video 9.7.1 Don't Repeat Yourself
    46. Check for Understanding 9.7.2 Don't Repeat Yourself Quiz
    47. Example 9.7.3 Styling Multiple Tags
    48. Example 9.7.4 Style Similar Items with Same Class
    49. Exercise 9.7.5 Managing Change
    50. Exercise 9.7.6 Condense CSS Rules
    51. Free Response 9.7.7 Why DRY?
    52. 9.8 Special Selectors

    53. Video 9.8.1 Special Selectors
    54. Check for Understanding 9.8.2 Special Selectors Quiz
    55. Example 9.8.3 Vote For Me
    56. Example 9.8.4 Vote For Me Pt 2
    57. Exercise 9.8.5 Extend Vote For Me
    58. Exercise 9.8.6 Special Vendors
    59. Exercise 9.8.7 Checklist
    60. Exercise 9.8.8 Career Website: Add Milestones
    61. Badge 9.8.9 Special Selectors Badge
    62. 9.9 Visibility

    63. Video 9.9.1 Visibility
    64. Check for Understanding 9.9.2 Visibility Quiz
    65. Example 9.9.3 Display Example
    66. Example 9.9.4 Fading Text
    67. Exercise 9.9.5 Favorite Sea Creature
    68. Exercise 9.9.6 Caption on Demand
    69. 9.10 Reading Documentation

    70. Video 9.10.1 Reading Documentation
    71. Check for Understanding 9.10.2 Reading Documentation Quiz
    72. Example 9.10.3 Using Docs: Float
    73. Example 9.10.4 Using Docs: blockquote
    74. Exercise 9.10.5 Style the Table
    75. Exercise 9.10.6 Electric Company
    76. Exercise 9.10.7 Career Website: Add Pictures
    77. 9.11 Using the Inspector

    78. Video 9.11.1 Using the Inspector
    79. Check for Understanding 9.11.2 Using the Inspector Tool Quiz
    80. Connection 9.11.3 Inspector Quick Start
    81. Check for Understanding 9.11.4 Classes and IDs
    82. Check for Understanding 9.11.5 Exploring the Art Museum
    83. Check for Understanding 9.11.6 What's Your Style?
    84. 9.12 The Box Model

    85. Video 9.12.1 The Box Model
    86. Check for Understanding 9.12.2 The Box Model Quiz
    87. Example 9.12.3 Adding Space Using Margin
    88. Example 9.12.4 Adding Space Using Padding
    89. Example 9.12.5 Combining Margin and Padding
    90. Exercise 9.12.6 I need some space!
    91. Exercise 9.12.7 I need some breathing room!
    92. Free Response 9.12.8 Where is space added?
    93. Exercise 9.12.9 Align Content Side by Side
    94. Exercise 9.12.10 Career Website: Separate Content
    95. Connection 9.12.11 Design with the Box Model
    96. Badge 9.12.12 Box Badge
    97. 9.13 Image Manipulation

    98. Video 9.13.1 Image Manipulation
    99. Check for Understanding 9.13.2 Image Manipulation Quiz
    100. Example 9.13.3 Grayscale Filter
    101. Example 9.13.4 Blur Filter
    102. Example 9.13.5 Hue Rotation
    103. Exercise 9.13.6 Invert Filter
    104. Exercise 9.13.7 Blurred
    105. Exercise 9.13.8 Hue Rotation Comparisons
    106. Exercise 9.13.9 Overexposure
    107. Exercise 9.13.10 Grayscale Art
    108. Exercise 9.13.11 Aesop's Fables Part 1
    109. Exercise 9.13.12 Aesop's Fables Part 2
    110. 9.14 Animation

    111. Video 9.14.1 Animation
    112. Check for Understanding 9.14.2 Animation Quiz
    113. Example 9.14.3 Animated Image Filter
    114. Exercise 9.14.4 Animated Invert Filter
    115. Exercise 9.14.5 Album Cover
    116. Exercise 9.14.6 Aesop's Fables Part 3
    117. 9.15 Interaction

    118. Video 9.15.1 Interaction
    119. Check for Understanding 9.15.2 Interaction Quiz
    120. Example 9.15.3 Interactive Image Filter
    121. Example 9.15.4 Smooth Interactive Image Filter
    122. Example 9.15.5 Smooth Change on Click
    123. Exercise 9.15.6 Button Interaction
    124. Exercise 9.15.7 Create Your Own Tooltip
    125. Exercise 9.15.8 Aesop's Fables Part 4
    126. Exercise 9.15.9 Career Website: Engage the User
    127. Connection 9.15.10 CSS Tricks
    128. 9.16 Advanced HTML and CSS Quiz

    129. Unit Quiz 9.16.1 Advanced HTML and CSS Quiz
    130. Badge 9.16.2 Advanced HTML and CSS Badge
  10. Intro to micro:bit

    1. 10.1 Welcome to micro:bit!

    2. Video 10.1.1 Intro to micro:bit
    3. Connection 10.1.2 micro:bit Quick Start
    4. Notes 10.1.3 Dice Simulator
    5. Notes 10.1.4 Don't Wobble!
    6. Connection 10.1.5 Exploration: Intro to Programming with micro:bit
    7. Video 10.1.6 Exploration 1.1 Follow-up
    8. Free Response 10.1.7 Background & Experience
    9. Free Response 10.1.8 Goal Setting
    10. 10.2 Setting Up your micro:bit

    11. Video 10.2.1 Setting Up your micro:bit
    12. Connection 10.2.2 Exploration: Exploring LEDs
    13. Video 10.2.3 Exploration 1.2 Follow-up
    14. Exercise 10.2.4 Four Corners
    15. Exercise 10.2.5 Blinking First Letter
    16. Exercise 10.2.6 Blinking Diamond
    17. 10.3 Comments & Pseudocode

    18. Video 10.3.1 Comments & Pseudocode
    19. Check for Understanding 10.3.2 Comments & Pseudocode
    20. Notes 10.3.3 Blink Middle
    21. Free Response 10.3.4 X in Pseudocode
    22. Connection 10.3.5 Exploration: Analog vs. Digital
    23. Video 10.3.6 Exploration 1.3 Follow-up
    24. Exercise 10.3.7 Varied Brightness
    25. Exercise 10.3.8 Moving Bright Box
    26. 10.4 Variables

    27. Video 10.4.1 Variables
    28. Check for Understanding 10.4.2 Variables
    29. Notes 10.4.3 Variable as Coordinate Value
    30. Free Response 10.4.4 Plus with a Variable in Pseudocode
    31. Connection 10.4.5 Exploration: Using micro:bit Pins
    32. Video 10.4.6 Exploration 1.4 Follow-up
    33. Exercise 10.4.7 Brightness Line using Variables
    34. Exercise 10.4.8 Opposite Blinking External LEDs
    35. Exercise 10.4.9 Dimming External LED
    36. 10.5 Intro to micro:bit Quiz

    37. Unit Quiz 10.5.1 Intro to micro:bit Quiz
  11. Program Control with micro:bit

    1. 11.1 For Loops

    2. Video 11.1.1 For Loops
    3. Check for Understanding 11.1.2 For Loops
    4. Notes 11.1.3 Light Middle Row with a For Loop
    5. Free Response 11.1.4 Dimming LED
    6. Connection 11.1.5 Exploration: Playing Music with micro:bit
    7. Video 11.1.6 Exploration 2.1 Follow-up
    8. Exercise 11.1.7 Twinkle Twinkle
    9. Exercise 11.1.8 Looping through LED Brightness Values
    10. Exercise 11.1.9 Light Screen by Column
    11. 11.2 While Loops

    12. Video 11.2.1 While Loops
    13. Check for Understanding 11.2.2 While Loops
    14. Notes 11.2.3 Light Middle Column with a While Loop
    15. Free Response 11.2.4 Alternating LED until Button Press
    16. Connection 11.2.5 Exploration: Using Buttons to Control Code
    17. Video 11.2.6 Exploration 2.2 Follow-up
    18. Exercise 11.2.7 LED Blink with Buttons
    19. Exercise 11.2.8 Button Following LED
    20. 11.3 Operators

    21. Video 11.3.1 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators
    22. Check for Understanding 11.3.2 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators
    23. Notes 11.3.3 Using Arithmetic Operators
    24. Notes 11.3.4 Using Comparison Operators
    25. Notes 11.3.5 Using Logical Operators
    26. Free Response 11.3.6 Light LED based on Values
    27. Connection 11.3.7 Exploration: Light Sensor
    28. Video 11.3.8 Exploration 2.3a Follow-up
    29. Exercise 11.3.9 Light Detector
    30. Connection 11.3.10 Exploration: Temperature Sensor
    31. Video 11.3.11 Exploration 2.3b Follow-up
    32. Exercise 11.3.12 Temperature Monitor
    33. Connection 11.3.13 Exploration: Accelerometer
    34. Video 11.3.14 Exploration 2.3c Follow-up
    35. Exercise 11.3.15 Brightness by Acceleration
    36. Exercise 11.3.16 Real World Application: Night Light
    37. 11.4 If/Else Statements

    38. Video 11.4.1 If/Else Statements
    39. Check for Understanding 11.4.2 If/Else Statements
    40. Notes 11.4.3 If/Else with 'count'
    41. Notes 11.4.4 If/If/If with 'count'
    42. Free Response 11.4.5 LED Position with a Variable
    43. Free Response 11.4.6 LED Brightness using Buttons
    44. Connection 11.4.7 Exploration: Using Servo Motors
    45. Video 11.4.8 Exploration 2.4 Follow-up
    46. Exercise 11.4.9 Servo Rotation with Reset
    47. Exercise 11.4.10 Button Controlling LED and Servo
    48. Exercise 11.4.11 Servo Position by Button Press
    49. Exercise 11.4.12 Servo with LED display and reset
    50. 11.5 Functions

    51. Video 11.5.1 Functions
    52. Check for Understanding 11.5.2 Functions
    53. Notes 11.5.3 Using Functions
    54. Notes 11.5.4 Using Functions with Parameters
    55. Notes 11.5.5 Combining Control Structures
    56. Free Response 11.5.6 Light Level LEDs
    57. Connection 11.5.7 Exploration: Using External Sensors
    58. Video 11.5.8 Exploration 2.5 Follow-up
    59. Exercise 11.5.9 Distance Monitor
    60. Challenge 11.5.10 Challenge: LED Arrow Following Servo
    61. Free Response 11.5.11 Choose an External Sensor to Investigate
    62. 11.6 Program Control with micro:bit Quiz

    63. Unit Quiz 11.6.1 Program Control with micro:bit Unit Quiz
  12. Advanced micro:bit

    1. 12.1 micro:bit Challenges

    2. Video 12.1.1 micro:bit Challenges: Breadboards
    3. Check for Understanding 12.1.2 micro:bit Challenges: Breadboards
    4. Notes 12.1.3 Distance Sensor with Breadboard
    5. Connection 12.1.4 Exploration: Using Gestures to Control Code
    6. Video 12.1.5 Exploration 3.1 Follow-up
    7. Challenge 12.1.6 Digital Watch, Pt 1: Setting the Time
    8. Challenge 12.1.7 Digital Watch, Pt 2: Keeping TIme
    9. Challenge 12.1.8 Digital Watch, Pt 3: Final Touches
    10. Challenge 12.1.9 Inchworm
    11. Free Response 12.1.10 Project Reflection
    12. 12.2 Explore a New Sensor

    13. Notes 12.2.1 Explore a New Sensor: Overview
    14. Connection 12.2.2 Exploration: Getting Started with a New Sensor
    15. Free Response 12.2.3 Video/ Exploration
    16. Free Response 12.2.4 Example Program
    17. Video 12.2.5 How to add images
    18. Free Response 12.2.6 Build an Exercise to Teach about your Sensor!
    19. Free Response 12.2.7 Creating a Lesson: Reflection
    20. 12.3 Follow a step-by-step project

    21. Free Response 12.3.1 Research and Choose Project
    22. Free Response 12.3.2 Create Updated Directions
    23. Free Response 12.3.3 Step-by-Step Project Reflection
    24. 12.4 Final Project

    25. Free Response 12.4.1 Project Brainstorm and Selection
    26. Free Response 12.4.2 Build a Prototype
    27. Free Response 12.4.3 Test and Improve your Project
    28. Presentation 12.4.4 Present your Project!