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Introduction to Java (Latte)


  1. Introduction to Programming in Java with Karel the Dog

    1. 1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 1.2 More Basic Karel

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 1.3 Java Programs and the Run Method

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 1.4 Karel Can't Turn Right

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 1.5 Methods in Karel

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 1.7 Commenting Your Code

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 1.8 Super Karel

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 1.9 For Loops

    26. Description
    27. Objective
    28. 1.10 While Loops in Karel

    29. Description
    30. Objective
    31. 1.11 If Statements

    32. Description
    33. Objective
    34. 1.12 If/Else Statements

    35. Description
    36. Objective
    37. 1.13 Control Structures Example

    38. Description
    39. Objective
    40. 1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing

    41. Description
    42. Objective
    43. 1.15 How to Indent Your Code

    44. Description
    45. Objective
    46. 1.16 Karel Challenges

    47. Description
    48. Objective
    49. 1.17 Unit 1 Quiz

    50. Description
    51. Objective
  2. Basic Java

    1. 2.1 Printing in Java

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 2.2 Variables and Types

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 2.3 User Input

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 2.4 Arithmetic Expressions

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 2.5 Casting

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 2.6 Booleans

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 2.7 Logical Operators

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 2.8 Comparison Operators

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 2.9 For Loops

    26. Description
    27. Objective
    28. 2.10 While Loops

    29. Description
    30. Objective
    31. 2.11 If Statements

    32. Description
    33. Objective
    34. 2.12 Loop-and-a-Half

    35. Description
    36. Objective
    37. 2.13 Short-Circuit Evaluation

    38. Description
    39. Objective
    40. 2.14 De Morgan's Laws

    41. Description
    42. Objective
    43. 2.15 Strings

    44. Description
    45. Objective
    46. 2.16 Unit 2 Quiz

    47. Description
    48. Objective
  3. Methods

    1. 3.1 Java Methods

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 3.2 Methods and Parameters

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 3.3 Methods and Return Values

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 3.4 Javadocs and More Methods

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 3.5 Strings Methods

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 3.6 Strings and Characters

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 3.7 Exceptions

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 3.8 String Processing

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 3.9 Unit 3 Quiz

    26. Description
    27. Objective
  4. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

    1. 4.1 Introduction to Classes and Objects

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 4.2 Classes vs. Objects

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 4.3 Using a Class as a Client

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 4.4 Writing Classes

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 4.5 Writing Classes and Instance Methods

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 4.6 Getter and Setter Methods

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 4.7 Class Methods and Class Variables

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 4.8 Method Overloading

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 4.9 Local Variables and Scope

    26. Description
    27. Objective
    28. 4.10 Key Terms for Classes

    29. Description
    30. Objective
    31. 4.11 Objects vs Primitives

    32. Description
    33. Objective
    34. 4.12 Inheritance

    35. Description
    36. Objective
    37. 4.13 Class Design and Abstract Classes

    38. Description
    39. Objective
    40. 4.14 Polymorphism

    41. Description
    42. Objective
    43. 4.15 Interfaces

    44. Description
    45. Objective
    46. 4.16 Unit 4 Quiz

    47. Description
    48. Objective
  5. Data Structures

    1. 5.1 What are Data Structures?

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 5.2 Introduction to Arrays

    5. Description
    6. Objective
    7. 5.3 Using Arrays

    8. Description
    9. Objective
    10. 5.4 ArrayList Methods

    11. Description
    12. Objective
    13. 5.5 Arrays vs ArrayLists

    14. Description
    15. Objective
    16. 5.6 The List Interface

    17. Description
    18. Objective
    19. 5.7 2D Arrays (Matrices or Grids)

    20. Description
    21. Objective
    22. 5.8 HashMaps

    23. Description
    24. Objective
    25. 5.9 Binary

    26. Description
    27. Objective
    28. 5.10 Writing BlackJack

    29. Description
    30. Objective
    31. 5.11 Battleship

    32. Description
    33. Objective
    34. 5.12 Unit Quiz

    35. Description
    36. Objective
  6. Final Project

    1. 6.1 Final Project

    2. Description
    3. Objective
    4. 6.2 AP Java Completed

    5. Description
    6. Objective
  7. Project: Pokemon Simulation

    1. 7.1 Pokemon Simulation

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  8. Project: Mad Libs

    1. 8.1 Mad Libs

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  9. Java Outside of CodeHS

    1. 9.1 Java Outside of CodeHS

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  10. Project: Quiz Creation

    1. 10.1 Quiz Creation

    2. Description
    3. Objective
  11. Computer Ethics

    1. 11.1 Computer Ethics

    2. Description
    3. Objective