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Activity Points Item Type
C++ Basics
1.1 Input, Output, and Program Structure Lesson
1.1.1 Input, Output, and Program Structure 5 Notes
1.1.2 Hello World 5 Example
1.1.3 Input and Output 5 Example
1.1.4 getline and cin 5 Example
1.1.5 Program Structure 5 Example
1.1.6 Quiz: Input, Output, and Program Structure 4 Quiz
1.1.7 Create a Haiku 5 Exercise
1.1.8 Favorites 5 Exercise
1.1.9 Put the Code in Order 5 Exercise
1.2 Basic Data Types Lesson
1.2.1 Basic Data Types 5 Notes
1.2.2 Strings and Characters 5 Example
1.2.3 Numbers 5 Example
1.2.4 Booleans 5 Example
1.2.5 Quiz: Basic Data Types 4 Quiz
1.2.6 Hole in One 5 Exercise
1.2.7 Loose Change 5 Exercise
1.2.8 Fast Food 5 Exercise
1.3 Conditional Statements Lesson
1.3.1 Conditional Statements 5 Notes
1.3.2 Basic If/Else Statements 5 Example
1.3.3 Comparing Strings 5 Example
1.3.4 Logical Operators 5 Example
1.3.5 Quiz: Conditional Statements 3 Quiz
1.3.6 Paper Supplier 5 Exercise
1.3.7 Choose your own adventure 5 Exercise
1.4 Loops Lesson
1.4.1 Loops 5 Notes
1.4.2 For Loops 5 Example
1.4.3 While Loops 5 Example
1.4.4 Searching a String 5 Example
1.4.5 Quiz: Loops 3 Quiz
1.4.6 Summing a Number's Digits 5 Exercise
1.4.7 Hacker Speak 5 Exercise
1.4.8 The Necklace Problem 5 Exercise
1.5 Functions in C++ Lesson
1.5.1 Functions in C++ 5 Notes
1.5.2 Defining and Calling Functions 5 Example
1.5.3 Passing by Reference vs Value 5 Example
1.5.4 Function Prototypes 5 Example
1.5.5 Quiz: Functions in C++ 5 Quiz
1.5.6 Drawing a Triangle 5 Exercise
1.5.7 Easier Input 5 Exercise
1.5.8 Encryption 5 Exercise
1.6 Project: Code Verification Lesson
1.6.1 Code Verification 5 Exercise
1.7 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
1.7.1 Quiz: C++ Basics 15 Quiz
Going Beyond The Basics
2.1 Vector Basics Lesson
2.1.1 Vector Basics 5 Notes
2.1.2 Creating and Accessing Vectors 5 Example
2.1.3 Inserting into a Vector 5 Example
2.1.4 Looping Through a Vector 5 Example
2.1.5 Quiz: Vector Basics 5 Quiz
2.1.6 Splitting a Vector 5 Exercise
2.1.7 A Sorted Addition 5 Exercise
2.1.8 Final Grade Calculator 5 Exercise
2.2 Function Default Values Lesson
2.2.1 Function Default Values 5 Notes
2.2.2 Default Values 5 Example
2.2.3 Default Values with a Prototype 5 Example
2.2.4 Example: Splitting a String 5 Example
2.2.5 Quiz: Function Default Values 4 Quiz
2.2.6 Burrito Bowl 5 Exercise
2.2.7 Better Number Inputs 5 Exercise
2.2.8 Appointment Follow Up 5 Exercise
2.3 Structs Lesson
2.3.1 Structs 5 Notes
2.3.2 Defining and Accessing Structs 5 Example
2.3.3 Using Structs: Line Length 5 Example
2.3.4 Quiz: Structs 4 Quiz
2.3.5 Songs 5 Exercise
2.3.6 Movies - Part 1 5 Exercise
2.4 File Input/Output Lesson
2.4.1 File Input/Output 5 Notes
2.4.2 Reading In a File 5 Example
2.4.3 Processing a File 5 Example
2.4.4 Writing To a File 5 Example
2.4.5 Quiz: File Input/Output 0 Quiz
2.4.6 Sum From A File 5 Exercise
2.4.7 Movies - Part 2 5 Exercise
2.5 Error Handling Lesson
2.5.1 Error Handling 5 Notes
2.5.2 Validating a Number 5 Example
2.5.3 Validating a Vector Index 5 Example
2.5.4 Throwing Other Values 5 Example
2.5.5 Quiz: Error Handling 4 Quiz
2.5.6 Next Birthday 5 Exercise
2.5.7 Movies - Part 3 5 Exercise
2.6 Project: Karel Internship Lesson
2.6.1 Part 1 - Karel Internship 5 Exercise
2.6.2 Part 2 - Karel Internship 5 Exercise
2.7 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
2.7.1 Quiz: Going Beyond The Basics 15 Quiz
3.1 Header Files Lesson
3.1.1 Header Files 5 Notes
3.1.2 Header File 5 Example
3.1.3 Header and Implementation File 5 Example
3.1.4 Safer Header 5 Example
3.1.5 Quiz: Header Files 3 Quiz
3.1.6 Convert to Uppercase 5 Exercise
3.1.7 Basic Math Library 5 Exercise
3.2 Using Libraries Lesson
3.2.1 Using Libraries 5 Notes
3.2.2 The Util Library 5 Example
3.2.3 Built in Util Library 5 Example
3.2.4 Quiz: Using Libraries 3 Quiz
3.2.5 Number Guessing Game 5 Exercise
3.2.6 Patient Records 5 Exercise
3.3 Project: The Game of Pig Lesson
3.3.1 The Game of Pig 5 Free Response
3.3.2 Build the Basic Program 5 Exercise
3.3.3 Adding a Computer Opponent 5 Exercise
3.4 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
3.4.1 Quiz: Libraries 10 Quiz
2D Vectors, Stacks, and Queues
4.1 2D Vectors Lesson
4.1.1 2D Vectors 5 Notes
4.1.2 The 2D Vector 5 Example
4.1.3 Creating a 2D Vector 5 Example
4.1.4 Quiz: 2D Vectors 3 Quiz
4.1.5 Magic Square Tester 5 Exercise
4.1.6 Gradient 5 Exercise
4.2 Project: The Game of Life Lesson
4.2.1 Creating the Board 5 Exercise
4.2.2 Adding the Simulator 5 Exercise
4.3 Stacks Lesson
4.3.1 Stacks 5 Notes
4.3.2 Basic Stack 5 Example
4.3.3 Stack Example: Reverse a String 5 Example
4.3.4 Quiz: Stacks 3 Quiz
4.3.5 Browser History 5 Exercise
4.3.6 Error Checking 5 Exercise
4.4 Project: RPN Calculator Lesson
4.4.1 What is an RPN Calculator? 5 Demo
4.4.2 Building the Calculator 5 Exercise
4.5 Queues Lesson
4.5.1 Queues 5 Notes
4.5.2 Basic Queue 5 Example
4.5.3 Queue Example: Next in Line 5 Example
4.5.4 Quiz: Queues 2 Quiz
4.5.5 Line Simulator - Single Queue 5 Exercise
4.5.6 Line Simulator - Three Queues 5 Exercise
4.6 Project: Karaoke Night Lesson
4.6.1 Project: Karaoke Night 5 Exercise
4.7 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
4.7.1 Quiz: 2D Vectors, Stacks, and Queues 15 Quiz
Sets and Maps
5.1 Pairs and Iterators Lesson
5.1.1 Pairs and Iterators 5 Notes
5.1.2 Pairs 5 Example
5.1.3 Iterators 5 Example
5.1.4 Quiz: Pairs and Iterators 5 Quiz
5.1.5 Deck of Cards 5 Exercise
5.1.6 Comparing ways to Loop Through a Vector 5 Free Response
5.2 Sets Lesson
5.2.1 Sets 5 Notes
5.2.2 Basic Sets 5 Example
5.2.3 Iterating Through a Set 5 Example
5.2.4 Sets of Struct Values 5 Example
5.2.5 Quiz: Sets 5 Quiz
5.2.6 Visiting All the Teams 5 Exercise
5.2.7 Movies - Part 4 5 Exercise
5.3 Project: Bingo Lesson
5.3.1 Bingo - Demo 5 Demo
5.3.2 Part 1 - Game Setup 5 Exercise
5.3.3 Part 2 - Playing a Turn 5 Exercise
5.3.4 Part 3 - Finding a Winner 5 Exercise
5.4 Maps Lesson
5.4.1 Maps 5 Notes
5.4.2 Map Basics 5 Example
5.4.3 Iterating Through a Map 5 Example
5.4.4 Updating Maps 5 Example
5.4.5 Quiz: Maps 5 Quiz
5.4.6 Word Count 5 Exercise
5.4.7 Car Registration 5 Exercise
5.5 Project: FRC Scoring System Lesson
5.5.1 FRC Scoring - Planning 5 Free Response
5.5.2 FRC Scoring - Build 5 Exercise
5.6 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
5.6.1 Quiz: Sets and Maps 15 Quiz
6.1 Functional Recursion Lesson
6.1.1 Functional Recursion 5 Notes
6.1.2 Basic Recursive Problem: Exponential 5 Example
6.1.3 Recursion Example: Reverse String 5 Example
6.1.4 Recursion Example: Make Sum 5 Example
6.1.5 Quiz: Functional Recursion 4 Quiz
6.1.6 Sum Digits 5 Exercise
6.1.7 Remove a Letter 5 Exercise
6.1.8 Valid DNA Sequences 5 Exercise
6.1.9 Subsequence 5 Exercise
6.2 Procedural Recursion Lesson
6.2.1 Procedural Recursion 5 Notes
6.2.2 Print Binary 5 Example
6.2.3 Recursion Example: Print Permutations 5 Example
6.2.4 Depth versus Breadth Search 5 Example
6.2.5 Quiz: Procedural Recursion 4 Quiz
6.2.6 Print All Binary Permutations 5 Exercise
6.2.7 Pascal's Triangle 5 Exercise
6.2.8 Phone Words 5 Exercise
6.3 Recursive Backtracking Lesson
6.3.1 Recursive Backtracking 5 Notes
6.3.2 Basic Backtracking 5 Example
6.3.3 Eight Queens 5 Example
6.3.4 Quiz: Recursive Backtracking 4 Quiz
6.3.5 Dice Sum 5 Exercise
6.3.6 Airfreight 5 Exercise
6.3.7 Cell Phone Towers 5 Exercise
6.4 Project: Sudoku Solver Lesson
6.4.1 Set Up 5 Exercise
6.4.2 isValid 5 Exercise
6.4.3 nextEmpty 5 Exercise
6.4.4 Final Build 5 Exercise
6.5 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
6.5.1 Quiz: Recursion 15 Quiz
Pointers, Linked Lists, and Graphs
7.1 Pointers Lesson
7.1.1 Pointers 5 Notes
7.1.2 Assigning and Updating Pointers 5 Example
7.1.3 Pointers and Functions 5 Example
7.1.4 Pointers and Data Structures 5 Example
7.1.5 Quiz: Pointers 5 Quiz
7.1.6 Print Stats 5 Exercise
7.1.7 Stocks - Part 1 5 Exercise
7.1.8 Stocks - Part 2 5 Exercise
7.2 Project: Team Roster Lesson
7.2.1 Project Demo 5 Demo
7.2.2 Team Roster 5 Exercise
7.3 Linked Lists Lesson
7.3.1 Linked Lists 5 Notes
7.3.2 Basic Linked List 5 Example
7.3.3 Linked List and Recursion 5 Example
7.3.4 Example: Sorted Phone Book 5 Example
7.3.5 Quiz: Linked List 4 Quiz
7.3.6 Remove From the Phone Book 5 Exercise
7.3.7 Really Long Division 5 Exercise
7.3.8 Doubly Linked List 5 Example
7.3.9 Playlist 5 Exercise
7.4 Project: Mail Forwarding Lesson
7.4.1 Part 1: Creating the Structure 5 Exercise
7.4.2 Part 2: Adding Utilities 5 Exercise
7.4.3 Adding the User Interface 5 Exercise
7.5 Graphs Lesson
7.5.1 Graphs 5 Notes
7.5.2 Basic Example: Breadth First Search 5 Example
7.5.3 Application: Connecting Cities 5 Example
7.5.4 Quiz: Graphs 4 Quiz
7.5.5 Extending Connecting Cities 5 Exercise
7.5.6 LinkedOut: A High School Social Network 5 Exercise
7.6 End of Unit Quiz Lesson
7.6.1 Quiz: Pointers, Linked Lists, and Graphs 15 Quiz
Final Project
8.1 Virtual Lines Lesson
8.1.1 Final Project Demo 5 Demo
8.1.2 Part 1 - Creating the Basic Queue 5 Exercise
8.1.3 Part 2 - Adding Basic Functionality 5 Exercise
8.1.4 Part 3 - Adding the User Interface 5 Exercise
8.1.5 Part 4 - Only One Queue per Person 5 Exercise