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1. Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene
1.1 What is Cybersecurity?
Video 1.1.1 What is Cybersecurity?
Check for Understanding 1.1.2 What is Cybersecurity?
Connection 1.1.3 City Services Ransomware
Free Response 1.1.4 Ransomware Reflection
Connection 1.1.5 Internet of Things
Connection 1.1.6 Hackers vs. Smart Homes
Free Response 1.1.7 Internet of Things Reflection
Connection 1.1.8 Threat Map
Free Response 1.1.9 Why Learn about Cybersecurity?
1.2 The CIA Triad
Video 1.2.1 CIA Triad
Check for Understanding 1.2.2 CIA Triad
Free Response 1.2.3 Which part of the CIA Triad?
Free Response 1.2.4 Which part of the CIA Triad?
Free Response 1.2.5 Breach of Confidentiality
Free Response 1.2.6 Breach of Availability
1.3 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Video 1.3.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Check for Understanding 1.3.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation
Free Response 1.3.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint
Connection 1.3.4 Right to be Forgotten?
Free Response 1.3.5 Right to be Forgotten
Free Response 1.3.6 What is your Digital Footprint?
1.4 Cyberbullying
Video 1.4.1 Cyberbullying
Check for Understanding 1.4.2 Cyberbullying
Free Response 1.4.3 Scenario: Student Ranking
Free Response 1.4.4 Scenario: Singled Out
Free Response 1.4.5 Stopping Cyberbullying
1.5 Internet Safety
Video 1.5.1 Internet Safety
Check for Understanding 1.5.2 Internet Safety
Free Response 1.5.3 Scenario: School Stranger
Free Response 1.5.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals
Free Response 1.5.5 Staying Safe
1.6 Privacy & Security
Video 1.6.1 What is Data Privacy & Security?
Check for Understanding 1.6.2 Privacy & Security Quiz
Connection 1.6.3 How Strong is your Password?
Free Response 1.6.4 How Strong is your password?
Connection 1.6.5 Google Privacy Policy Search
Free Response 1.6.6 Google Privacy Policy Search
1.7 Information Literacy
Video 1.7.1 Information Literacy
Check for Understanding 1.7.2 Information Literacy
Free Response 1.7.3 Effective Internet Searches
Connection 1.7.4 Evaluate the Source 1
Free Response 1.7.5 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1
Notes 1.7.6 Evaluate the Source 2
Free Response 1.7.7 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2
Connection 1.7.8 Hero Pig?
1.8 Visualizing and Interpreting Data
Video 1.8.1 Visualizing Data
Check for Understanding 1.8.2 Visualizing Data Quiz
Notes 1.8.3 Exploring Data Visualizations
Connection 1.8.4 US Recorded Music Revenue
Connection 1.8.5 National Parks
Connection 1.8.6 March Madness
Connection 1.8.7 Captain Marvel
Free Response 1.8.8 Respond: Visualizations
Free Response 1.8.9 Free Response: Choosing a Visualization
Check for Understanding 1.8.10 Visualizing & Interpreting Data Quiz
1.9 Data Collection & Limitations
Video 1.9.1 Gathering Data
Free Response 1.9.2 Quantitative/Qualitative
Video 1.9.3 Collecting Data
Check for Understanding 1.9.4 Collecting Data Quiz
Free Response 1.9.5 Reflection: Design a Survey
Free Response 1.9.6 Reflection: Self-Driving Cars
Check for Understanding 1.9.7 Data Collection Quiz
Video 1.9.8 Data Limitations
Check for Understanding 1.9.9 Interpreting Data Quiz
Connection 1.9.10 Interpret vs. Infer vs. Implicate
Example 1.9.11 Line Graph
Example 1.9.12 Bar Graph
Example 1.9.13 Pie Chart
1.10 Simulation
Video 1.10.1 Simulation
Example 1.10.2 Gravity Simulation
Example 1.10.3 Conway's Game of Life
Exercise 1.10.4 Simulating a Coin Flip
Connection 1.10.5 Wolf Sheep Predation Simulation
Badge 1.10.6 Data Structures Exercises Badge
1.11 Creative Credit & Copyright
Video 1.11.1 Creative Credit and Copyright
Check for Understanding 1.11.2 Creative Credit and Copyright
Free Response 1.11.3 Cite!
Connection 1.11.4 Exploring Creative Commons
Free Response 1.11.5 Respond: Creative Commons
Free Response 1.11.6 Finding Images
Free Response 1.11.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important?
1.12 Hacking Ethics
Video 1.12.1 Hacking Ethics & Legality
Check for Understanding 1.12.2 Hacking Ethics & Legality
Connection 1.12.3 Penetration Testing
Free Response 1.12.4 Reflection: Penetration Testing
Connection 1.12.5 Hack the Pentagon?
Free Response 1.12.6 Reflection: Hack the Pentagon
Check for Understanding 1.12.7 Ethical Hacker Agreement
1.13 Project: Public Service Announcement
Free Response 1.13.1 Pick a Topic
Free Response 1.13.2 Research
Free Response 1.13.3 Choose Your Audience
Free Response 1.13.4 What kind of PSA?
Free Response 1.13.5 Draft your PSA
Free Response 1.13.6 Finalize your PSA!
1.14 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz
Unit Quiz 1.14.1 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Quiz
Badge 1.14.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
2. Introduction to Programming with Turtle Graphics
2.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle
Video 2.1.1 Intro to Tracy
Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Intro to Tracy
Example 2.1.3 Slinky
Exercise 2.1.4 Stretched Slinky
2.2 Tracy's Grid World
Video 2.2.1 Tracy's Grid World
Check for Understanding 2.2.2 Tracy's Grid World
Example 2.2.3 Dashed Line
Exercise 2.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line
Exercise 2.2.5 Caterpillar
Badge 2.2.6 Grid World Badge
2.3 Turning Tracy
Video 2.3.1 Turning Tracy
Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Turning Tracy
Example 2.3.3 Square
Example 2.3.4 X and Y Axes
Exercise 2.3.5 Rectangle
Exercise 2.3.6 4 Columns
2.4 For Loops
Video 2.4.1 For Loops
Check for Understanding 2.4.2 For Loops
Example 2.4.3 Square Using Loops
Example 2.4.4 Dotted Line
Exercise 2.4.5 Row of Circles
Exercise 2.4.6 4 Columns 2.0
Badge 2.4.7 Looping Badge
2.5 Turning Tracy Using Angles
Video 2.5.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles
Check for Understanding 2.5.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles
Example 2.5.3 Asterisk
Example 2.5.4 Four Circles
Exercise 2.5.5 Hexagon
Exercise 2.5.6 'X' Marks the Spot
Exercise 2.5.7 Circle Pyramid
Video 2.6.1 Comments
Check for Understanding 2.6.2 Comments
Example 2.6.3 Four Circles with Comments
Exercise 2.6.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments
2.7 Naming Guidelines
Video 2.7.1 Naming Guidelines
Check for Understanding 2.7.2 Naming Guidelines
2.8 Functions
Video 2.8.1 Functions
Check for Understanding 2.8.2 Functions
Example 2.8.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks
Exercise 2.8.4 Beaded Bracelet
Exercise 2.8.5 Shape Stack
Badge 2.8.6 Functions Badge
2.9 Artistic Effects
Video 2.9.1 Artistic Effects
Check for Understanding 2.9.2 Artistic Effects
Example 2.9.3 Rainbow Octagon
Example 2.9.4 Circle Square Triangle
Exercise 2.9.5 Four Colored Triangles
Exercise 2.9.6 Colorful Bracelet
Challenge 2.9.7 Kid's Shapes Toy
2.10 Top Down Design
Video 2.10.1 Top Down Design
Check for Understanding 2.10.2 Top Down Design
Example 2.10.3 Bubble Wrap
Exercise 2.10.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0
Exercise 2.10.5 Sidewalk
2.11 Abstraction
Video 2.11.1 Abstraction
Check for Understanding 2.11.2 Abstraction
Example 2.11.3 Abstracting Away draw_square()
Free Response 2.11.4 Abstracting Your Day
Free Response 2.11.5 Reflection: Abstraction
Free Response 2.11.6 Abstraction in Tracy
2.12 Variables
Video 2.12.1 Variables
Check for Understanding 2.12.2 Variables
Example 2.12.3 Increasing Length
Exercise 2.12.4 Dartboard
Exercise 2.12.5 Line of Increasing Blocks
2.13 User Input
Video 2.13.1 User Input
Check for Understanding 2.13.2 User Input
Example 2.13.3 Color Coded Increasing Length
Exercise 2.13.4 Colored Dartboard
Exercise 2.13.5 Four Corners
Badge 2.13.6 User Input Badge
2.14 Parameters
Video 2.14.1 Parameters
Check for Understanding 2.14.2 Parameters
Example 2.14.3 Concentric Circles
Exercise 2.14.4 Colorful Caterpillar
Exercise 2.14.5 Circle in a Square
Exercise 2.14.6 Snowman
2.15 Debugging Strategies
Video 2.15.1 Debugging Basics
Debugging 2.15.2 Debug: Diagonal Circles
Debugging 2.15.3 Debug: Semicircles
Video 2.15.4 Debugging from Error Messages
Quiz 2.15.5 Debugging Basics
Debugging 2.15.6 Debug: Three Circles
Debugging 2.15.7 Debug: Row of Bricks
Free Response 2.15.8 Debugging Reflection
2.16 Using i in For Loops
Video 2.16.1 Using i in For Loops
Check for Understanding 2.16.2 Using i in For Loops
Example 2.16.3 Geometry
Exercise 2.16.4 Geometry 2.0
2.17 Extended Loop Control
Video 2.17.1 Extended Loop Control
Check for Understanding 2.17.2 Extended Loop Control
Example 2.17.3 Square Swirl
Exercise 2.17.4 Dartboard using i
Exercise 2.17.5 Phone Signal
Badge 2.17.6 Master of i Badge
2.18 If Statements
Video 2.18.1 If Statements
Check for Understanding 2.18.2 If Statements
Example 2.18.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks
Exercise 2.18.4 Happy Face
Exercise 2.18.5 Black and White Squares
2.19 If/ Else Statements
Video 2.19.1 If/Else Statements
Check for Understanding 2.19.2 If/Else Statements
Example 2.19.3 Positive, Negative, Zero
Exercise 2.19.4 Rating
Exercise 2.19.5 Happy/ Sad Face
2.20 While Loops
Video 2.20.1 While Loops
Check for Understanding 2.20.2 While Loops
Example 2.20.3 Increasing Circles
Exercise 2.20.4 Increasing Squares
Exercise 2.20.5 Guess a Number
Badge 2.20.6 Conditionals Badge
Survey 2.20.7 Mindset Survey 1
2.21 Collaborative Programming
Video 2.21.1 Pair-Programming
Check for Understanding 2.21.2 Pair-Programming
Connection 2.21.3 Why Practice Pair-Programming?
Free Response 2.21.4 Pair-Programming Reflection
2.22 Putting Together Control Structures
Video 2.22.1 Putting Together Control Structures
Check for Understanding 2.22.2 Putting Together Control Structures
Example 2.22.3 Block Pyramid
Exercise 2.22.4 Guess a Number 2.0
Exercise 2.22.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0
Challenge 2.22.6 Checkerboard
Badge 2.22.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge
2.23 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz
Quiz 2.23.1 Putting It All Together Quiz
Badge 2.23.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
3. Networks and the Internet
3.1 Intro to the Internet
Video 3.1.1 Welcome to the Internet
Quiz 3.1.2 Welcome to the Internet Quiz
Free Response 3.1.3 The Internet and You
3.2 History of Computers
Video 3.2.1 History of Computers
Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Video Quiz
Notes 3.2.3 Mission: Who invented the computer?
Free Response 3.2.4 Evidence Collection
Connection 3.2.5 Exhibit A: Charles Babbage
Connection 3.2.6 Exhibit B: Ada Lovelace
Connection 3.2.7 Exhibit C: Alan Turing
Connection 3.2.8 Exhibit D: Mauchly and Eckert
Connection 3.2.9 Exhibit E: ENIAC Programmers
Connection 3.2.10 Exhibit F: Grace Hopper
Connection 3.2.11 Exhibit G: Mark Dean
Free Response 3.2.12 Culminating Activity
3.3 Computer Organization
Video 3.3.1 Computer Organization
Check for Understanding 3.3.2 Video Quiz
Connection 3.3.3 Draw a Computer
Check for Understanding 3.3.4 What Kind of Device?
3.4 Software
Video 3.4.1 Software
Check for Understanding 3.4.2 Software Quiz
Connection 3.4.3 Software Explained
Free Response 3.4.4 Computer Applications You Use
Free Response 3.4.5 Operating Systems
3.5 Internet Hardware
Video 3.5.1 Hardware of the Internet
Quiz 3.5.2 Internet Hardware Quiz
Connection 3.5.3 The Internet is in the Ocean
3.6 Internet Addresses
Video 3.6.1 Internet Addresses
Quiz 3.6.2 Internet Addresses Quiz
Free Response 3.6.3 The Need for Addresses
Quiz 3.6.4 4-bit Addresses
Free Response 3.6.5 IPv4 vs IPv6
3.7 DNS
Video 3.7.1 DNS
Quiz 3.7.2 DNS Quiz
Connection 3.7.3 How Does DNS Work?
Free Response 3.7.4 How Does DNS Work?
Badge 3.7.5 DNS Badge
3.8 Routing
Video 3.8.1 Routing
Quiz 3.8.2 Routing Quiz
Free Response 3.8.3 Redundancy
Traceroute 3.8.4 Route Tracing
3.9 Packets and Protocols
Video 3.9.1 Packets and Protocols
Quiz 3.9.2 Packets and Protocols Quiz
Resource 3.9.3 Passing Notes
Connection 3.9.4 How the Internet Works
Free Response 3.9.5 The Story of the Internet
3.10 Number Systems
Video 3.10.1 Number Systems
Notes 3.10.2 Number Base Tool
Check for Understanding 3.10.3 Number Systems Quiz
Video 3.10.4 Decimal to Binary
Check for Understanding 3.10.5 Decimal to Binary Quiz
Exercise 3.10.6 Binary Game
Video 3.10.7 Hexadecimal
3.11 Encoding Text with Binary
Video 3.11.1 Encoding Text with Binary
Check for Understanding 3.11.2 Encoding Text with Binary Quiz
Example 3.11.3 Custom Encoding
Example 3.11.4 Bits to ASCII
Exercise 3.11.5 Hello World in Bits
Exercise 3.11.6 Create your own Encoding
Badge 3.11.7 Encoding Badge
3.12 The Impact of the Internet
Video 3.12.1 The Impact of the Internet
Quiz 3.12.2 The Impact of the Internet Quiz
Connection 3.12.3 What is the Digital Divide?
Free Response 3.12.4 What is the Digital Divide?
3.13 Networks and the Internet Quiz
Quiz 3.13.1 Networks and the Internet Quiz
Badge 3.13.2 The Internet Badge
3.14 Command Line Interface
Notes 3.14.1 Linux/MacOS vs. Windows
Video 3.14.2 Command Line Interface
Check for Understanding 3.14.3 Command Line Interface Quiz
Resource 3.14.4 Command Equivalents
Video 3.14.5 Windows Command Prompt
Free Response 3.14.6 Windows Command Prompt
Free Response 3.14.7 Directory Directions
Connection 3.14.8 Neural Interface?
Free Response 3.14.9 Neural Interface?
3.15 Network Management
Notes 3.15.1 Linux/MacOS vs. Windows
Video 3.15.2 Network Management
Check for Understanding 3.15.3 Network Management Quiz
Example 3.15.4 MacOS Terminal Simulation
Example 3.15.5 Windows Command Prompt Simulation
Video 3.15.6 Windows Command Prompt Spy
Free Response 3.15.7 Windows Command Prompt Spy
Notes 3.15.8 SSH Logs
Example 3.15.9 SSH Logs
Free Response 3.15.10 Reading Logs
4. Project: Troubleshooting
4.1 Methodology
Notes 4.1.1 Troubleshooting Methodology
Free Response 4.1.2 Identify the Problem
Free Response 4.1.3 Research Solutions
Free Response 4.1.4 Establish a Theory
Free Response 4.1.5 Test the Theory
Free Response 4.1.6 Fix the Problem!
4.2 Support Practice
Exercise 4.2.1 Signal Strength
Exercise 4.2.2 Interference
5. Basic Python and Console Interaction
5.1 Printing in Python
Video 5.1.1 What is Code?
Connection 5.1.2 Compilers vs. Interpreters
Notes 5.1.3 Programming Paradigms
Resource 5.1.4 IDE Scavenger Hunt
Video 5.1.5 Printing in Python
Check for Understanding 5.1.6 Printing in Python
Example 5.1.7 Hello, world!
Example 5.1.8 Printing Multiple Lines
Exercise 5.1.9 Introduce Yourself
Debugging 5.1.10 Fix This Program!
Exercise 5.1.11 Vertical name
5.2 Variables and Types
Video 5.2.1 Variables and Types
Check for Understanding 5.2.2 Variables and Types
Example 5.2.3 Variables in Action
Example 5.2.4 Variable Types
Example 5.2.5 Variable Naming
Exercise 5.2.6 Make Some Variables!
Debugging 5.2.7 Undefined Variables
Badge 5.2.8 Variables Badge
5.3 User Input
Video 5.3.1 User Input
Check for Understanding 5.3.2 User Input
Example 5.3.3 Basic User Input
Example 5.3.4 Type Conversion
Example 5.3.5 Type Conversion, Part 2
Exercise 5.3.6 Hello <name>
Exercise 5.3.7 Age
5.4 Mathematical Operators
Video 5.4.1 Mathematical Operators
Check for Understanding 5.4.2 Mathematical Operators
Example 5.4.3 Operators and Integers
Example 5.4.4 Operator Precedence
Exercise 5.4.5 Add Parentheses
Example 5.4.6 Division in Python
Example 5.4.7 Operators and Floats
Exercise 5.4.8 Rectangle
5.5 String Operators
Video 5.5.1 String Operators
Check for Understanding 5.5.2 String Operators
Example 5.5.3 Operators and Strings
Debugging 5.5.4 Fix This Program
Example 5.5.5 Team Sizes
Exercise 5.5.6 Introduce Yourself, Part 2
Exercise 5.5.7 Rectangle, Part 2
Exercise 5.5.8 Rectangle, Part 3
Challenge 5.5.9 Recipe
Video 5.6.1 Comments
Check for Understanding 5.6.2 Comments
Example 5.6.3 Commented Program
Example 5.6.4 Trapezoid
Exercise 5.6.5 Add Comments!
5.7 Basic Python and Console Interaction Quiz
Unit Quiz 5.7.1 Basic Python and Console Interaction Quiz
Badge 5.7.2 Basic Python and Console Interaction Badge
6. Conditionals
6.1 Booleans
Video 6.1.1 Booleans
Check for Understanding 6.1.2 Booleans
Example 6.1.3 Boolean Variables
Debugging 6.1.4 Fix This Program
Exercise 6.1.5 Plants
6.2 If Statements
Video 6.2.1 If Statements
Check for Understanding 6.2.2 If Statements
Example 6.2.3 Your First If Statement
Example 6.2.4 If/Else Statement
Debugging 6.2.5 Fix This Program
Exercise 6.2.6 Is It Raining?
Badge 6.2.7 Conditional Badge
6.3 Comparison Operators
Video 6.3.1 Comparison Operators
Check for Understanding 6.3.2 Comparison Operators
Example 6.3.3 Comparison Operators
Example 6.3.4 High Jump
Example 6.3.5 Roller Coaster
Exercise 6.3.6 Old Enough to Vote?
Exercise 6.3.7 Positive, Zero, or Negative?
Example 6.3.8 Age Group
Exercise 6.3.9 Table Reservation
Challenge 6.3.10 Transaction
6.4 Logical Operators
Video 6.4.1 Logical Operators
Check for Understanding 6.4.2 Logical Operators
Example 6.4.3 Logical Operators
Exercise 6.4.4 Administrators, Teachers, and Students
Exercise 6.4.5 Presidential Eligibility
Challenge 6.4.6 Presidential Eligibility- Extended
6.5 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
Video 6.5.1 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
Check for Understanding 6.5.2 Floating Point Numbers and Rounding
Example 6.5.3 Rounding Error
Exercise 6.5.4 Correct Portion
6.6 Conditionals Quiz
Unit Quiz 6.6.1 Conditionals Quiz
7. Looping
7.1 While Loops
Video 7.1.1 While Loops
Check for Understanding 7.1.2 While Loops
Example 7.1.3 Guess My Number
Example 7.1.4 Program Tracing
Example 7.1.5 Program Tracing, Part 2
Exercise 7.1.6 2 Through 20 Even
Exercise 7.1.7 Divisibility
7.2 For Loops
Video 7.2.1 For Loops
Check for Understanding 7.2.2 For Loops
Example 7.2.3 Print 10 Numbers
Example 7.2.4 1 Through 10, Part 2
Exercise 7.2.5 Counting 10 to 100 by Tens
Example 7.2.6 Running Total
Example 7.2.7 Running Total, Part 2
Exercise 7.2.8 Average Test Score
Exercise 7.2.9 How Many Names?
Badge 7.2.10 Loops Badge
Survey 7.2.11 Mindset Survey 2
7.3 Break and Continue
Video 7.3.1 Break and Continue
Check for Understanding 7.3.2 Break and Continue
Example 7.3.3 Break
Example 7.3.4 Continue
Example 7.3.5 Bike Frame Size
Example 7.3.6 Loop and a Half
Exercise 7.3.7 Higher/ Lower
Challenge 7.3.8 Higher / Lower 2.0
7.4 Nested Control Structures
Video 7.4.1 Nested Control Structures
Check for Understanding 7.4.2 Nested Control Structures
Example 7.4.3 Double For Loop
Example 7.4.4 Average Test Score, Part 2
Example 7.4.5 For Loop + While Loop
Exercise 7.4.6 Rolling Dice
Exercise 7.4.7 Categories
7.5 Looping Quiz
Unit Quiz 7.5.1 Looping Unit Test
8. Functions and Exceptions
8.1 Functions
Video 8.1.1 Functions
Check for Understanding 8.1.2 Functions
Example 8.1.3 Greeting
Example 8.1.4 Extended Greeting
Exercise 8.1.5 Weather
8.2 Functions and Parameters
Video 8.2.1 Functions and Parameters
Check for Understanding 8.2.2 Functions and Parameters
Example 8.2.3 Print a Value
Example 8.2.4 Name and Age
Exercise 8.2.5 Print Product
Exercise 8.2.6 Print Multiple Times
Example 8.2.7 Default Parameter Values
Exercise 8.2.8 Area of a Square with Default Parameters
8.3 Namespaces in Functions
Video 8.3.1 Namespaces in Functions
Check for Understanding 8.3.2 Namespaces in Functions
Example 8.3.3 Functions and Variables
Example 8.3.4 Functions and Variables, Part 2
Debugging 8.3.5 Fix This Program!
Exercise 8.3.6 Adding to a Value
Exercise 8.3.7 Add, Subtract, or Multiply
8.4 Functions and Return Values
Video 8.4.1 Functions and Return Values
Check for Understanding 8.4.2 Functions and Return Values
Example 8.4.3 Return 10
Exercise 8.4.4 Add One
Example 8.4.5 Negate
Example 8.4.6 Functions Calling Functions
Example 8.4.7 Function Calls As Parameters
Exercise 8.4.8 Sum Two Numbers
Exercise 8.4.9 Temperature Converter
Badge 8.4.10 Functions Badge
8.5 Exceptions
Video 8.5.1 Exceptions
Check for Understanding 8.5.2 Exceptions
Example 8.5.3 Enter a Number
Example 8.5.4 Enter Name and Age
Exercise 8.5.5 Temperature Converter, Part 2
Exercise 8.5.6 Enter a Positive Number
8.6 Functions & Exceptions Quiz
Unit Quiz 8.6.1 Functions and Exceptions Quiz
Badge 8.6.2 Control Flow Badge
9. Strings
9.1 Indexing
Video 9.1.1 Indexing
Check for Understanding 9.1.2 Indexing
Example 9.1.3 Characters in a String
Video 9.1.4 Unit Tests
Practice 9.1.5 Initials
Practice 9.1.6 Sandwich Sandwiches
9.2 Slicing
Video 9.2.1 Slicing
Check for Understanding 9.2.2 Slicing
Example 9.2.3 Groups of Characters
Example 9.2.4 String Collage
Example 9.2.5 Room Names
Practice 9.2.6 If You're Not First, You're Last
Practice 9.2.7 Part 1, Replace a Letter
Practice 9.2.8 Part 2, Replace a Letter
Badge 9.2.9 Slicing Badge
9.3 Immutability
Video 9.3.1 Immutability
Check for Understanding 9.3.2 Immutability
Example 9.3.3 String Immutability
Exercise 9.3.4 Find the Error
9.4 Strings and For Loops
Video 9.4.1 Strings and For Loops
Check for Understanding 9.4.2 Strings and For Loops
Example 9.4.3 The len Function
Practice 9.4.4 Length of User's Name
Example 9.4.5 String For Loop with Indices
Example 9.4.6 String For Loop with Characters
Exercise 9.4.7 Spelling Bee
Practice 9.4.8 Keeping Count
9.5 The in Keyword
Video 9.5.1 The in Keyword
Check for Understanding 9.5.2 The in Keyword
Example 9.5.3 Contains a Letter
Example 9.5.4 Contains a Substring
Practice 9.5.5 Contains a Vowel
9.6 String Methods
Video 9.6.1 String Methods
Check for Understanding 9.6.2 String Methods
Example 9.6.3 upper and lower
Practice 9.6.4 ENTHUSIASM!
Example 9.6.5 swapcase
Example 9.6.6 strip
Example 9.6.7 find
Practice 9.6.8 What's in a Name?
Practice 9.6.9 Part 1, Remove All From String
Exercise 9.6.10 Part 2, Remove All From String
Survey 9.6.11 Mindset Survey 3
9.7 Strings Quiz
Unit Quiz 9.7.1 Strings Quiz
Badge 9.7.2 Strings Badge
10. Creating and Altering Data Structures
10.1 Tuples
Video 10.1.1 Tuples
Check for Understanding 10.1.2 Tuples
Example 10.1.3 A Tuple Is a Sequence
Example 10.1.4 A Tuple is Heterogenous
Example 10.1.5 Tuples With a Single Element
Example 10.1.6 Concatenating Tuples
Exercise 10.1.7 Fix This Tuple
Practice 10.1.8 Citation
Practice 10.1.9 Diving Contest
Practice 10.1.10 Coordinate Pairs
10.2 Lists
Video 10.2.1 Lists
Check for Understanding 10.2.2 Lists
Example 10.2.3 A List Is Like a Mutable Tuple
Example 10.2.4 String <--> List
Practice 10.2.5 Spell It Out
Example 10.2.6 Splitting a String
Practice 10.2.7 Listed Greeting
Example 10.2.8 List of Tuples, Tuples of Lists
10.3 For Loops and Lists
Video 10.3.1 For Loops and Lists
Check for Understanding 10.3.2 For Loops and Lists
Example 10.3.3 For Loops and Lists
Example 10.3.4 For Loops and Lists, Part 2
Practice 10.3.5 Max In List
Practice 10.3.6 Owls
Practice 10.3.7 Exclamat!on Po!nts
Challenge 10.3.8 Word Ladder
Challenge 10.3.9 Owls, Part 2
10.4 List Methods
Video 10.4.1 List Methods
Check for Understanding 10.4.2 List Methods
Example 10.4.3 append and extend
Exercise 10.4.4 How Many Names?
Exercise 10.4.5 Five Numbers
Example 10.4.6 sort
Exercise 10.4.7 Librarian
Example 10.4.8 reverse
Example 10.4.9 count
Example 10.4.10 remove
Practice 10.4.11 Take a Thing Out, Sort It and Reverse It
Challenge 10.4.12 Librarian, Part 2
Badge 10.4.13 Lists Badge
10.5 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz
Unit Quiz 10.5.1 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz
11. Extending Data Structures
11.1 2d Lists
Video 11.1.1 2d Lists
Check for Understanding 11.1.2 2d Lists
Example 11.1.3 A List of Lists
Example 11.1.4 Grid
Example 11.1.5 2d Lists and Slices
Exercise 11.1.6 Checkerboard, v1
Exercise 11.1.7 Checkerboard, v2
Exercise 11.1.8 Checkerboard, v3
Challenge 11.1.9 Tic Tac Toe
11.2 List Comprehensions
Video 11.2.1 List Comprehensions
Check for Understanding 11.2.2 List Comprehensions
Example 11.2.3 List of Consecutive Numbers
Example 11.2.4 List of Squares
Exercise 11.2.5 Divisible by 3
Example 11.2.6 Digits of Pi
Example 11.2.7 List of Booleans
Exercise 11.2.8 Last Names
Exercise 11.2.9 Strings To Integers
Survey 11.2.10 Mindset Survey 4
11.3 Packing and Unpacking
Video 11.3.1 Packing and Unpacking
Check for Understanding 11.3.2 Packing and Unpacking
Example 11.3.3 Packing
Example 11.3.4 Unpacking
Example 11.3.5 Unpacking Parameters
Exercise 11.3.6 Coordinate Pair
Exercise 11.3.7 Slopes
Example 11.3.8 Swapping
Exercise 11.3.9 Full Name & Citation
Badge 11.3.10 Packing Badge
11.4 Dictionaries
Video 11.4.1 Dictionaries
Check for Understanding 11.4.2 Dictionaries
Example 11.4.3 Keys and Values
Example 11.4.4 The in Keyword
Exercise 11.4.5 Phone Book
Exercise 11.4.6 Word Counts
11.5 Equivalence vs. Identity
Video 11.5.1 Equivalence vs. Identity
Check for Understanding 11.5.2 Equivalence vs. Identity
Example 11.5.3 Equivalence vs. Identity - Mutables
Example 11.5.4 Equivalence vs. Identity - Immutables
Example 11.5.5 Identity and Parameters
Exercise 11.5.6 Swapping
Exercise 11.5.7 Word Counts, Part 2
11.6 Extending Data Structures Quiz
Unit Quiz 11.6.1 Extending Data Structures Quiz
Badge 11.6.2 Data Structures Badge
12. Project: Guess the Word
12.1 Project: Guess the Word
Demo 12.1.1 Guess the Word Demo
Exercise 12.1.2 Guess the Word, Part 1
Exercise 12.1.3 Guess the Word, Part 2
Exercise 12.1.4 Guess the Word, Part 3
Exercise 12.1.5 Guess the Word, Part 4
Badge 12.1.6 Guess the Word Badge
12.2 Intro to Computer Science in Python Completed
Badge 12.2.1 Intro to Computer Science in Python Badge
13. Topics in Computer Science
13.1 Precision Agriculture
Connection 13.1.1 What is Precision Agriculture
Connection 13.1.2 Drones and the Future of Farming
Connection 13.1.3 GPS Based Applications
Free Response 13.1.4 Free Response: What is Precision Agriculture
Free Response 13.1.5 Research: The Role of Precision Technologies
13.2 Future of Computing
Video 13.2.1 Future of Computing
Check for Understanding 13.2.2 Video Quiz
Connection 13.2.3 Using DNA for Storage
Free Response 13.2.4 Class Activity: Advancing Technology
Connection 13.2.5 Pros and Cons of AI
Free Response 13.2.6 AI: Is It a Bad Thing?
13.3 Computer Science Careers
Video 13.3.1 Computer Science All Around Us
Quiz 13.3.2 Computer Science All Around Us
Connection 13.3.3 CS Careers
Free Response 13.3.4 CS Career Response
Connection 13.3.5 Coding in the Wild
Free Response 13.3.6 Coding in the Wild Response
Connection 13.3.7 Inclusive Coding
Free Response 13.3.8 Inclusive Coding Response