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Intro to Python with Tracy - Outline

  1. Tracy's World

    1. 1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle

    2. Video 1.1.1 Intro to Tracy
    3. Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Intro to Tracy
    4. Example 1.1.3 Slinky
    5. Exercise 1.1.4 Stretched Slinky
    6. 1.2 Tracy's Grid World

    7. Video 1.2.1 Tracy's Grid World
    8. Check for Understanding 1.2.2 Tracy's Grid World
    9. Example 1.2.3 Dashed Line
    10. Exercise 1.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line
    11. Exercise 1.2.5 Caterpillar
    12. Badge 1.2.6 Grid World Badge
  2. Moving Tracy Efficiently

    1. 2.1 Turning Tracy

    2. Video 2.1.1 Turning Tracy
    3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Turning Tracy
    4. Example 2.1.3 Square
    5. Example 2.1.4 X and Y Axes
    6. Exercise 2.1.5 Rectangle
    7. Exercise 2.1.6 4 Columns
    8. 2.2 For Loops

    9. Video 2.2.1 For Loops
    10. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 For Loops
    11. Example 2.2.3 Square Using Loops
    12. Example 2.2.4 Dotted Line
    13. Exercise 2.2.5 Row of Circles
    14. Exercise 2.2.6 4 Columns 2.0
    15. Badge 2.2.7 Looping Badge
    16. 2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles

    17. Video 2.3.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    18. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    19. Example 2.3.3 Asterisk
    20. Example 2.3.4 Four Circles
    21. Exercise 2.3.5 Hexagon
    22. Exercise 2.3.6 'X' Marks the Spot
    23. Exercise 2.3.7 Circle Pyramid
  3. Designing and Communicating Solutions

    1. 3.1 Comments

    2. Video 3.1.1 Comments
    3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Comments
    4. Example 3.1.3 Four Circles with Comments
    5. Exercise 3.1.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments
    6. 3.2 Naming Guidelines

    7. Video 3.2.1 Naming Guidelines
    8. Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Naming Guidelines
    9. 3.3 Functions

    10. Video 3.3.1 Functions
    11. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 Functions
    12. Example 3.3.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks
    13. Exercise 3.3.4 Beaded Bracelet
    14. Exercise 3.3.5 Shape Stack
    15. Badge 3.3.6 Functions Badge
    16. 3.4 Artistic Effects

    17. Video 3.4.1 Artistic Effects
    18. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 Artistic Effects
    19. Example 3.4.3 Rainbow Octagon
    20. Example 3.4.4 Circle Square Triangle
    21. Exercise 3.4.5 Four Colored Triangles
    22. Exercise 3.4.6 Colorful Bracelet
    23. Challenge 3.4.7 Kid's Shapes Toy
    24. 3.5 Top Down Design

    25. Video 3.5.1 Top Down Design
    26. Check for Understanding 3.5.2 Top Down Design
    27. Example 3.5.3 Bubble Wrap
    28. Exercise 3.5.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0
    29. Exercise 3.5.5 Sidewalk
  4. Controlling Tracy with Variables

    1. 4.1 Variables

    2. Video 4.1.1 Variables
    3. Check for Understanding 4.1.2 Variables
    4. Example 4.1.3 Increasing Length
    5. Exercise 4.1.4 Dartboard
    6. Exercise 4.1.5 Line of Increasing Blocks
    7. 4.2 User Input

    8. Video 4.2.1 User Input
    9. Check for Understanding 4.2.2 User Input
    10. Example 4.2.3 Color Coded Increasing Length
    11. Exercise 4.2.4 Colored Dartboard
    12. Exercise 4.2.5 Four Corners
    13. Badge 4.2.6 User Input Badge
    14. 4.3 Parameters

    15. Video 4.3.1 Parameters
    16. Check for Understanding 4.3.2 Parameters
    17. Example 4.3.3 Concentric Circles
    18. Exercise 4.3.4 Colorful Caterpillar
    19. Exercise 4.3.5 Circle in a Square
    20. Exercise 4.3.6 Snowman
    21. 4.4 Using i in For Loops

    22. Video 4.4.1 Using i in For Loops
    23. Check for Understanding 4.4.2 Using i in For Loops
    24. Example 4.4.3 Geometry
    25. Exercise 4.4.4 Geometry 2.0
    26. 4.5 Extended Loop Control

    27. Video 4.5.1 Extended Loop Control
    28. Check for Understanding 4.5.2 Extended Loop Control
    29. Example 4.5.3 Square Swirl
    30. Exercise 4.5.4 Dartboard using i
    31. Exercise 4.5.5 Phone Signal
    32. Badge 4.5.6 Master of i Badge
  5. Making Decisions

    1. 5.1 If Statements

    2. Video 5.1.1 If Statements
    3. Check for Understanding 5.1.2 If Statements
    4. Example 5.1.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks
    5. Exercise 5.1.4 Happy Face
    6. Exercise 5.1.5 Black and White Squares
    7. 5.2 If/ Else Statements

    8. Video 5.2.1 If/Else Statements
    9. Check for Understanding 5.2.2 If/Else Statements
    10. Example 5.2.3 Positive, Negative, Zero
    11. Exercise 5.2.4 Rating
    12. Exercise 5.2.5 Happy/ Sad Face
    13. 5.3 While Loops

    14. Video 5.3.1 While Loops
    15. Check for Understanding 5.3.2 While Loops
    16. Example 5.3.3 Increasing Circles
    17. Exercise 5.3.4 Increasing Squares
    18. Exercise 5.3.5 Guess a Number
    19. Badge 5.3.6 Conditionals Badge
  6. Tracy Challenges

    1. 6.1 Putting Together Control Structures

    2. Video 6.1.1 Putting Together Control Structures
    3. Check for Understanding 6.1.2 Putting Together Control Structures
    4. Example 6.1.3 Block Pyramid
    5. Exercise 6.1.4 Guess a Number 2.0
    6. Exercise 6.1.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0
    7. Challenge 6.1.6 Checkerboard
    8. Badge 6.1.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge
    9. 6.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz

    10. Quiz 6.2.1 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz
    11. Badge 6.2.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
  7. Supplemental Challenges

    1. 7.1 Advanced Challenges with Tracy

    2. Challenge 7.1.1 Half Pyramid
    3. Challenge 7.1.2 Pizza
    4. Challenge 7.1.3 Grid
    5. Challenge 7.1.4 Block Pyramid 2.0
  8. Categorizing Triangles

    1. 8.1 Calculating Area

    2. Video 8.1.1 Calculating Area
    3. Check for Understanding 8.1.2 Calculating Area
    4. Example 8.1.3 Drawing a Custom Triangle
    5. Exercise 8.1.4 Calculate the Area
    6. 8.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value

    7. Video 8.2.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value
    8. Check for Understanding 8.2.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value
    9. Example 8.2.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles
    10. Exercise 8.2.4 Putting Triangles into Categories
    11. 8.3 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value

    12. Video 8.3.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value
    13. Check for Understanding 8.3.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value
    14. Example 8.3.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles using Variables
    15. Exercise 8.3.4 Using Variables to Calculate Area
    16. Exercise 8.3.5 Putting Triangles into Categories using Variables
  9. Additional Topics

    1. 9.1 Abstraction

    2. Video 9.1.1 Abstraction
    3. Check for Understanding 9.1.2 Abstraction
    4. Example 9.1.3 Abstracting Away draw_square()
    5. Free Response 9.1.4 Abstracting Your Day
    6. Free Response 9.1.5 Reflection: Abstraction
    7. Free Response 9.1.6 Abstraction in Tracy
    8. 9.2 Adding Text

    9. Video 9.2.1 Adding Text
    10. Quiz 9.2.2 Adding Text
    11. Example 9.2.3 Concentric Circles with Labels
    12. Exercise 9.2.4 Name your Colorful Caterpillar!
    13. Exercise 9.2.5 Baseball Diagram
  10. Karel in Python