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Utah Game Development Fundamentals 1 - Outline

  1. Intro to Game Design

    1. 1.1 Intro to Game Design

    2. Video 1.1.1 What is Game Design?
    3. Free Response 1.1.2 Mindset Check
    4. Quiz 1.1.3 Game Design Overview
    5. Free Response 1.1.4 Reflecting on Game Design
    6. 1.2 History of Video Games

    7. Connection 1.2.1 Brief History of Video Games
    8. Connection 1.2.2 Revitalizing an Industry
    9. Free Response 1.2.3 Early Years of Video Games
    10. Article 1.2.4 The Console Wars
    11. Free Response 1.2.5 The Console Wars Reflection
    12. Connection 1.2.6 Game Dev Pioneers: Dona Bailey
    13. Video 1.2.7 Gameplay Review: Centipede
    14. Connection 1.2.8 Game Dev Pioneers: Gerald "Jerry" Lawson
    15. Free Response 1.2.9 Game Dev Pioneers Reflection
    16. 1.3 Categorizing Games

    17. Notes 1.3.1 Categorizing Games
    18. Free Response 1.3.2 Pick a Few Games
    19. Article 1.3.3 A Bird's Eye View on Perspectives
    20. Article 1.3.4 Getting to Know Game Genres
    21. Free Response 1.3.5 Categorizing Your Games
    22. Free Response 1.3.6 Genre Deep Dive
    23. 1.4 The Impact of Video Games

    24. Notes 1.4.1 Video Game Impact Introduction
    25. Article 1.4.2 The Economics of Video Games
    26. Free Response 1.4.3 Economic Impact Reflection
    27. Article 1.4.4 Impact On Other Industries
    28. Free Response 1.4.5 Industry Impact Presentation
    29. 1.5 Social Gaming

    30. Notes 1.5.1 What is Social Gaming?
    31. Article 1.5.2 Growing Up in the Arcades
    32. Article 1.5.3 A Social Lifeline
    33. Article 1.5.4 The Value of Social Gaming, an Essay
    34. Article 1.5.5 Essential Facts for Americans
    35. Free Response 1.5.6 Social Gaming Reflection
  2. Get Started with Unity

    1. 2.1 Intro to Unity

    2. Video 2.1.1 Intro to Unity
    3. Quiz 2.1.2 Quiz: Intro to Unity
    4. Connection 2.1.3 Unity Sizzle Reel
    5. Connection 2.1.4 Mobile Games in Unity
    6. Free Response 2.1.5 Intro to Unity Reflection
    7. 2.2 Unity Setup

    8. Connection 2.2.1 Creating an Account
    9. Notes 2.2.2 Installing Unity Hub and Unity
    10. Free Response 2.2.3 Setup Review
    11. 2.3 Course Management

    12. Notes 2.3.1 Navigating CodeHS and Unity
    13. Connection 2.3.2 Unity Docs
    14. Notes 2.3.3 Sharing a Zipped Unity Project Folder
    15. Free Response 2.3.4 Your Turn: Sharing Practice
    16. Quiz 2.3.5 Course Management Quiz
  3. Create Interactive Game Worlds

    1. 3.1 Unity Basics

    2. Video 3.1.1 Navigating Unity's Interface
    3. Video 3.1.2 Example: 3D Objects and Scene Navigation
    4. Free Response 3.1.3 Make a Pyramid
    5. Video 3.1.4 Example: Adding Material to a GameObject
    6. Free Response 3.1.5 Color Your Pyramid
    7. Video 3.1.6 Example: Transforming GameObjects
    8. Free Response 3.1.7 Transform Your Pyramid
    9. 3.2 Building a Scene with Prefabs

    10. Video 3.2.1 Scene Design with Prefabs
    11. Video 3.2.2 Changing Prefab Properties
    12. Notes 3.2.3 Download Prefab Project
    13. Free Response 3.2.4 Getting Started with Prefabs
    14. Free Response 3.2.5 Plan Your Scene
    15. Notes 3.2.6 Build Your Scene
    16. Free Response 3.2.7 Scene Reflections
    17. 3.3 Game Physics

    18. Video 3.3.1 Rigidbodies and Colliders
    19. Notes 3.3.2 Download Unity Project
    20. Connection 3.3.3 Dive Deeper: Rigidbodies
    21. Notes 3.3.4 Tutorial: Apply Rigidbodies
    22. Free Response 3.3.5 Apply Rigidbodies
    23. Connection 3.3.6 Dive Deeper: Colliders
    24. Notes 3.3.7 Tutorial: Explore Colliders
    25. Free Response 3.3.8 Explore Colliders
    26. Notes 3.3.9 Tutorial: Collision Events
    27. Free Response 3.3.10 Collision Events
    28. Notes 3.3.11 Tutorial: Projectiles
    29. Free Response 3.3.12 Projectiles
    30. Notes 3.3.13 Tutorial: Character Controllers
    31. Free Response 3.3.14 Character Controllers
  4. Create Visual and Sound Effects

    1. 4.1 Gameplay and Effects

    2. Video 4.1.1 Effects Affect Gameplay
    3. Connection 4.1.2 How to Make Your Game Look Good
    4. Free Response 4.1.3 Reflection: How to Make Your Game Look Good
    5. Video 4.1.4 Gameplay Review: Pac-man
    6. Free Response 4.1.5 Pac-man Notes
    7. Video 4.1.6 Gameplay Review: Super Mario Kart
    8. Free Response 4.1.7 Super Mario Kart Notes
    9. 4.2 Cameras

    10. Video 4.2.1 Camera Projections
    11. Notes 4.2.2 Download Unity Project
    12. Notes 4.2.3 Tutorial: Transform the Camera
    13. Free Response 4.2.4 Transform the Camera
    14. Notes 4.2.5 Tutorial: Change Camera Projection
    15. Free Response 4.2.6 Change Camera Projection
    16. Notes 4.2.7 Tutorial: Follow a GameObject
    17. Free Response 4.2.8 Follow a GameObject
    18. Notes 4.2.9 Tutorial: Top-Down View
    19. Free Response 4.2.10 Top-Down View
    20. Notes 4.2.11 Tutorial: Player Two
    21. Free Response 4.2.12 Player Two
    22. Notes 4.2.13 Tutorial: City Block
    23. Free Response 4.2.14 City Block
    24. 4.3 Lighting Effects

    25. Video 4.3.1 Scene Lights
    26. Notes 4.3.2 Download Tutorials
    27. Notes 4.3.3 Tutorial: Point Lights
    28. Free Response 4.3.4 Point Lights
    29. Notes 4.3.5 Tutorial: Adjust Light Properties
    30. Free Response 4.3.6 Adjust Light Properties
    31. Notes 4.3.7 Tutorial: Adjust Material Properties
    32. Free Response 4.3.8 Adjust Material Properties
    33. Notes 4.3.9 Tutorial: Headlights
    34. Free Response 4.3.10 Headlights
    35. Notes 4.3.11 Tutorial: City Block
    36. Free Response 4.3.12 City Block
    37. 4.4 Particle Systems

    38. Video 4.4.1 Particle Systems
    39. Notes 4.4.2 Download Tutorials
    40. Notes 4.4.3 Tutorial: Add a Particle System
    41. Free Response 4.4.4 Add a Particle System
    42. Notes 4.4.5 Tutorial: Create Dust Particles
    43. Free Response 4.4.6 Create Dust Particles
    44. Notes 4.4.7 Tutorial: Treasure Chest Feedback
    45. Free Response 4.4.8 Treasure Chest Feedback
    46. Notes 4.4.9 Tutorial: City Block Collectibles
    47. Free Response 4.4.10 City Block Collectibles
    48. 4.5 Sound Effects

    49. Video 4.5.1 Sounds and Music
    50. Notes 4.5.2 Download Tutorials
    51. Video 4.5.3 Gameplay Review: SoundFX
    52. Free Response 4.5.4 SoundFX Notes
    53. Notes 4.5.5 Tutorial: Sound Effects
    54. Free Response 4.5.6 Sound Effects
    55. Notes 4.5.7 Tutorial: Music
    56. Free Response 4.5.8 Music
    57. Notes 4.5.9 Tutorial: City Block Sounds
    58. Free Response 4.5.10 City Block Sounds
    59. 4.6 User Interface (UI)

    60. Video 4.6.1 Heads-Up Display (HUD) Score
    61. Notes 4.6.2 Download Unity Project
    62. Notes 4.6.3 Tutorial: Create HUD Score
    63. Notes 4.6.4 Tutorial: Configure Score Manager
    64. Free Response 4.6.5 Configure Score Manager
    65. Video 4.6.6 Start Menu Screen
    66. Notes 4.6.7 Tutorial: Create Start Menu Screen
    67. Notes 4.6.8 Tutorial: Create Options Menu Screen
    68. Notes 4.6.9 Tutorial: Configure Menu Manager Script
    69. Free Response 4.6.10 Configure Menu Manager Script
    70. Free Response 4.6.11 Challenge: Back Button
    71. 4.7 Make It Your Own

    72. Notes 4.7.1 Make It Your Own Guidelines
    73. Notes 4.7.2 Download Unity Asset Package
    74. Free Response 4.7.3 Reflection: Make It Your Own
  5. Project: Design Your Game

    1. 5.1 Project Introduction

    2. Notes 5.1.1 Project Introduction
    3. Resource 5.1.2 High School Apprenticeship
    4. Survey 5.1.3 Reflection: High School Apprenticeship
    5. Connection 5.1.4 Research:
    6. Free Response 5.1.5 Brainstorm: Game Ideas
    7. 5.2 What Makes a Good Game?

    8. Video 5.2.1 What Makes a Good Game?
    9. Free Response 5.2.2 Elements of a Game #1
    10. Free Response 5.2.3 Elements of a Game #2
    11. Notes 5.2.4 Win, Loss, Play, End
    12. Free Response 5.2.5 Game Condition Examples
    13. Free Response 5.2.6 Fundamentals of Game Design
    14. 5.3 Storyboarding

    15. Video 5.3.1 What is Storyboarding?
    16. Connection 5.3.2 Storyboard Case Study
    17. Free Response 5.3.3 Reflection: Storyboarding
    18. Connection 5.3.4 To Be a Storyboard Artist
    19. Free Response 5.3.5 Reflection: To Be a Storyboard Artist
    20. 5.4 Develop Your Game Ideas

    21. Free Response 5.4.1 Refine Your Ideas
    22. Free Response 5.4.2 Game Elements
    23. Free Response 5.4.3 Early Feedback
    24. Free Response 5.4.4 Game Design Document
    25. 5.5 Create Your Storyboards

    26. Connection 5.5.1 Storyboard Your Plot
    27. Free Response 5.5.2 Reflection: Storyboard Your Plot
    28. Connection 5.5.3 Storyboard Another Element
    29. Free Response 5.5.4 Reflection: Storyboard Another Element
    30. Free Response 5.5.5 More Feedback
    31. Free Response 5.5.6 Update Your Documents
  6. Project: Develop Your Game

    1. 6.1 Prototyping and Testing

    2. Notes 6.1.1 Prototyping and Testing Introduction
    3. Connection 6.1.2 Case Study: Siege Engines
    4. Free Response 6.1.3 Reflection: Siege Engines
    5. Free Response 6.1.4 What is a Blockout?
    6. Connection 6.1.5 What is Play Testing?
    7. Free Response 6.1.6 Reflection: What is Play Testing?
    8. Notes 6.1.7 Case Study: Link's Awakening
    9. Free Response 6.1.8 Reflection: Link's Awakening
    10. 6.2 Prototype, Test, and Repeat

    11. Notes 6.2.1 Game Requirements
    12. Notes 6.2.2 Prototyping Guidelines
    13. Notes 6.2.3 Download Assets
    14. Free Response 6.2.4 Create a Prototype
    15. Free Response 6.2.5 Test Your Prototype
    16. Free Response 6.2.6 And Repeat
    17. 6.3 Finish Your Game

    18. Free Response 6.3.1 Develop Your Game
    19. Free Response 6.3.2 Test Your Game
    20. Free Response 6.3.3 Final Updates
    21. Notes 6.3.4 Publishing Your Game
    22. Presentation 6.3.5 Presentation
    23. 6.4 Promote Your Game

    24. Connection 6.4.1 Purpose of a Gameplay Trailer
    25. Connection 6.4.2 Trailer Review: Cake Bash
    26. Free Response 6.4.3 Reflection: Cake Bash
    27. Connection 6.4.4 Trailer Review: It Came From Space...
    28. Free Response 6.4.5 Reflection: It Came From Space...
    29. Free Response 6.4.6 Create a Gameplay Trailer
    30. Free Response 6.4.7 Share Your Gameplay Trailer
  7. Explore the Industry

    1. 7.1 Project: Gaming Platforms

    2. Notes 7.1.1 Video Game Platform Introduction
    3. Free Response 7.1.2 Choose Your Platforms
    4. Free Response 7.1.3 Platform Overview
    5. Free Response 7.1.4 Platform Accessibility
    6. Free Response 7.1.5 Game Type, Distribution, and Costs
    7. Free Response 7.1.6 The Impact of the Cloud
    8. Free Response 7.1.7 A Customer in Need
    9. 7.2 Ethical Considerations

    10. Notes 7.2.1 Overview
    11. Free Response 7.2.2 The Role of Governing Bodies
    12. Connection 7.2.3 The Role of Developers
    13. Presentation 7.2.4 The Role of Developers: Presentation
    14. 7.3 Game Industry Insights

    15. Connection 7.3.1 How to Get Into the Games Industry
    16. Connection 7.3.2 Game Studios
    17. Presentation 7.3.3 Game Studio Presentation
    18. 7.4 Careers in Game Design

    19. Connection 7.4.1 Day in the Life
    20. Free Response 7.4.2 Reflection: Day in the Life
    21. Connection 7.4.3 Shadow a Game Designer
    22. Free Response 7.4.4 Reflection: Shadow a Game Designer
    23. 7.5 Scavenger Hunt: Careers in Game Design

    24. Connection 7.5.1 Scavenger Hunt: Careers in Game Design
    25. Free Response 7.5.2 Scavenger Hunt: Careers in Game Design Responses
    26. Free Response 7.5.3 Reflection: Careers in Game Design
    27. 7.6 Further Education

    28. Article 7.6.1 Top Video Game Universities
    29. Free Response 7.6.2 Programs of Interest
  8. Create Components and Mechanics

    1. 8.1 Model Creation

    2. Video 8.1.1 Model Creation
    3. Notes 8.1.2 Download Tutorials
    4. Notes 8.1.3 Tutorial: Build Low Poly Car
    5. Free Response 8.1.4 Build Low Poly Car
    6. Notes 8.1.5 Tutorial: Apply Materials and Textures
    7. Free Response 8.1.6 Apply Materials and Textures
    8. Notes 8.1.7 Tutorial: Create and Apply Colliders
    9. Free Response 8.1.8 Create and Apply Colliders
    10. Notes 8.1.9 Tutorial: Configure Vehicle Controls Script
    11. Free Response 8.1.10 Configure Vehicle Controls Script
    12. 8.2 Character Animation

    13. Video 8.2.1 Character Animation
    14. Notes 8.2.2 Character Animation Notes
    15. Notes 8.2.3 Download Unity Project
    16. Notes 8.2.4 Tutorial: Character Rigging
    17. Free Response 8.2.5 Character Rigging
    18. Notes 8.2.6 Tutorial: Character Animator Controller
    19. Free Response 8.2.7 Character Animator Controller
    20. Notes 8.2.8 Tutorial: Character Animation
    21. Free Response 8.2.9 Challenge: Character Animation
    22. 8.3 AI in Unity

    23. Video 8.3.1 Getting Started with AI
    24. Notes 8.3.2 Downloading the Tutorials
    25. Notes 8.3.3 Tutorial: AI GameObjects and Waypoints
    26. Free Response 8.3.4 AI GameObjects and Waypoints
    27. Notes 8.3.5 Tutorial: Changing Waypoints and AI Targets
    28. Free Response 8.3.6 Changing Waypoints and AI Targets
  9. Additional Projects and Tutorials

    1. 9.1 Game Jam!

    2. Connection 9.1.1 What's a Game Jam?
    3. Notes 9.1.2 Host a Game Jam
    4. Example 9.1.3 Game Jam Idea Generator
    5. Free Response 9.1.4 Game Jam Requirements
    6. Free Response 9.1.5 Create a Game Design Doc
    7. Free Response 9.1.6 Develop Your Game and Submit It
    8. 9.2 Using Prefab Objects

    9. Video 9.2.1 Using Prefab Objects
    10. Notes 9.2.2 Downloading the Tutorials
    11. Notes 9.2.3 Tutorial: Using a Prefab Scene
    12. Free Response 9.2.4 Using a Prefab Scene
    13. Notes 9.2.5 Tutorial: Create Your Own Scene
    14. Free Response 9.2.6 Create Your Own Scene
    15. Notes 9.2.7 Tutorial: Add Elements to Your Scene
    16. Free Response 9.2.8 Add Elements to Your Scene
    17. Free Response 9.2.9 Make Your Own Car Game
    18. 9.3 Third Person Game Mechanics

    19. Video 9.3.1 Third Person Game Mechanics
    20. Notes 9.3.2 Downloading the Tutorials
    21. Notes 9.3.3 Tutorial: Meet Ethan
    22. Free Response 9.3.4 Meet Ethan
    23. Notes 9.3.5 Tutorial: Meet Ellen
    24. Free Response 9.3.6 Meet Ellen
    25. Notes 9.3.7 Tutorial: Object Collection Mechanics
    26. Free Response 9.3.8 Object Collection Mechanics
    27. Free Response 9.3.9 Make It Your Own Challenge