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New York Computer Science 7-8 - Outline

  1. Exploring Digital Citizenship

    1. 1.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation

    2. Video 1.1.1 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    3. Quiz 1.1.2 Digital Footprint and Reputation
    4. Free Response 1.1.3 Building a Positive Digital Footprint
    5. Connection 1.1.4 Right to be Forgotten?
    6. Free Response 1.1.5 Right to be Forgotten
    7. Free Response 1.1.6 What is your Digital Footprint?
    8. Example 1.1.7 Social Media Clean-up
    9. 1.2 Cyberbullying

    10. Video 1.2.1 Cyberbullying
    11. Quiz 1.2.2 Cyberbullying
    12. Free Response 1.2.3 Scenario: Student Ranking
    13. Free Response 1.2.4 Scenario: Singled Out
    14. Free Response 1.2.5 Stopping Cyberbullying
    15. 1.3 Internet Safety

    16. Video 1.3.1 Internet Safety
    17. Quiz 1.3.2 Internet Safety
    18. Free Response 1.3.3 Scenario: School Stranger
    19. Free Response 1.3.4 Scenario: Vacation Pals
    20. Free Response 1.3.5 Staying Safe
    21. 1.4 Privacy & Security

    22. Video 1.4.1 What is Data Privacy & Security?
    23. Quiz 1.4.2 Privacy & Security Quiz
    24. Connection 1.4.3 How Strong is your Password?
    25. Free Response 1.4.4 How Strong is your password?
    26. Connection 1.4.5 Google Privacy Policy Search
    27. Free Response 1.4.6 Google Privacy Policy Search
    28. Example 1.4.7 Guess: Password List
    29. Example 1.4.8 Guess: Using an Algorithm
    30. Example 1.4.9 Guess: Brute Force
    31. 1.5 Information Literacy

    32. Video 1.5.1 Information Literacy
    33. Quiz 1.5.2 Information Literacy
    34. Free Response 1.5.3 Effective Internet Searches
    35. Connection 1.5.4 Evaluate the Source 1
    36. Free Response 1.5.5 Respond: Evaluate the Source 1
    37. Connection 1.5.6 Evaluate the Source 2
    38. Free Response 1.5.7 Respond: Evaluate the Source 2
    39. Connection 1.5.8 Hero Pig?
    40. 1.6 Creative Credit & Copyright

    41. Video 1.6.1 Creative Credit and Copyright
    42. Quiz 1.6.2 Creative Credit and Copyright
    43. Free Response 1.6.3 Cite!
    44. Connection 1.6.4 Exploring Creative Commons
    45. Free Response 1.6.5 Respond: Creative Commons
    46. Free Response 1.6.6 Task: Finding Images
    47. Free Response 1.6.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important?
    48. 1.7 Hacking Ethics

    49. Video 1.7.1 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    50. Quiz 1.7.2 Hacking Ethics & Legality
    51. Connection 1.7.3 Penetration Testing
    52. Free Response 1.7.4 Reflection: Penetration Testing
    53. Connection 1.7.5 Hack the Pentagon?
    54. Free Response 1.7.6 Reflection: Hack the Pentagon
    55. Quiz 1.7.7 Ethical Hacker Agreement
    56. 1.8 Project: Public Service Announcement

    57. Free Response 1.8.1 Pick a Topic
    58. Free Response 1.8.2 Research
    59. Free Response 1.8.3 Choose Your Audience
    60. Free Response 1.8.4 What kind of PSA?
    61. Free Response 1.8.5 Draft your PSA
    62. Free Response 1.8.6 Finalize your PSA!
    63. 1.9 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz

    64. Quiz 1.9.1 Digital Citizenship and Cyber Hygiene Quiz
    65. Badge 1.9.2 Digital Citizenship and Cybersecurity Badge
  2. Exploring Code with Karel

    1. 2.1 Introduction to Karel

    2. Video 2.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel
    3. Check for Understanding 2.1.2 Karel Commands Quiz
    4. Example 2.1.3 Our First Karel Program
    5. Video 2.1.4 Parentheses and Semicolons Intro
    6. Exercise 2.1.5 Debug Karel's Code
    7. Video 2.1.6 Debug Karel's Code
    8. Exercise 2.1.7 Debug More of Karel's Code
    9. Video 2.1.8 Debug More of Karel's Code
    10. Exercise 2.1.9 Your First Karel Program
    11. 2.2 Karel's World

    12. Video 2.2.1 More About Karel
    13. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz
    14. Example 2.2.3 Karel's Morning Walk
    15. Exercise 2.2.4 Karel's Evening Walk
    16. Debugging 2.2.5 Can't Reach the Tennis Ball
    17. Exercise 2.2.6 Tennis Ball Game Setup
    18. 2.3 Functions

    19. Video 2.3.1 Karel Functions
    20. Quiz 2.3.2 Functions Check for Understanding
    21. Example 2.3.3 Climb the Stairs
    22. Debugging 2.3.4 Spot the Bug 1
    23. Debugging 2.3.5 Spot the Bug 2
    24. Exercise 2.3.6 Spinning Karel
    25. 2.4 Multiple Functions

    26. Video 2.4.1 Top Down Design and Decomposition
    27. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz
    28. Video 2.4.3 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
    29. Example 2.4.4 Using the Main Function
    30. Exercise 2.4.5 Tennis Ball Stacks
    31. Example 2.4.6 Comments in Karel
    32. Debugging 2.4.7 Clean Up
    33. 2.5 For Loops

    34. Video 2.5.1 For Loops
    35. Check for Understanding 2.5.2 For Loops Quiz
    36. Example 2.5.3 Repeated Move
    37. Example 2.5.4 Draw a Line
    38. Exercise 2.5.5 Pick Up Tennis Balls
    39. Exercise 2.5.6 Draw Two Lines
    40. Exercise 2.5.7 Tennis Ball in Each Corner
    41. 2.6 Conditional Statements

    42. Video 2.6.1 If Statements and Conditionals
    43. Check for Understanding 2.6.2 If Statements and Conditionals Quiz
    44. Example 2.6.3 If Statements and Conditionals
    45. Debugging 2.6.4 Stay Out of the Lake
    46. Exercise 2.6.5 Bury Tennis Balls
    47. Exercise 2.6.6 Checkerboard Karel
    48. 2.7 If/Else Statements

    49. Video 2.7.1 If/Else Statements
    50. Check for Understanding 2.7.2 If/Else Statements Quiz
    51. Example 2.7.3 Opposite Day
    52. Exercise 2.7.4 Build a Bridge
    53. Debugging 2.7.5 Stay on the Path
    54. Exercise 2.7.6 Dog Park Clean Up
    55. Badge 2.7.7 Conditional Karel Badge
    56. 2.8 While Loops

    57. Video 2.8.1 While Loops
    58. Check for Understanding 2.8.2 While Loops Quiz
    59. Example 2.8.3 Inside the Fence
    60. Example 2.8.4 Run Home
    61. Exercise 2.8.5 Path to Dog House
    62. Debugging 2.8.6 Dive In!
    63. Exercise 2.8.7 Clean Up
    64. 2.9 Karel Challenges

    65. Notes 2.9.1 Karel Challenges
    66. Challenge 2.9.2 Fetch
    67. Challenge 2.9.3 Karel's Race
    68. Challenge 2.9.4 Building Bridges
    69. Challenge 2.9.5 Super Tennis Ball Clean Up
    70. Badge 2.9.6 Karel Challenges Badge
    71. 2.10 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz

    72. Unit Quiz 2.10.1 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz
  3. Exploring Computing

    1. 3.1 History of Computing

    2. Free Response 3.1.1 Life Without Computers
    3. Article 3.1.2 The History of Computers
    4. Connection 3.1.3 History of Computer Interaction
    5. Free Response 3.1.4 Jigsaw: Computer Interaction Over the Decades
    6. Free Response 3.1.5 Reflection: How do you interact with computers?
    7. 3.2 Software

    8. Article 3.2.1 Software
    9. Article 3.2.2 How to Build a Game
    10. Article 3.2.3 Steps to Create a Game
    11. Exercise 3.2.4 One Pager: Operating Systems
    12. 3.3 Hardware

    13. Article 3.3.1 Computer Hardware
    14. Video 3.3.2 Computer Peripheral Devices
    15. Free Response 3.3.3 Brainstorm: New Computer Components
    16. Free Response 3.3.4 Presentation: New Computer Components
    17. 3.4 Cloud Computing

    18. Article 3.4.1 Introduction to Cloud Computing
    19. Video 3.4.2 Cloud Computing Benefits
    20. Article 3.4.3 Cloud or Physical?
    21. Article 3.4.4 Case Study: Cloud Computing in Schools
    22. Free Response 3.4.5 Reflection: Cloud Computing versus Physical Computing
    23. 3.5 Internet of Things

    24. Connection 3.5.1 What is the Internet of Things?
    25. Free Response 3.5.2 Daily Interaction with IoT Devices
    26. Article 3.5.3 Privacy Concerns and the Internet of Things
    27. Free Response 3.5.4 Privacy Concerns and the Internet of Things
    28. Free Response 3.5.5 Design an Internet of Things Device
    29. 3.6 Ethics and Legal Considerations

    30. Article 3.6.1 Legal, Ethics, and Bias in Computing
    31. Article 3.6.2 Which Laws?
    32. Connection 3.6.3 Self-driving Cars
    33. Free Response 3.6.4 Self-driving Cars
    34. Connection 3.6.5 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    35. Free Response 3.6.6 Bias in Facial Recognition Software
    36. 3.7 The Future of Computing

    37. Video 3.7.1 The Future of Computing
    38. Quiz 3.7.2 Future of Computing
    39. Connection 3.7.3 The Future of AI
    40. Free Response 3.7.4 The Impacts of AI on Your Future
    41. Free Response 3.7.5 Computer Science Career Exploration
    42. 3.8 Project: Design the Computer of Tomorrow

    43. Free Response 3.8.1 Design the Computer of Tomorrow
    44. Free Response 3.8.2 Peer Review
    45. 3.9 Quiz: Exploring Computing

    46. Quiz 3.9.1 Exploring Computing
  4. Exploring the Internet

    1. 4.1 What is the Internet?

    2. Video 4.1.1 What is the Internet?
    3. Video 4.1.2 The History of the Internet
    4. Free Response 4.1.3 Internet Innovations
    5. Video 4.1.4 The Internet is in the Ocean
    6. Free Response 4.1.5 A Day Without the Internet
    7. 4.2 The Need for Protocols

    8. Notes 4.2.1 The Alphabet Game
    9. Free Response 4.2.2 Alphabet Game Reflection
    10. Notes 4.2.3 The Networking Game
    11. Free Response 4.2.4 Networking Game Reflection
    12. Free Response 4.2.5 Protocols in your Life
    13. Video 4.2.6 Network Simulation
    14. 4.3 Impact of the Internet

    15. Free Response 4.3.1 Internet in My Daily Life
    16. Video 4.3.2 Impact of the Internet
    17. Free Response 4.3.3 Back in Time
    18. Connection 4.3.4 What is the Digital Divide?
    19. Free Response 4.3.5 What is the Digital Divide?
    20. Exercise 4.3.6 Four Hats Reflection
    21. 4.4 Cybersecurity

    22. Video 4.4.1 Cybersecurity
    23. Article 4.4.2 Intruder Alert!
    24. Free Response 4.4.3 Cybersecurity and You
    25. Connection 4.4.4 Internet of Things
    26. Connection 4.4.5 Hackers vs. Smart Homes
    27. Free Response 4.4.6 Internet of Things Reflection
    28. Article 4.4.7 Ransomware Simulation
    29. Article 4.4.8 Phishing Simulator
    30. Free Response 4.4.9 Cyber Defense 3-2-1
    31. 4.5 The CIA Triad

    32. Video 4.5.1 CIA Triad
    33. Check for Understanding 4.5.2 CIA Triad
    34. Free Response 4.5.3 Which part of the CIA Triad?
    35. Free Response 4.5.4 Which part of the CIA Triad?
    36. Free Response 4.5.5 Breach of Confidentiality
    37. Free Response 4.5.6 Breach of Availability
    38. Free Response 4.5.7 CIA Connections
    39. 4.6 Encryption

    40. Free Response 4.6.1 What is Cryptography?
    41. Video 4.6.2 Cryptography: A Brief History
    42. Article 4.6.3 Cryptogram Game!
    43. Article 4.6.4 Encrypt/Decrypt
    44. Notes 4.6.5 Using the Caesar Cipher
    45. Article 4.6.6 Caesar Cipher Encryption
    46. Article 4.6.7 Decrypt Caesar's Cipher!
    47. Article 4.6.8 Cracking Caesar Program
    48. Free Response 4.6.9 Security Tradeoffs
    49. 4.7 Project: Steganography

    50. Video 4.7.1 What is Steganography?
    51. Notes 4.7.2 Hidden Message Instructions
    52. Example 4.7.3 Hidden Message
    53. Free Response 4.7.4 Your turn: Hide Your Message!
    54. Challenge 4.7.5 Your turn: Image Creation
    55. Free Response 4.7.6 Partner Decrypt and Final Reflection
    56. 4.8 Exploring the Internet Quiz

    57. Quiz 4.8.1 Exploring the Internet Quiz
  5. Exploring Art with Code

    1. 5.1 Getting Started

    2. Video 5.1.1 What is Creative Coding
    3. Connection 5.1.2 p5.js Reference Guide
    4. Video 5.1.3 Drawing and Shapes
    5. Exercise 5.1.4 Create a Canvas
    6. Connection 5.1.5 Canvas Coordinates
    7. Exercise 5.1.6 Line
    8. Exercise 5.1.7 Rectangle
    9. Exercise 5.1.8 Ellipse
    10. 5.2 Color

    11. Video 5.2.1 Color
    12. Connection 5.2.2 Create a Color Palette
    13. Connection 5.2.3 Hex to RGB Color Converter
    14. Example 5.2.4 Using RGB Values
    15. Exercise 5.2.5 Background Color
    16. Exercise 5.2.6 Fill
    17. Exercise 5.2.7 Stroke
    18. 5.3 Variables

    19. Video 5.3.1 Variables
    20. Example 5.3.2 Using Variables: Bricks
    21. Exercise 5.3.3 Making Variables
    22. Exercise 5.3.4 Reusing Variables
    23. Exercise 5.3.5 Width and Height
    24. 5.4 The Draw Loop

    25. Video 5.4.1 The Draw Loop
    26. Connection 5.4.2 A Brief History of Animation
    27. Exercise 5.4.3 Frame Rate
    28. Exercise 5.4.4 No Loop
    29. Exercise 5.4.5 Frame Count
    30. 5.5 Color Transitions

    31. Video 5.5.1 Animated Color Transitions
    32. Connection 5.5.2 Color Gradient
    33. Exercise 5.5.3 Grayscale Gradient
    34. Exercise 5.5.4 Grayscale to Color
    35. Exercise 5.5.5 Color to Grayscale
    36. 5.6 Shape Transformations

    37. Video 5.6.1 Shape Transformations
    38. Exercise 5.6.2 Translation
    39. Exercise 5.6.3 Animated Translation
    40. Exercise 5.6.4 Rotation
    41. Exercise 5.6.5 Animated Rotation
    42. Exercise 5.6.6 Scale
    43. Exercise 5.6.7 Animated Scale
    44. 5.7 Direction

    45. Video 5.7.1 Direction
    46. Exercise 5.7.2 Up and Down
    47. Exercise 5.7.3 Left and Right
    48. Exercise 5.7.4 Diagonal
    49. 5.8 Mouse Data

    50. Video 5.8.1 Mouse Data
    51. Exercise 5.8.2 mouseX
    52. Exercise 5.8.3 mouseY
    53. Exercise 5.8.4 mouseX and mouseY
    54. Exercise 5.8.5 mouseButton
    55. Exercise 5.8.6 Paint and Erase
    56. 5.9 Keyboard Data

    57. Video 5.9.1 Keyboard Data
    58. Exercise 5.9.2 keyIsPressed
    59. Connection 5.9.3 Key Codes
    60. Exercise 5.9.4 keyIsDown
    61. Exercise 5.9.5 key
    62. 5.10 Project: Animate an Emoji

    63. Exercise 5.10.1 Project: Animate an Emoji