2.3 Calling a Void Method
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1. Primitive Types
2. Using Objects
2.1 Objects: Instances of Classes
2.2 Creating and Storing Objects (Instantiation)
2.3 Calling a Void Method
Method Signature
Using Methods
Calling Methods
User Input and the Scanner Class
Area of a Rectangle
Program Flow
Using the Scanner Class
Increase/Decrease by 1
Int Before String
Check Your Understanding
Exercise: Birthday Budget
2.4 Calling a Void Method with Parameters
2.5 Calling a Non-void Method
2.6 String Objects: Concatenation, Literals & More
2.7 String Methods
2.8 Wrapper Classes: Integers and Doubles
2.9 Using the Math Class
3. Boolean Expressions and if Statements
4. Iteration
5. Writing Classes
6. Arrays
7. ArrayLists
8. 2D Arrays
9. Inheritance
10. Recursion
Chapter 2