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Standards Mapping

for South Dakota Web Development 1


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
WD 1.1
Identify the infrastructure required to access the Internet
WD 1.2
Summarize Internet development and functions
WD 1.3
Recognize the purpose of domains
  1. 6.1 Choosing a Domain Name
WD 1.4
Define the function of a Domain Name Server (DNS)
  1. 6.1 Choosing a Domain Name
WD 1.5
Define important Internet communications protocols and their roles in delivering basic Internet services
WD 1.6
Demonstrate knowledge of standard copyright rules
WD 1.7
Explain the use and purpose of acceptable use policy (AUP)
WD 2.1
Demonstrate knowledge required to create a web page
  1. 8.1 Introduction to HTML
WD 2.2
Demonstrate appropriate file structure and naming
  1. 6.4 What is Web Optimization?
WD 2.3
Create web pages with appropriate HTML structure and standards that can be validated using World Wide Web Consortium validator (W3C)
  1. 8.2 Structure of an HTML Page
WD 2.4
Demonstrate the use of elements and attributes
  1. 8.4 Links
  2. 8.5 Images
WD 2.5
Incorporate meta tags for page documentation and search engine optimization (SEO)
  1. 6.5 Optimizing Web Information
WD 3.1
Apply essential aspects of the CSS
  1. 8.10 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 8.11 CSS Select by Class
  3. 8.12 CSS Select by ID
WD 3.2
Apply CSS to a website
  1. 8.10 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 8.11 CSS Select by Class
  3. 8.12 CSS Select by ID
WD 3.3
Use selectors in a CSS
  1. 8.10 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 8.11 CSS Select by Class
  3. 8.12 CSS Select by ID
WD 4.1
Analyze project requirements
  1. 3.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 5.1 Define Your Product
  3. 7.1 Project Overview
WD 4.2
Plan site design and page layout
  1. 5.3 Creating Your Data Collection Website
  2. 7.1 Project Overview
  3. 7.2 Planning Your Site
WD 6.1
Explore Information Technology (IT) Web Development careers
WD 6.2
Demonstrate job skills for programming industries
  1. 3.3 Interactive Resume Development