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Standards Mapping

for Ohio 9-12 Foundational


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Identify different multifunctional computing devices and connection technologies, both virtual and physical, to describe their purpose.
Develop and apply criteria to evaluate computing systems for a given purpose.
Create an artifact to demonstrate the roles and interactions of computing systems embedded in everyday objects.
Compare and contrast interactions between application software, system software and hardware.
Apply a systemic process to identify problems and take steps to correct them within an integrated computing system.
Analyze an IT device to determine either what repairs are needed or how to build it.
Evaluate and select networking devices to establish scalable communications.
Evaluate and select networking protocols to establish network communication.
Understand scalability and reliability of networks to describe the relationships and effects of how the different types of networks work together.
  1. 7.5 Routing
  2. 7.6 Packets and Protocols
Examine and employ principles of cybersecurity.
  1. 9.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 15.4 The CIA Triad
Identify physical, social and digital security risks to address possible attacks.
  1. 9.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 15.3 Impact of Cybersecurity
Analyze patterns in a real-world data store through hypothesis, testing and use of data tools to gain insight and knowledge.
Investigate data storage systems to compare and contrast how data is stored and accessed.
Analyze the benefits and limitations of data visualization or multisensory artifacts and tools to communicate which is most appropriate to solve a real-world problem.
Evaluate a model by creating a hypothesis, testing it and refining it to discover connections and trends in the data.
Define and use appropriate problem solving strategies and visual artifacts to create and refine a solution to a realworld problem.
Define and implement an algorithm by decomposing problem requirements from a problem statement to solve a problem.
  1. 1.6 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel
  2. 1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
  3. 1.16 Karel Challenges
  4. 13.10 Top Down Design
  5. 13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Identify types of variables and data and utilize them to create a computer program that stores data in appropriate ways.
  1. 13.11 Variables
Define control structures and Boolean logic and use them to solve real-world scenarios.
  1. 1.9 For Loops
  2. 1.11 If/Else Statements
  3. 1.12 While Loops in Karel
  4. 1.13 Control Structures Example
  5. 1.14 More Karel Examples and Testing
  6. 13.4 For Loops
  7. 13.14 Using i in For Loops
  8. 13.15 Extended Loop Control
  9. 13.16 If Statements
  10. 13.17 If/ Else Statements
  11. 13.18 While Loops
  12. 13.19 Putting Together Control Structures
Use appropriate syntax to create and use a method.
Use data scoping to isolate data.
Break down a solution into procedures using systematic analysis and design.
  1. 13.8 Functions
  2. 13.13 Parameters
Create computational artifacts by systematically organizing, manipulating and/or processing data
Investigate software development methodologies to select the appropriate one for a project to complete as a team.
Compare test methodologies to evaluate why each is used and to determine their benefits and costs.
Correctly use consistent naming conventions, version control and comments to demonstrate why these are important for future use, maintenance and reuse of code.
  1. 1.7 Commenting Your Code
  2. 4.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  3. 13.6 Comments
  4. 13.7 Naming Guidelines
Analyze new technology to predict realistic impacts on society.
  1. 7.7 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 8.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
Explore other professions to understand how computing has and will impact them positively and negatively.
  1. 7.7 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 8.1 Project: The Effects of the Internet
Evaluate tools to increase connectivity of people in different cultures and career fields.
Analyze the collection and generation of data through automated processes to explain the privacy concerns that are not always evident to users.
Interpret and analyze breaches in privacy and security to investigate the legal and ethical impact.
  1. 9.4 Privacy & Security
  2. 15.2 What is Cybersecurity?
  3. 15.3 Impact of Cybersecurity
Analyze the concepts of usability and security to explain typical tradeoffs between them.
Analyze the collection and generation of data through automated processes to explain the legal concerns that are not always evident to users.
Explain the beneficial and harmful effects of intellectual property laws to determine the impacts on innovation.
  1. 9.6 Creative Credit & Copyright