- PiDay.java
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As you can probably see, once we get to a large number of decimal places, our difference gets pretty small. Since it can be hard to comprehend a fraction of a mile or fraction of a foot, we want to add one final step to our program.
Right now, when we calculate the difference, the results are in miles. If the difference is less than a mile, convert the difference to feet by multiplying it by 5280, the number of feet per mile.
Likewise, if the difference is less than a foot, convert it to inches by multiplying by 12.
Once you find the right units, print out the results. Make sure you label your value!
Here is a sample output:
Number of decimals: 7
Current Circumference: 26467.9184975 miles
Difference:-2.0645116438390687 feet
Percent error: -1.4772827676816937E-6%
Number of decimals: 8
Current Circumference: 26467.91807625 miles
Difference:1.916260204743594 inches
Percent error: 1.1426665911160208E-7%
Hint: Make sure you consider that the difference could be positive or negative!
Note: Be sure to copy your code before moving on to the next exercise!
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Java Version 1.8.0_222
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