Activity | Points |
Tracy's World | |
1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle | |
1.1.1 Intro to Tracy | 1 |
1.1.2 Intro to Tracy | 3 |
1.1.3 Slinky | 1 |
1.1.4 Stretched Slinky | 5 |
1.2 Tracy's Grid World | |
1.2.1 Tracy's Grid World | 1 |
1.2.2 Tracy's Grid World | 5 |
1.2.3 Dashed Line | 1 |
1.2.4 Shorter Dashed Line | 5 |
1.2.5 Caterpillar | 5 |
1.2.6 Grid World Badge | 1 |
Moving Tracy Efficiently | |
2.1 Turning Tracy | |
2.1.1 Turning Tracy | 1 |
2.1.2 Turning Tracy | 3 |
2.1.3 Square | 1 |
2.1.4 X and Y Axes | 1 |
2.1.5 Rectangle | 5 |
2.1.6 4 Columns | 5 |
2.2 For Loops | |
2.2.1 For Loops | 1 |
2.2.2 For Loops | 5 |
2.2.3 Square Using Loops | 1 |
2.2.4 Dotted Line | 1 |
2.2.5 Row of Circles | 5 |
2.2.6 4 Columns 2.0 | 5 |
2.2.7 Looping Badge | 1 |
2.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles | |
2.3.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles | 1 |
2.3.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles | 4 |
2.3.3 Asterisk | 1 |
2.3.4 Four Circles | 1 |
2.3.5 Hexagon | 5 |
2.3.6 'X' Marks the Spot | 5 |
2.3.7 Circle Pyramid | 5 |
Designing and Communicating Solutions | |
3.1.1 Comments | 1 |
3.1.2 Comments | 3 |
3.1.3 Four Circles with Comments | 1 |
3.1.4 Circle Pyramid with Comments | 5 |
3.2 Naming Guidelines | |
3.2.1 Naming Guidelines | 1 |
3.2.2 Naming Guidelines | 2 |
3.3 Functions | |
3.3.1 Functions | 1 |
3.3.2 Functions | 3 |
3.3.3 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks | 1 |
3.3.4 Beaded Bracelet | 5 |
3.3.5 Shape Stack | 5 |
3.3.6 Functions Badge | 1 |
3.4 Artistic Effects | |
3.4.1 Artistic Effects | 1 |
3.4.2 Artistic Effects | 5 |
3.4.3 Rainbow Octagon | 1 |
3.4.4 Circle Square Triangle | 1 |
3.4.5 Four Colored Triangles | 5 |
3.4.6 Colorful Bracelet | 5 |
3.4.7 Kid's Shapes Toy | 10 |
3.5 Top Down Design | |
3.5.1 Top Down Design | 1 |
3.5.2 Top Down Design | 2 |
3.5.3 Bubble Wrap | 1 |
3.5.4 Bubble Wrap 2.0 | 5 |
3.5.5 Sidewalk | 5 |
Controlling Tracy with Variables | |
4.1 Variables | |
4.1.1 Variables | 1 |
4.1.2 Variables | 3 |
4.1.3 Increasing Length | 1 |
4.1.4 Dartboard | 5 |
4.1.5 Line of Increasing Blocks | 5 |
4.2 User Input | |
4.2.1 User Input | 1 |
4.2.2 User Input | 3 |
4.2.3 Color Coded Increasing Length | 1 |
4.2.4 Colored Dartboard | 5 |
4.2.5 Four Corners | 5 |
4.2.6 User Input Badge | 1 |
4.3 Parameters | |
4.3.1 Parameters | 1 |
4.3.2 Parameters | 3 |
4.3.3 Concentric Circles | 1 |
4.3.4 Colorful Caterpillar | 5 |
4.3.5 Circle in a Square | 5 |
4.3.6 Snowman | 5 |
4.4 Using i in For Loops | |
4.4.1 Using i in For Loops | 1 |
4.4.2 Using i in For Loops | 3 |
4.4.3 Geometry | 1 |
4.4.4 Geometry 2.0 | 5 |
4.5 Extended Loop Control | |
4.5.1 Extended Loop Control | 1 |
4.5.2 Extended Loop Control | 2 |
4.5.3 Square Swirl | 1 |
4.5.4 Dartboard using i | 5 |
4.5.5 Phone Signal | 5 |
4.5.6 Master of i Badge | 1 |
Intro to micro:bit | |
5.1 Welcome to micro:bit! | |
5.1.1 Intro to micro:bit | 5 |
5.1.2 micro:bit Quick Start | 5 |
5.1.3 Dice Simulator | 5 |
5.1.4 Don't Wobble! | 5 |
5.1.5 Exploration: Intro to Programming with micro:bit | 5 |
5.1.6 Exploration 1.1 Follow-up | 5 |
5.1.7 Background & Experience | 5 |
5.1.8 Goal Setting | 5 |
5.2 Setting Up your micro:bit | |
5.2.1 Setting Up your micro:bit | 5 |
5.2.2 Exploration: Exploring LEDs | 5 |
5.2.3 Exploration 1.2 Follow-up | 5 |
5.2.4 Four Corners | 5 |
5.2.5 Blinking First Letter | 5 |
5.2.6 Blinking Diamond | 5 |
5.3 Comments & Pseudocode | |
5.3.1 Comments & Pseudocode | 5 |
5.3.2 Comments & Pseudocode | 5 |
5.3.3 Blink Middle | 5 |
5.3.4 X in Pseudocode | 5 |
5.3.5 Exploration: Analog vs. Digital | 5 |
5.3.6 Exploration 1.3 Follow-up | 5 |
5.3.7 Varied Brightness | 5 |
5.3.8 Moving Bright Box | 5 |
5.4 Variables | |
5.4.1 Variables | 5 |
5.4.2 Variables | 5 |
5.4.3 Variable as Coordinate Value | 5 |
5.4.4 Plus with a Variable in Pseudocode | 5 |
5.4.5 Exploration: Using micro:bit Pins | 5 |
5.4.6 Exploration 1.4 Follow-up | 5 |
5.4.7 Brightness Line using Variables | 5 |
5.4.8 Opposite Blinking External LEDs | 5 |
5.4.9 Dimming External LED | 5 |
5.5 Intro to micro:bit Quiz | |
5.5.1 Intro to micro:bit Quiz | 5 |
Making Decisions | |
6.1 If Statements | |
6.1.1 If Statements | 1 |
6.1.2 If Statements | 5 |
6.1.3 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks | 1 |
6.1.4 Happy Face | 5 |
6.1.5 Black and White Squares | 5 |
6.2 If/ Else Statements | |
6.2.1 If/Else Statements | 1 |
6.2.2 If/Else Statements | 4 |
6.2.3 Positive, Negative, Zero | 1 |
6.2.4 Rating | 5 |
6.2.5 Happy/ Sad Face | 5 |
6.3 While Loops | |
6.3.1 While Loops | 1 |
6.3.2 While Loops | 4 |
6.3.3 Increasing Circles | 1 |
6.3.4 Increasing Squares | 5 |
6.3.5 Guess a Number | 5 |
6.3.6 Conditionals Badge | 1 |
Program Control with micro:bit | |
7.1 For Loops | |
7.1.1 For Loops | 5 |
7.1.2 For Loops | 5 |
7.1.3 Light Middle Row with a For Loop | 5 |
7.1.4 Dimming LED | 5 |
7.1.5 Exploration: Playing Music with micro:bit | 5 |
7.1.6 Exploration 2.1 Follow-up | 5 |
7.1.7 Twinkle Twinkle | 5 |
7.1.8 Looping through LED Brightness Values | 5 |
7.1.9 Light Screen by Column | 5 |
7.2 While Loops | |
7.2.1 While Loops | 5 |
7.2.2 While Loops | 5 |
7.2.3 Light Middle Column with a While Loop | 5 |
7.2.4 Alternating LED until Button Press | 5 |
7.2.5 Exploration: Using Buttons to Control Code | 5 |
7.2.6 Exploration 2.2 Follow-up | 5 |
7.2.7 LED Blink with Buttons | 5 |
7.2.8 Button Following LED | 5 |
7.3 Operators | |
7.3.1 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators | 5 |
7.3.2 Arithmetic, Comparison, and Logical Operators | 5 |
7.3.3 Using Arithmetic Operators | 5 |
7.3.4 Using Comparison Operators | 5 |
7.3.5 Using Logical Operators | 5 |
7.3.6 Light LED based on Values | 5 |
7.3.7 Exploration: Light Sensor | 5 |
7.3.8 Exploration 2.3a Follow-up | 5 |
7.3.9 Light Detector | 5 |
7.3.10 Exploration: Temperature Sensor | 5 |
7.3.11 Exploration 2.3b Follow-up | 5 |
7.3.12 Temperature Monitor | 5 |
7.3.13 Exploration: Accelerometer | 5 |
7.3.14 Exploration 2.3c Follow-up | 5 |
7.3.15 Brightness by Acceleration | 5 |
7.3.16 Real World Application: Night Light | 5 |
7.4 If/Else Statements | |
7.4.1 If/Else Statements | 5 |
7.4.2 If/Else Statements | 5 |
7.4.3 If/Else with 'count' | 5 |
7.4.4 If/If/If with 'count' | 5 |
7.4.5 LED Position with a Variable | 5 |
7.4.6 LED Brightness using Buttons | 5 |
7.4.7 Exploration: Using Servo Motors | 5 |
7.4.8 Exploration 2.4 Follow-up | 5 |
7.4.9 Servo Rotation with Reset | 5 |
7.4.10 Button Controlling LED and Servo | 5 |
7.4.11 Servo Position by Button Press | 5 |
7.4.12 Servo with LED display and reset | 5 |
7.5 Functions | |
7.5.1 Functions | 5 |
7.5.2 Functions | 5 |
7.5.3 Using Functions | 5 |
7.5.4 Using Functions with Parameters | 5 |
7.5.5 Combining Control Structures | 5 |
7.5.6 Light Level LEDs | 5 |
7.5.7 Exploration: Using External Sensors | 5 |
7.5.8 Exploration 2.5 Follow-up | 5 |
7.5.9 Distance Monitor | 5 |
7.5.10 Challenge: LED Arrow Following Servo | 5 |
7.5.11 Choose an External Sensor to Investigate | 5 |
7.6 Program Control with micro:bit Quiz | |
7.6.1 Program Control with micro:bit Unit Quiz | 5 |
Tracy Challenges | |
8.1 Putting Together Control Structures | |
8.1.1 Putting Together Control Structures | 1 |
8.1.2 Putting Together Control Structures | 3 |
8.1.3 Block Pyramid | 1 |
8.1.4 Guess a Number 2.0 | 5 |
8.1.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0 | 5 |
8.1.6 Checkerboard | 10 |
8.1.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge | 1 |
8.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Quiz | |
8.2.1 Putting It All Together Quiz | 25 |
8.2.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge | 1 |
Advanced micro:bit | |
9.1 micro:bit Challenges | |
9.1.1 micro:bit Challenges: Breadboards | 5 |
9.1.2 micro:bit Challenges: Breadboards | 5 |
9.1.3 Distance Sensor with Breadboard | 5 |
9.1.4 Exploration: Using Gestures to Control Code | 5 |
9.1.5 Exploration 3.1 Follow-up | 5 |
9.1.6 Digital Watch, Pt 1: Setting the Time | 5 |
9.1.7 Digital Watch, Pt 2: Keeping TIme | 5 |
9.1.8 Digital Watch, Pt 3: Final Touches | 5 |
9.1.9 Inchworm | 5 |
9.1.10 Project Reflection | 5 |
9.2 Explore a New Sensor | |
9.2.1 Explore a New Sensor: Overview | 5 |
9.2.2 Exploration: Getting Started with a New Sensor | 5 |
9.2.3 Video / Exploration | 5 |
9.2.4 Example Program | 5 |
9.2.5 How to Add Images | 5 |
9.2.6 Build an Exercise to Teach about your Sensor! | 5 |
9.2.7 Creating a Lesson: Reflection | 5 |
9.3 Follow a Step-by-Step Project | |
9.3.1 Research and Choose Project | 5 |
9.3.2 Create Updated Directions | 5 |
9.3.3 Step-by-Step Project Reflection | 5 |
9.4 Final Project | |
9.4.1 Project Brainstorm and Selection | 5 |
9.4.2 Build a Prototype | 5 |
9.4.3 Test and Improve your Project | 5 |
9.4.4 Present your Project! | 5 |
Supplemental Challenges | |
10.1 Advanced Challenges with Tracy | |
10.1.1 Half Pyramid | 10 |
10.1.2 Pizza | 10 |
10.1.3 Grid | 10 |
10.1.4 Block Pyramid 2.0 | 10 |
Categorizing Triangles | |
11.1 Calculating Area | |
11.1.1 Calculating Area | 1 |
11.1.2 Calculating Area | 0 |
11.1.3 Drawing a Custom Triangle | 1 |
11.1.4 Calculate the Area | 5 |
11.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value | |
11.2.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value | 1 |
11.2.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Static Base Value | 0 |
11.2.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles | 1 |
11.2.4 Putting Triangles into Categories | 5 |
11.3 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value | |
11.3.1 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value | 1 |
11.3.2 Categorizing Triangles with a Varied Base Value | 0 |
11.3.3 Categorizing Obtuse Triangles using Variables | 1 |
11.3.4 Using Variables to Calculate Area | 5 |
11.3.5 Putting Triangles into Categories using Variables | 5 |
Additional Topics | |
12.1 Abstraction | |
12.1.1 Abstraction | 1 |
12.1.2 Abstraction | 5 |
12.1.3 Abstracting Away draw_square() | 1 |
12.1.4 Abstracting Your Day | 5 |
12.1.5 Reflection: Abstraction | 5 |
12.1.6 Abstraction in Tracy | 5 |
12.2 Adding Text | |
12.2.1 Adding Text | 5 |
12.2.2 Adding Text | 5 |
12.2.3 Concentric Circles with Labels | 5 |
12.2.4 Name your Colorful Caterpillar! | 5 |
12.2.5 Baseball Diagram | 5 |
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