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Activity Points
Introduction to Mobile Apps
1.1 Introduction to React Native and Expo
1.1.1 Introduction to React Native and Expo 1
1.1.2 Quiz: Introduction to React Native and Expo 2
1.1.3 Why Mobile Apps? 5
1.1.4 What is React Native? 1
1.1.5 React Native App Overview 1
1.1.6 Running Apps on CodeHS 1
1.1.7 Running Apps on Expo 1
1.1.8 React Native App Example 1
1.1.9 React Native App Example Reflection 5
Components and the Stylesheet
2.1 Introduction to Components
2.1.1 Introduction to Components 1
2.1.2 Quiz: Introduction to Components 2
2.1.3 The Parent View Component 1
2.1.4 Nesting Multiple Text Components 1
2.1.5 Customizing Text 5
2.1.6 Adding Components 5
2.1.7 Debugging Components 5
2.2 Introduction to the Stylesheet API
2.2.1 Introduction to the Stylesheet API 1
2.2.2 Quiz: Introduction to the Stylesheet API 3
2.2.3 Naming a Stylesheet ID 1
2.2.4 Multiple Stylesheet ID's 1
2.2.5 Connecting Components to the Stylesheet 5
2.2.6 Debug the Stylesheet 5
2.3 Styling View Components
2.3.1 Styling View Components 1
2.3.2 Quiz: Styling View Components 2
2.3.3 Height and Width 1
2.3.4 Justifying Content 1
2.3.5 Aligning Items 1
2.3.6 Rainbow Background 5
2.3.7 Flex Direction 1
2.3.8 Checkerboard 1
2.3.9 Nested Views 5
2.3.10 Andy Warhol Image 5
2.4 Styling Text Components
2.4.1 Styling Text Components 1
2.4.2 Quiz: Styling Text Components 2
2.4.3 Text Component Attributes 1
2.4.4 Text Component Dimensions 1
2.4.5 My Favorites List 5
2.4.6 News Article Styling 5
2.4.7 Google Logo 5
2.4.8 SnapChat Login Page Pt 1: Layout 5
2.4.9 Venmo Balance Transfer Page Pt 1: Layout 5
2.4.10 Stylish Mobile App Badge 1
2.4.11 Mindset Survey 1 1
2.5 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 1
2.5.1 Scorekeeper Pt 1: Example 1
2.5.2 Scorekeeper Pt 1: Screen Layout 10
2.6 Components and the Stylesheet Quiz
2.6.1 Components and the Stylesheet Quiz 15
Buttons and Text Boxes
3.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function
3.1.1 TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function 1
3.1.2 Quiz: TouchableHighlight and the onPress Function 2
3.1.3 TouchableHighlight with Text Only 1
3.1.4 TouchableHighlight Components as Buttons 1
3.1.5 Adding TouchableHighlight to the News Article 5
3.1.6 Build a Homescreen 5
3.1.7 SnapChat Login Page Pt 2: Buttons 5
3.2 TextInput
3.2.1 TextInput 1
3.2.2 TextInput 5
3.2.3 Adding TextInput 1
3.2.4 iMessage 1
3.2.5 Google Search Page 5
3.2.6 Feedback Form 5
3.2.7 Venmo Balance Transfer Pt 2: Buttons & Input 5
3.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 2
3.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 2: Buttons and TextInput 10
3.4 Buttons & Text Boxes Quiz
3.4.1 Buttons and Text Boxes Quiz 5
Advanced Layouts and Images
4.1 The Image Component
4.1.1 The Image Component 1
4.1.2 Quiz: The Image Component 2
4.1.3 Sizing Images Correctly 1
4.1.4 Images with Text 1
4.1.5 Snapchat Login Page Pt 3: Images 5
4.1.6 Music Player Interface 5
4.1.7 Google Search Page using Images 5
4.2 Setting a Background Image
4.2.1 Setting a Background Image 1
4.2.2 Quiz: Setting a Background Image 5
4.2.3 Setting a Background Image 1
4.2.4 Phone Background 5
4.2.5 Mobile Resume 5
4.3 Using Images as Buttons
4.3.1 Using Images as Buttons 1
4.3.2 Quiz: Using Images as Buttons 5
4.3.3 Using Images as Buttons 1
4.3.4 Interactive Quotes 5
4.3.5 Music Player with TouchableHighlight 5
4.3.6 Mobile Image Badge 1
4.4 Flex Layouts
4.4.1 Flex Layouts 1
4.4.2 Quiz: Flex Layouts 2
4.4.3 Using Flex Ratios 1
4.4.4 Even Quadrants 1
4.4.5 Uneven Quadrants 1
4.4.6 Rainbow Background with Flex 5
4.4.7 Simple Flag with Flex 5
4.4.8 Advanced Flag with Flex 5
4.4.9 SnapChat Login Page Pt 4: Flex 5
4.5 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size
4.5.1 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size 1
4.5.2 Quiz: Using 'Dimensions' to Control Size 3
4.5.3 Even Quadrants with 'Dimensions' 1
4.5.4 Uneven Quadrants with 'Dimensions' 1
4.5.5 Using 'Dimensions' to Control Font and Image Size 1
4.5.6 Rainbow Background using 'Dimensions' 5
4.5.7 Simple Flag using 'Dimensions' 5
4.5.8 Advanced Flag using 'Dimensions' 5
4.5.9 SnapChat Login Page Pt 5: 'Dimensions' 5
4.6 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 3
4.6.1 Scorekeeper Pt 3: Images and Responsive Design 10
4.6.2 Mindset Survey 3 1
4.7 Advanced Layouts and Images Quiz
4.7.1 Advanced Layouts and Images Quiz 15
App Build: Recreate a Popular App
5.1 Recreate a Popular App
5.1.1 Choose an App 5
5.1.2 Plan Layout and Functionality 5
5.1.3 How to Upload an Image on CodeHS 1
5.1.4 Code Layout 5
5.1.5 Add Functionality 10
5.1.6 Reflection 5
Events and State
6.1 Using State to Control Values
6.1.1 Using State to Control Values 1
6.1.2 Using State to Control Values 2
6.1.3 Initial State 1
6.1.4 Setting the Location with State 5
6.1.5 Multiple State Values 5
6.2 Updating State with onPress
6.2.1 Updating State with onPress 1
6.2.2 Updating State with onPress 5
6.2.3 Updating State with onPress 1
6.2.4 State Updates Based on Button Press 1
6.2.5 Name to Nickname 5
6.2.6 SnapChat Login Page Pt 6: Using State 5
6.3 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State
6.3.1 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State 1
6.3.2 Using Mathematical Equations to Update State 5
6.3.3 Updating the Count 1
6.3.4 Full Counter App 5
6.3.5 Easy Calculator 10
6.4 Using Methods to Update String States
6.4.1 Using Methods to Update String States 1
6.4.2 Using Methods to Update String States 5
6.4.3 Upper and Lower 1
6.4.4 Updating the Mood of a String with State 5
6.4.5 Spellchecker 5
6.5 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 4
6.5.1 Scorekeeper Pt 4: Functionality with States 10
6.5.2 Mindset Survey 2 1
6.6 Events and State Quiz
6.6.1 Events and State Quiz 5
Creating Multiple Screens
7.1 Creating a Navbar
7.1.1 Creating a Navbar 1
7.1.2 Creating a Navbar 5
7.1.3 Bottom Navbar 1
7.1.4 Top Navbar 5
7.1.5 Icon Navbar in Landscape 5
7.1.6 iPhone Call Navbar 5
7.2 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens
7.2.1 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens 1
7.2.2 Using Buttons to Navigate Screens 5
7.2.3 Two Screen App 1
7.2.4 Name & Image App 5
7.2.5 Mobile Biography of a Role Model 5
7.2.6 RSVP Tracker 5
7.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 5
7.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 5: Multiple Screens 10
7.4 Creating Multiple Screens Quiz
7.4.1 Creating Multiple Screens Quiz 5
Working with Conditionals
8.1 Conditionals and State Change
8.1.1 Conditionals and State Change 1
8.1.2 Quiz: Conditionals and State Change 2
8.1.3 Marathon Counter App 1
8.1.4 Savings Tracker 5
8.1.5 Venmo Balance Transfer Pt 3: Check Balance 5
8.2 Conditionals using Parameters
8.2.1 Conditionals using Parameters 1
8.2.2 Conditionals using Parameters 5
8.2.3 Parameters and Conditional Background Images 1
8.2.4 Traffic Light Conditionals 1
8.2.5 Conditional Winner! 5
8.2.6 Trivia App 10
8.3 Challenge: Scorekeeper Pt 6
8.3.1 Scorekeeper Pt 6: Add Standings Page 10
8.4 Working with Conditionals Quiz
8.4.1 Working with Conditionals Quiz 5
App Build: Currency Converter
9.1 Currency Converter
9.1.1 Plan Layout and Functionality 5
9.1.2 Code the Layout 5
9.1.3 Add Functionality 10
9.1.4 Reflection 5
10.1 Midterm
10.1.1 Midterm Pt 1: Multiple Choice 5
Additional Topics
11.1 Changing Attributes Through User Interaction
11.1.1 Changing Button on Click 1
11.1.2 Changing Button Color with Conditionals 1
11.1.3 Change Button Size 5
Mobile Apps Prerequisite
12.1 Introduction to HTML
12.1.1 Introduction to HTML 1
12.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz 5
12.1.3 Our First HTML Page 1
12.1.4 Say Hello! 5
12.2 Structure of an HTML Page
12.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page 1
12.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz 5
12.2.3 HTML Template 1
12.2.4 Hello World Page 1
12.2.5 The <title> Tag 5
12.2.6 Your First HTML Page 5
12.3 Formatting Text
12.3.1 Formatting Text 1
12.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz 5
12.3.3 Dictionary 1
12.3.4 Word Definitions 5
12.3.5 Pet Names 5
12.3.6 Call of the Wild 5
12.3.7 Formatting Badge 0
12.4 Links
12.4.1 Links 1
12.4.2 Links Quiz 5
12.4.3 The <a> Tag 1
12.4.4 Bookmarks 5
12.4.5 Encyclopedias 5
12.5 Images
12.5.1 Images 1
12.5.2 Images Quiz 5
12.5.3 The <img> Tag 1
12.5.4 Building the CodeHS Homepage 1
12.5.5 Collage on a Theme 5
12.5.6 Linking an Image 5
12.5.7 National Parks 5
12.6 HTML Lists
12.6.1 HTML Lists 1
12.6.2 HTML Lists Quiz 5
12.6.3 Grocery Shopping 1
12.6.4 Class Planning 5
12.6.5 Dream Destinations 5
12.6.6 Vacation Guides 5
12.7 HTML Tables
12.7.1 HTML Tables 1
12.7.2 HTML Tables Quiz 5
12.7.3 Address Book 1
12.7.4 National Sports 5
12.7.5 Table of Favorites 5
12.8 HTML Styling
12.8.1 HTML Styling 1
12.8.2 HTML Styling Quiz 5
12.8.3 Stylish Address Book 1
12.8.4 Background Colors 5
12.8.5 Style Your Class List 5
12.8.6 Styling Badge 0
12.9 HTML Colors
12.9.1 HTML Colors 1
12.9.2 HTML Colors Quiz 5
12.9.3 HTML Colors Examples 1
12.9.4 Create Your Own Color 5
12.9.5 Gradients 5
12.9.6 Color Wheel 1
12.9.7 Using Good Colors 5
12.10 Introduction to CSS
12.10.1 Introduction to CSS 1
12.10.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz 5
12.10.3 Styling your H1s 1
12.10.4 First style with CSS 5
12.10.5 List Styling 5
12.10.6 Endangered Animals: Skeleton 5
12.11 CSS Select by Tag
12.11.1 CSS Select by Tag 1
12.11.2 CSS Select by Tag Quiz 5
12.11.3 Rainbow 1
12.11.4 Dog Styling 1
12.11.5 Set List 5
12.11.6 Your Appliance Recommendations 5
12.11.7 Endangered Animals: Style the Headers 5
12.12 CSS Select by Class
12.12.1 CSS Select by Class 1
12.12.2 CSS Select by Class Quiz 5
12.12.3 Simple Checkerboard 1
12.12.4 Swim Meet 5
12.12.5 Favorite Things 5
12.12.6 Endangered Animals: Add Color Coding 5
12.13 CSS Select by ID
12.13.1 CSS Select by ID 1
12.13.2 CSS Select by ID Quiz 5
12.13.3 Logo 1
12.13.4 Must Do Today! 5
12.13.5 Lomeli's Menu 5
12.13.6 Endangered Animals: Add Pictures 5
12.13.7 Selector Badge 0
12.14 The Cascade
12.14.1 The Cascade 1
12.14.2 The Cascade Quiz 5
12.14.3 Using Importance 1
12.14.4 Order of Precedence 1
12.14.5 We Really Like Dairy 5
12.14.6 Style the Table 5
12.15 Variables
12.15.1 Variables 1
12.15.2 Variables Quiz 5
12.15.3 Basic Variables 1
12.15.4 Daily Activities 5
12.16 Booleans
12.16.1 Booleans 1
12.16.2 Booleans Quiz 5
12.16.3 First Boolean 1
12.16.4 Do You Have a Dog? 5
12.17 Logical Operators
12.17.1 Logical Operators 1
12.17.2 Logical Operators Quiz 5
12.17.3 Light Switch 1
12.17.4 President 1
12.17.5 Wasting Time 1
12.17.6 Can You Graduate? 5
12.17.7 School's Out 5
12.18 Comparison Operators
12.18.1 Comparison Operators 1
12.18.2 Comparison Operators Quiz 5
12.18.3 Voting Age 1
12.18.4 Grade Range 1
12.18.5 Rolling Dice 5
12.18.6 Girl Scout Designation 5
12.19 If Statements
12.19.1 If Statements 1
12.19.2 If Statements Quiz 5
12.19.3 Negative Numbers 1
12.19.4 Great Names 1
12.19.5 Even and Odd 1
12.19.6 Secret Password 1
12.19.7 Teenagers 5
12.19.8 Dietary Restrictions 5
12.19.9 Conditionals Badge 0
12.19.10 Mindset Survey 2 0
Designing User Interfaces
13.1 Intro to Design Thinking
13.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking 1
13.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking 0
13.1.3 User Interface Scavenger Hunt 5
13.1.4 Case Study: Helping Blind People See 1
13.1.5 Case Study Responses 5
13.1.6 Crash Course: Empathize 1
13.1.7 Empathize Notes 5
13.1.8 Crash Course: Define 1
13.1.9 Problem Statement 5
13.1.10 Crash Course: Ideate 1
13.1.11 Ideate Notes 5
13.1.12 Crash Course: Prototype and Test 1
13.1.13 Testing Notes 5
13.1.14 Topic Brainstorm 5
13.1.15 Narrowing Down Topics 5
13.2 Empathy
13.2.1 Empathy 1
13.2.2 Empathy Quiz 0
13.2.3 A Cafeteria Designed for Me 1
13.2.4 A Cafeteria Designed for Me 5
13.2.5 Accessibility 1
13.2.6 Accessibility Tips 5
13.2.7 Accessibility: Designing for ALL 5
13.2.8 How to Interview 1
13.2.9 How to Interview 5
13.2.10 User Interview 5
13.3 Define
13.3.1 Define 1
13.3.2 Define Quiz 0
13.3.3 Make a Composite Character Profile 1
13.3.4 Composite Character Profile 5
13.3.5 Point-of-View Statement Brainstorm 5
13.3.6 POV Statement 5
13.4 Ideate
13.4.1 Ideate 1
13.4.2 Ideate Quiz 5
13.4.3 Stoke 1
13.4.4 Get Stoked 5
13.4.5 Brainstorming Tips 1
13.4.6 Ideate! 5
13.5 Prototype
13.5.1 Prototype 1
13.5.2 Prototype Quiz 5
13.5.3 Brainstorm Selection 1
13.5.4 Harvest Ideas from the Brainstorm 5
13.5.5 Wizard of Oz Prototyping 1
13.5.6 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype 1
13.5.7 Make Your Paper Prototypes! 5
13.6 Test
13.6.1 Test 1
13.6.2 Testing Quiz 5
13.6.3 Testing with Users 1
13.6.4 Example: How to User Test 1
13.6.5 How to User Test Responses 5
13.6.6 Example: How NOT to User Test 1
13.6.7 How NOT to User Test Responses 5
13.6.8 Test Prototype 1 5
13.6.9 Test Prototype 2 5
13.6.10 Improve Your Prototype 5
13.7 Designing User Interfaces Quiz
13.7.1 Designing User Interfaces Quiz 25
13.7.2 Designing User Interfaces Badge 0
End of Course App Build
14.1 Build Your Own App
14.1.1 App Planning 5
14.1.2 Planning with Pseudocode 0
14.1.3 Code the Layout 10
14.1.4 App Functionality 10
14.1.5 App Presentation 0
14.1.6 Custom App Badge 0