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Activity Points
Programming Basics
1.1 Welcome to C++
1.1.1 Welcome 5
1.1.2 Welcome 5
1.2 Program Structure and Basic Output
1.2.1 Program Structure and Basic Output 5
1.2.2 Quiz: Program Structure and Basic Output 5
1.2.3 Hello World 5
1.2.4 Using a Library 5
1.2.5 Guided Activity: Your First C++ Program 3
1.2.6 Introduce Yourself 5
1.2.7 Ascii Art 5
1.3 Variables and Data Types
1.3.1 Variables and Data Types 5
1.3.2 Quiz: Variables and Data Types 5
1.3.3 Variables 5
1.3.4 Printing Variables 5
1.3.5 Swapping Values 5
1.3.6 An Interview 5
1.3.7 Schedule Change 5
1.4 User Input
1.4.1 User Input 5
1.4.2 Quiz: User Input 5
1.4.3 Reading in Strings 5
1.4.4 Reading in Numbers 5
1.4.5 The Naturalization Test 5
1.4.6 Song Ratings 5
1.5 Math Functions
1.5.1 Math Functions 5
1.5.2 Quiz: Math Functions 5
1.5.3 Basic Math example 5
1.5.4 Casting Values 5
1.5.5 Fix the Math 5
1.5.6 Order Checkout 5
Project: College Calculator
2.1 College Calculator
2.1.1 Research: Cost of College 5
2.1.2 College Calculator 5
Program Control
3.1 Comparison and Logical Operators
3.1.1 Comparison and Logical Operators 5
3.1.2 Quiz: Comparison and Logical Operators 5
3.1.3 Basic Comparison Operators 5
3.1.4 Compound Operators 5
3.1.5 Driver's License 5
3.1.6 A Day in the Park 5
3.2 If Statements
3.2.1 If Statements 5
3.2.2 Quiz: If Statements 5
3.2.3 Basic If/Else Examples 5
3.2.4 Extended If/Else Examples 5
3.2.5 Guided Activity: Creating a Decision Tree 3
3.2.6 Finding the Maximum 5
3.2.7 Decision Day 5
3.3 While Loops
3.3.1 While Loops 5
3.3.2 Quiz: While Loops 5
3.3.3 Basic While Loops 5
3.3.4 Running Average 5
3.3.5 Guess My Number 5
3.3.6 Sum of the Squares 5
3.4 For Loops
3.4.1 For Loops 5
3.4.2 Quiz: For Loops 5
3.4.3 Basic For Loops 5
3.4.4 Using Different Increments 5
3.4.5 Random Dice Loop 5
3.4.6 A Random Walk 5
Project: Algebra Test
4.1 Creating an Algebra Test
4.1.1 Creating an Algebra Quiz 5
5.1 Basic Functions
5.1.1 Functions 5
5.1.2 Work Schedule 5
5.1.3 Functional Decomposition 5
5.1.4 Basic Functions 5
5.1.5 Making a House 5
5.1.6 Guided Activity: Lunch Menu 3
5.1.7 Write Your Name in Ascii Art 5
5.1.8 Block Schedule 5
5.2 Functions with Parameters
5.2.1 Functions with Parameters 5
5.2.2 Functions with Parameters Quiz 5
5.2.3 Basic Parameter Functions 5
5.2.4 Making a House with Parameters 5
5.2.5 Coin Counter 5
5.2.6 Converting Temperatures 5
5.3 Functions with Return Values
5.3.1 Functions with Return Values 5
5.3.2 Functions with Return Values Quiz 5
5.3.3 Basic Functions with Return Types 5
5.3.4 Exponential Calculator 5
5.3.5 Converting Feet 5
5.3.6 HiLo Game 5
Project: Game of Nim
6.1 The Game of Nim
6.1.1 Basic Game of Nim 5
6.1.2 Challenge: Multiple Stacks 5
7.1 Creating and Accessing Vectors
7.1.1 Creating and Accessing Vectors 5
7.1.2 Quiz: Creating and Accessing Vectors 5
7.1.3 Creating and Accessing Vectors 5
7.1.4 Updating Vectors 5
7.1.5 Top Songs 5
7.1.6 Math Facts 5
7.2 Adding to and Removing from Vectors
7.2.1 Adding to and Removing from Vectors 5
7.2.2 Quiz: Adding to and Removing from Vectors 5
7.2.3 Adding and Removing from a Vector 5
7.2.4 Entering Grades 5
7.2.5 Introductions 5
7.2.6 The Playlist 5
7.3 Traversing Vectors
7.3.1 Traversing Vectors 5
7.3.2 Quiz: Traversing Vectors 5
7.3.3 Looping Through a Vector 5
7.3.4 Finding Min and Max 5
7.3.5 Only Even 5
7.3.6 The Loop Problem 5
Project: Mastermind
8.1 Mastermind
8.1.1 Mastermind 5