Activity | Points | Item Type |
Hour of Code | ||
1.1 Hour of Code | Lesson | |
1.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel | 1 | Video |
1.1.2 Our First Karel Program | 1 | Example |
1.1.3 Your First Karel Program | 1 | Exercise |
1.1.4 Short Stack | 1 | Exercise |
1.1.5 More Basic Karel | 1 | Video |
1.1.6 Tennis Ball Square | 1 | Example |
1.1.7 Make a Tower | 2 | Exercise |
1.1.8 Pyramid of Karel | 2 | Exercise |
1.1.9 Make a Karel Program! | 10 | Challenge |
1.1.10 Programming with Karel #HourOfCode Badge | 1 | Badge |
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