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Activity Points
Exploring Code with Karel
1.1 Introduction to Karel
1.1.1 Introduction to Programming With Karel 1
1.1.2 Karel Commands Quiz 5
1.1.3 Our First Karel Program 5
1.1.4 Parentheses and Semicolons Intro 5
1.1.5 Debug Karel's Code 5
1.1.6 Debug Karel's Code 5
1.1.7 Debug More of Karel's Code 5
1.1.8 Debug More of Karel's Code 5
1.1.9 Your First Karel Program 5
1.2 Karel's World
1.2.1 More About Karel 1
1.2.2 More Basic Karel Quiz 5
1.2.3 Karel's Morning Walk 5
1.2.4 Karel's Evening Walk 5
1.2.5 Can't Reach the Tennis Ball 5
1.2.6 Tennis Ball Game Setup 5
1.3 Functions
1.3.1 Karel Functions 5
1.3.2 Functions Check for Understanding 5
1.3.3 Climb the Stairs 5
1.3.4 Spot the Bug 1 5
1.3.5 Spot the Bug 2 5
1.3.6 Spinning Karel 5
1.4 Multiple Functions
1.4.1 Using the Main Function 5
1.4.2 Top Down Design and Decomposition 1
1.4.3 Top Down Design and Decomposition Quiz 5
1.4.4 Top Down Design and Decomposition in Karel 5
1.4.5 Tennis Ball Stacks 5
1.4.6 Comments in Karel 1
1.4.7 Clean Up 5
1.5 For Loops
1.5.1 For Loops 1
1.5.2 For Loops Quiz 5
1.5.3 Repeated Move 5
1.5.4 Draw a Line 5
1.5.5 Tennis Ball in Each Corner 5
1.5.6 Pick Up Tennis Balls 5
1.5.7 Draw Two Lines 5
1.6 Conditional Statements
1.6.1 If Statements and Conditionals 1
1.6.2 If Statements and Conditionals Quiz 5
1.6.3 If Statements and Conditionals 1
1.6.4 Stay Out of the Lake 5
1.6.5 Bury Tennis Balls 5
1.6.6 Checkerboard Karel 5
1.7 If/Else Statements
1.7.1 If/Else Statements 1
1.7.2 If/Else Statements Quiz 5
1.7.3 Opposite Day 5
1.7.4 Build a Bridge 5
1.7.5 Stay on the Path 5
1.7.6 Dog Park Clean Up 5
1.7.7 Conditional Karel Badge 1
1.8 While Loops
1.8.1 While Loops 1
1.8.2 While Loops Quiz 5
1.8.3 Inside the Fence 5
1.8.4 Run Home 5
1.8.5 Path to Dog House 5
1.8.6 Dive In! 5
1.8.7 Clean Up 5
1.9 Karel Challenges
1.9.1 Karel Challenges 5
1.9.2 Fetch 5
1.9.3 Karel's Race 5
1.9.4 Building Bridges 5
1.9.5 Super Tennis Ball Clean Up 5
1.9.6 Karel Challenges Badge 1
1.10 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz
1.10.1 Exploring Code with Karel Quiz 5
Exploring the Internet
2.1 What is the Internet?
2.1.1 What is the Internet? 5
2.1.2 The History of the Internet 5
2.1.3 Internet Innovations 5
2.1.4 The Internet is in the Ocean 5
2.1.5 A Day Without the Internet 5
2.2 The Need for Protocols
2.2.1 The Alphabet Game 5
2.2.2 Alphabet Game Reflection 5
2.2.3 The Networking Game 5
2.2.4 Networking Game Reflection 5
2.2.5 Protocols in your Life 5
2.2.6 Network Simulation 5
2.3 Impact of the Internet
2.3.1 Internet in My Daily Life 5
2.3.2 Impact of the Internet 5
2.3.3 Back in Time 5
2.3.4 What is the Digital Divide? 1
2.3.5 What is the Digital Divide? 5
2.3.6 Four Hats Reflection 5
2.3.7 The Impact of the Internet: Crowdsourcing 5
2.3.8 Exploring Crowdsourcing 5
2.4 Cybersecurity
2.4.1 Cybersecurity 5
2.4.2 Intruder Alert! 5
2.4.3 Cybersecurity and You 5
2.4.4 Internet of Things 1
2.4.5 Hackers vs. Smart Homes 1
2.4.6 Internet of Things Reflection 5
2.4.7 Ransomware Simulation 5
2.4.8 Phishing Simulator 5
2.4.9 Cyber Defense 3-2-1 5
2.5 The CIA Triad
2.5.1 CIA Triad 1
2.5.2 CIA Triad 5
2.5.3 Which part of the CIA Triad? 5
2.5.4 Which part of the CIA Triad? 5
2.5.5 Breach of Confidentiality 5
2.5.6 Breach of Availability 5
2.5.7 CIA Connections 5
2.6 Encryption
2.6.1 What is Cryptography? 5
2.6.2 Cryptography: A Brief History 1
2.6.3 Cryptogram Game! 5
2.6.4 Encrypt/Decrypt 5
2.6.5 Using the Caesar Cipher 5
2.6.6 Caesar Cipher Encryption 5
2.6.7 Decrypt Caesar's Cipher! 5
2.6.8 Cracking Caesar Program 5
2.6.9 Security Tradeoffs 5
2.7 Project: Steganography
2.7.1 What is Steganography? 1
2.7.2 Hidden Message Instructions 5
2.7.3 Hidden Message 1
2.7.4 Your turn: Hide Your Message! 5
2.7.5 Your turn: Image Creation 10
2.7.6 Partner Decrypt and Final Reflection 5
2.8 Exploring the Internet Quiz
2.8.1 Exploring the Internet Quiz 5
Exploring Web Design
3.1 Introduction to HTML
3.1.1 Introduction to HTML 1
3.1.2 Introduction to HTML Quiz 5
3.1.3 Our First HTML Page 5
3.1.4 Creating Your First Webpage 5
3.1.5 Your Second Tag 5
3.1.6 Dear Diary 5
3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
3.2.1 Structure of an HTML Page 1
3.2.2 Structure of an HTML Page Quiz 5
3.2.3 HTML Template 1
3.2.4 Hello World Page 1
3.2.5 Introduce Yourself 5
3.2.6 Create Your Own Homepage 5
3.3 Formatting Text
3.3.1 Formatting Text 1
3.3.2 Formatting Text Quiz 5
3.3.3 Dictionary Entry 1
3.3.4 Online Recipe 5
3.3.5 Class Schedule 5
3.3.6 Add Favorites to Your Homepage 5
3.4 Creating Links
3.4.1 Links 1
3.4.2 Links Quiz 5
3.4.3 The <a> Tag 1
3.4.4 5
3.4.5 Wiki Page 5
3.4.6 Adding Links to Your Homepage 5
3.5 Incorporating Images
3.5.1 Images 1
3.5.2 Images Quiz 5
3.5.3 The <img> Tag 1
3.5.4 Using an Image as a Link 1
3.5.5 Your Favorite Image 5
3.5.6 Gallery Layout 5
3.5.7 Adding Images to Your Homepage 5
3.6 Using Lists
3.6.1 HTML Lists 1
3.6.2 HTML Lists Quiz 5
3.6.3 Grocery Shopping 1
3.6.4 Chores 5
3.6.5 Favorites 5
3.6.6 Add a List to Your Homepage 5
3.7 Applying Styling
3.7.1 HTML Styling 1
3.7.2 HTML Styling Quiz 5
3.7.3 Styling the Grocery List 1
3.7.4 Styling an Article 5
3.7.5 Does Taylor Swift Lack Style? 5
3.8 Introduction to CSS Styling
3.8.1 Video 5
3.8.2 Introduction to CSS Quiz 5
3.8.3 Styling with CSS 5
3.8.4 Styling a List 5
3.8.5 Adding CSS Styling 5
3.9 Complete Your Homepage
3.9.1 Example Homepage 5
3.9.2 Complete Your Homepage 5
3.9.3 Create Your Homepage Badge 1
3.10 Quiz: Exploring Web Design
3.10.1 Exploring Web Design 5
Exploring Art with Code
4.1 Getting Started
4.1.1 What is Creative Coding 5
4.1.2 p5.js Reference Guide 5
4.1.3 Drawing and Shapes 5
4.1.4 Create a Canvas 5
4.1.5 Canvas Coordinates 5
4.1.6 Line 5
4.1.7 Rectangle 5
4.1.8 Ellipse 5
4.2 Color
4.2.1 Color 5
4.2.2 Create a Color Palette 5
4.2.3 Hex to RGB Color Converter 5
4.2.4 Using RGB Values 5
4.2.5 Background Color 5
4.2.6 Fill 5
4.2.7 Stroke 5
4.3 Variables
4.3.1 Variables 5
4.3.2 Using Variables: Bricks 5
4.3.3 Making Variables 5
4.3.4 Reusing Variables 5
4.3.5 Width and Height 5
4.4 The Draw Loop
4.4.1 The Draw Loop 5
4.4.2 A Brief History of Animation 5
4.4.3 Frame Rate 5
4.4.4 No Loop 5
4.4.5 Frame Count 5
4.5 Color Transitions
4.5.1 Animated Color Transitions 5
4.5.2 Color Gradient 5
4.5.3 Grayscale Gradient 5
4.5.4 Grayscale to Color 5
4.5.5 Color to Grayscale 5
4.6 Shape Transformations
4.6.1 Shape Transformations 5
4.6.2 Translation 5
4.6.3 Animated Translation 5
4.6.4 Rotation 5
4.6.5 Animated Rotation 5
4.6.6 Scale 5
4.6.7 Animated Scale 5
4.7 Direction
4.7.1 Direction 5
4.7.2 Up and Down 5
4.7.3 Left and Right 5
4.7.4 Diagonal 5
4.8 Mouse Data
4.8.1 Mouse Data 5
4.8.2 mouseX 5
4.8.3 mouseY 5
4.8.4 mouseX and mouseY 5
4.8.5 mouseButton 5
4.8.6 Paint and Erase 5
4.9 Keyboard Data
4.9.1 Keyboard Data 5
4.9.2 keyIsPressed 5
4.9.3 Key Codes 5
4.9.4 keyIsDown 5
4.9.5 key 5
4.10 Project: Animate an Emoji
4.10.1 Project: Animate an Emoji 5
Exploring Game Design
5.1 Intro to Games
5.1.1 Intro to Games 5
5.1.2 What Games Have You Played? 5
5.1.3 Game Design Reflection 5
5.2 Unpacking a Game
5.2.1 Gameplay and Game Components 5
5.2.2 Check Your Understanding - Gameplay and Game Components 5
5.2.3 Game Mechanics and Elements 5
5.2.4 Check Your Understanding - Game Mechanics and Elements 5
5.2.5 Investigate a Game 5
5.2.6 Identify Game Elements 5
5.2.7 Identify Game Components 5
5.2.8 Identify Game Mechanics 5
5.2.9 Describe Your Experience 5
5.3 Categorizing Games
5.3.1 Categorizing Games 5
5.3.2 A Bird's Eye View on Perspectives 5
5.3.3 Getting to Know Game Genres 5
5.3.4 Pick a Few Games 5
5.3.5 Categorizing Your Games 5
5.3.6 Game Category Reflection 5
5.4 Intro to JavaScript
5.4.1 Hello World 1
5.4.2 Hello World 5
5.4.3 Introduce Yourself 5
5.4.4 Debugging: Printing Error 5
5.4.5 Check Your Understanding - Printing 5
5.5 Variables
5.5.1 Variables 1
5.5.2 Live Coding: Variables 5
5.5.3 Exploration: Making a Purchase 5
5.5.4 Check Your Understanding - Variables 5
5.5.5 2020 Olympic Basketball Winners 5
5.5.6 Debugging: Hiking App 5
5.6 Introducing Libraries
5.6.1 Introducing Libraries and p5play 5
5.6.2 p5play Demo - Asteroids 5
5.6.3 p5play Demo - Dominoes 5
5.6.4 p5play Demo - Red Remover 5
5.6.5 p5play Reference Guide 5
5.7 Program Structure
5.7.1 Program Structure 5
5.7.2 Program Structure Reference 5
5.7.3 Bounce Bounce Revolution 5
5.7.4 Exploration: The Elevator 5
5.7.5 The Propeller 5
5.7.6 Check Your Understanding - Structure 5
5.8 Understanding the Canvas
5.8.1 Understanding the Canvas 5
5.8.2 Create a Canvas 5
5.8.3 Canvas Coordinates 5
5.8.4 Helper Function for Coordinates 5
5.8.5 Refreshing the Canvas 5
5.8.6 Shelving Boxes 5
5.8.7 Check Your Understanding - Canvas 5
5.9 Your First Sprites
5.9.1 Your First Sprites 5
5.9.2 Sprite Face 5
5.9.3 Exploration: Shapeshifter 5
5.9.4 Downhill Delights 5
5.9.5 Check Your Understanding - Sprites 5
5.9.6 Block Mario 5
5.10 The Physics of Sprites
5.10.1 Physics Engines and Gravity 5
5.10.2 Exploration: Gravity 5
5.10.3 Collisions 5
5.10.4 Exploration: Collisions 5
5.10.5 Physical Properties 5
5.10.6 Exploration: Physical Properties 5
5.10.7 Motion 5
5.10.8 Exploration: Motion 5
5.10.9 Sprite Physics Reflection 5