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Activity Points
Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
1.1 Refresher: Challenges with Tracy
1.1.1 Overview: Refresher Challenges 5
1.1.2 Reflection: Tracy Commands & Concepts 5
1.1.3 Half Pyramid 10
1.1.4 Pizza 10
1.1.5 Grid 10
1.1.6 Colorful Block Pyramid 10
1.2 [Partner Project] Digital Art Platform
1.2.1 Overview: Digital Art Platform 5
1.2.2 Pair Programming 5
1.2.3 Response: Pair Programming 5
1.2.4 Demo: Digital Art Platform 5
1.2.5 Digital Art Platform: Pt 1 5
1.2.6 Digital Art Platform: Pt 2 5
1.2.7 Digital Art Platform: Pt 3 5
2.1 Creating Lists
2.1.1 Creating Lists 5
2.1.2 Creating Lists 5
2.1.3 Creating Lists: Example Walkthrough 5
2.1.4 Birthday Message 5
2.1.5 List of Classes 5
2.1.6 Color Labels 5
2.2 Accessing List Elements
2.2.1 Accessing List Elements 5
2.2.2 Accessing List Elements 5
2.2.3 Accessing List Elements: Example Walkthrough 5
2.2.4 Birthday Card 5
2.2.5 Updated Color Labels 5
2.2.6 Favorite Summer Activities 5
2.2.7 Label Shapes 5
2.3 Updating List Elements
2.3.1 Updating List Elements 5
2.3.2 Updating List Elements 5
2.3.3 Updating List Elements: Example Walkthrough 5
2.3.4 Next Year's Birthday Card 5
2.3.5 Ice Cream Flavors 5
2.3.6 Argentina World Cup 2022: Substitutions 5
2.3.7 Golf Course Redesign 5
2.4 Adding List Elements
2.4.1 Adding List Elements 5
2.4.2 Adding List Elements 5
2.4.3 Adding List Elements: Example Walkthrough 5
2.4.4 Mother's Day Card 5
2.4.5 Box of Crayons 5
2.4.6 Top Movies of 2022 5
2.5 Removing List Elements
2.5.1 Removing List Elements 5
2.5.2 Removing List Elements 5
2.5.3 Removing List Elements: Example Walkthrough 5
2.5.4 Updated Mother's Day Card 5
2.5.5 Using remove, pop, and del 5
2.5.6 Using remove with Multiple Items 5
2.5.7 Shopping List 5
2.5.8 Favorite Artists: Then & Now 5
2.6 Additional List Methods
2.6.1 Additional List Methods 5
2.6.2 Additional List Methods 5
2.6.3 Additional List Methods: Example Walkthrough 5
2.6.4 Using reverse and sort 5
2.6.5 Circle Stack 5
2.6.6 Alphabetical Class Roster 5
2.6.7 Rainbow 5
2.6.8 [Project] Etch a Sketch: Part 7 5
2.7 Lists Quiz
2.7.1 Lists Quiz 5
Lists and Loops
3.1 List Length
3.1.1 List Length 5
3.1.2 List Length 5
3.1.3 List Length: Example Walkthrough 5
3.1.4 Using the len Function 5
3.1.5 Disney Princesses Pre-2000 5
3.1.6 Using len to Access Items 5
3.2 Looping Over a List by Index
3.2.1 Looping Over a List by Index 5
3.2.2 Looping Over a List by Index 5
3.2.3 Looping Over a List by Index: Example Walkthrough 5
3.2.4 Odd and Even Radii Values 5
3.2.5 Field Trip 5
3.2.6 Labeled Squares 5
3.3 Looping Over a List by Item
3.3.1 Looping Over a List by Item 5
3.3.2 Looping Over a List by Item 5
3.3.3 Looping Over a List by Item: Example Walkthrough 5
3.3.4 Concentric Circles using a List 5
3.3.5 Cities 5
3.3.6 Bar Chart of Pets in Household 5
3.3.7 [Project] Etch a Sketch: Part 8 5
3.4 [Partner Project] Interactive To-Do List
3.4.1 Interactive To-Do List- Project Overview 5
3.4.2 Interactive To-Do List: Pt 1 5
3.4.3 Interactive To-Do List: Pt 2 5
3.4.4 Interactive To-Do List: Pt 3 5
3.5 Lists & Loops Quiz
3.5.1 Lists & Loops Quiz 5
[Project] Ticketing System
4.1 Project: Ticketing System
4.1.1 Overview: Ticketing System 5
4.1.2 Demo: Ticketing System 5
4.1.3 Brainstorm & Plan 5
4.1.4 Build Your Ticketing System 5
5.1 String Characters
5.1.1 String Characters 5
5.1.2 String Characters 5
5.1.3 String Characters: Example Walkthrough 5
5.1.4 Words Out of a Phrase 5
5.1.5 First Letters 5
5.1.6 Rapper Name Generator 5
5.1.7 Acrostic Name Poem 5
5.2 Substrings
5.2.1 Substrings 5
5.2.2 Substrings 5
5.2.3 Substrings: Example Walkthrough 5
5.2.4 Room Location 5
5.2.5 Words Out of a Phrase, Pt 2 5
5.2.6 Compound Words 5
5.3 Strings & Lists
5.3.1 Strings & Lists 5
5.3.2 Strings & Lists 5
5.3.3 Strings & Lists: Example Walkthrough 5
5.3.4 BTS Members 5
5.3.5 French Cities 5
5.3.6 Early 2000's Formatting 5
5.4 Additional String Methods
5.4.1 Additional String Methods 5
5.4.2 Additional String Methods 5
5.4.3 Additional String Methods: Example Walkthrough 5
5.4.4 Too Many 'Like's 5
5.4.5 CIA Witness Protection 5
5.4.6 Writing in a Notebook 5
5.5 Looping Over Characters in a String
5.5.1 Looping Over Characters in a String 5
5.5.2 Looping Over Characters in a String 5
5.5.3 Looping Over Characters in a String: Example Walkthrough 5
5.5.4 Adding Spaces 5
5.5.5 Creating User Names 5
5.5.6 Monograms 5
5.5.7 [Project] Etch a Sketch: Part 9 5
5.6 [Partner Project] 2023 Stanley Cup Final
5.6.1 2023 Stanley Cup Final: Game 5- Project Overview 5
5.6.2 What is Web Scraping? 5
5.6.3 Response: What is Web Scraping? 5
5.6.4 2023 Stanley Cup Final: Pt 1 5
5.6.5 2023 Stanley Cup Final: Pt 2 5
5.6.6 2023 Stanley Cup Final: Pt 3 5
5.6.7 2023 Stanley Cup Final: Pt 4 5
5.7 Strings Quiz
5.7.1 Strings Quiz 5
[Project] Timeline
6.1 Project: Timeline
6.1.1 Overview: Timeline 5
6.1.2 Demo: Juneteenth Timeline 5
6.1.3 Demo: Programming Languages Timeline 5
6.1.4 Brainstorm and Plan 5
6.1.5 Build Your Timeline 5
File I/O: Reading from Files
7.1 What is File I/O
7.1.1 What is File I/O 5
7.1.2 What is File I/O 5
7.1.3 What is a TXT File? 5
7.1.4 What is a CSV File? 5
7.1.5 Choosing a File Format: TXT vs. CSV 5
7.1.6 File I/O in Data Science 5
7.1.7 File I/O in Image Processing 5
7.1.8 File I/O and Tracy 5
7.2 Reading Characters from File
7.2.1 Reading Characters from File 5
7.2.2 Reading Characters from File 5
7.2.3 Reading Characters from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.2.4 Read All Characters 5
7.2.5 Read Specific Characters 5
7.2.6 Moving Forward with File Reading 5
7.2.7 Coordinates Quest 5
7.3 Reading Line from File
7.3.1 Reading Line from File 5
7.3.2 Reading Line from File 5
7.3.3 Reading Line from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.3.4 Reading and Printing Lines 5
7.3.5 Turtle Path 5
7.3.6 Colorful Shape 5
7.4 Reading All Lines from File
7.4.1 Reading All Lines from File 5
7.4.2 Reading All Lines from File 5
7.4.3 Reading All Lines from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.4.4 Using readlines() 5
7.4.5 ASCII Art 5
7.4.6 Bar Chart 5
7.4.7 2023 Stanley Cup Final using Files 5
7.4.8 2023 Stanley Cup Final using Web Scraping 5
7.4.9 [Project] Etch a Sketch: Part 10 5
7.5 File I/O: Reading from Files Quiz
7.5.1 File I/O: Reading from Files Quiz 5
File I/O: Writing to Files
8.1 Write to End of File
8.1.1 Write to End of File 5
8.1.2 Write to End of File 5
8.1.3 Write to End of File: Example Walkthrough 5
8.1.4 Write to File 5
8.1.5 Append to File 5
8.1.6 Sale Items 5
8.1.7 Modified Menu 5
8.2 Move File Pointer Position
8.2.1 Move File Pointer Position 5
8.2.2 Move File Pointer Position 5
8.2.3 Move File Pointer Position: Example Walkthrough 5
8.2.4 Using tell() 5
8.2.5 Reading from a Position in File 5
8.2.6 Read from Middle 5
8.3 File I/O: Writing to Files Quiz
8.3.1 File I/O: Writing to Files Quiz 5
[Project] Poetry Remixer
9.1 Project: Poetry Remixer
9.1.1 Overview: Poetry Remixer 5
9.1.2 Demo: Poetry Remixer 5
9.1.3 Brainstorm and Plan 5
9.1.4 Build Your Poetry Remixer 5
9.1.5 Reflection: Poetry Remixer 5
Python in the Real World
10.1 Intro: Python in the Real World
10.1.1 Overview: Python in the Real World 5
10.1.2 Why is Python so Popular? 5
10.1.3 What Can You Do with Python? 5
10.1.4 How Netflix uses Python 5
10.1.5 Response: Python in the Real World 5
10.2 Python in Research
10.2.1 Overview: Python in Research 5
10.2.2 Coding in Basketball 5
10.2.3 Why is Python Good for Research? 5
10.2.4 Coding in Healthcare 5
10.2.5 Why I Use Python for Academic Research 5
10.3 Python in Big Data
10.3.1 Overview: Python in Big Data 5
10.3.2 What Is Big Data and How Does It Work? 5
10.3.3 Big Data Won Germany World Cup 5
10.3.4 Coding for Machine Learning 5
10.3.5 Visualizing the world's Twitter data 5
10.3.6 Tik Tok Job Listing: Data Science 5
10.4 Python for Creatives
10.4.1 Overview: Python for Creatives 5
10.4.2 Why Python is Essential for Visual Effects, Animation and Games 5
10.4.3 Python Takes Hollywood by Storm 5
10.4.4 Coding for UX Design 5
10.5 Sharing Python Knowledge with Jupyter Notebooks
10.5.1 What are Jupyter Notebooks? 5
10.5.2 Inside a Jupyter Notebook 5
10.5.3 Response: Jupyter Notebooks 5
10.5.4 Create Your Own Jupyter Notebook 5
10.6 Final Project
10.6.1 Final Project: Python in the Real World 5
10.6.2 Brainstorm and Plan Your Presentation 5
10.6.3 Build Your Program: Without File I/O 5
10.6.4 Build Your Program: With File I/O 5
10.7 Python Basics with Tracy 2 Quiz
10.7.1 Python Basics with Tracy 2 Quiz 5