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Activity Points
Getting Started with Roblox
1.1 What is Computer Science?
1.1.1 What is Computer Science? 5
1.1.2 Reflection: Programs in Your Life 5
1.1.3 Task: Computing Innovations 5
1.1.4 What is Code? 5
1.1.5 Digital Citizenship in Online Communities 5
1.1.6 Digital Citizenship Norms 5
1.1.7 Creating a Roblox Account 5
1.1.8 Playing a Game! 5
1.2 Introduction to Programming with Lua
1.2.1 Programming with Lua 5
1.2.2 Programming with Lua 5
1.2.3 Hello World 5
1.2.4 Your First Lua Program 5
1.2.5 Emoticons 5
1.3 Getting Started with Roblox Studio
1.3.1 Installing Roblox Studio 5
1.3.2 Roblox Studio Tour 5
1.3.3 Roblox Tutorial: Creating Scripts 5
1.3.4 Print Practice and Window Review 5
1.3.5 Explorer Window Hierarchy 5
1.3.6 Parent and Child Practice 5
1.3.7 Customizing Roblox Studio 5
1.4 Working with 3D Objects
1.4.1 Working with 3D Objects 5
1.4.2 Practice: Working with Parts 5
1.4.3 Working with Parts Submission 5
1.4.4 My First Obby! 5
1.5 Variables
1.5.1 Variables 5
1.5.2 Collecting Treasure 5
1.5.3 Explore: Tracking Player Health 5
1.5.4 Level Up 5
1.5.5 Variables in Roblox Tutorial 5
1.5.6 Variables in Roblox Tutorial Code 5
1.5.7 Rainbow Wall 5
1.5.8 AP Practice: Variables 5
1.6 Basic Math in Coding
1.6.1 Basic Math in Coding 5
1.6.2 Time Converter 5
1.6.3 Expressions and Order of Operations 5
1.6.4 Explore: Inventory 5
1.6.5 Zombie Population 5
1.6.6 Using Math to Change Position in Roblox Studio 5
1.6.7 Using Math to Change Position in Roblox Example 5
1.6.8 Climbing Up Platforms 5
1.6.9 AP Practice: Arithmetic Operators 5
1.7 Functions and Touched Event
1.7.1 Functions 5
1.7.2 Open Treasure Chest 5
1.7.3 Selling Rubies 5
1.7.4 Functions in Roblox Exploration 5
1.7.5 Functions Exploration Submission 5
1.7.6 Function Exploration Debrief: Touched Event and CanTouch 5
1.7.7 Program the Ladder Button 5
1.8 Debugging in Roblox Studio
1.8.1 Debugging in Roblox Studio 5
1.8.2 Debugging: Collecting Coins 5
1.8.3 Debugging: Health Boost 5
1.8.4 Debugging Quiz 5
1.8.5 Debugging in Roblox Exploration 5
1.8.6 Debugging in Roblox Exploration Submission 5
1.9 Abstraction and APIs
1.9.1 Abstraction and APIs 5
1.9.2 Abstracting Your Day 5
1.9.3 Abstracting Away Selling Rubies 5
1.9.4 What is an API? 5
1.9.5 Updates to the Roblox API 5
1.9.6 Exploring the Roblox Docs 5
1.9.7 You Explain: Abstraction and APIs 5
1.9.8 Abstraction and API Quiz 5
1.10 Getting Started with Roblox Quiz
1.10.1 Getting Started with Roblox Quiz 20
User Interaction and Control Structures
2.1 Booleans and Conditionals
2.1.1 Booleans and Conditionals 5
2.1.2 Exploration: Day or Night? 5
2.1.3 Is it Poison? 5
2.1.4 What is a Humanoid? 5
2.1.5 Tutorial: Conditionals in Roblox - Potion Bottles 5
2.1.6 Example Poison Script 5
2.1.7 Program the Health Potion Bottle 5
2.2 Comparison and Logical Operators
2.2.1 Comparison Operators 5
2.2.2 Even or Odd 5
2.2.3 Logical Operators 5
2.2.4 Taking Turns 5
2.2.5 Explore: Boolean vs. Conditional 5
2.2.6 Rocket Launch Requirements 5
2.2.7 Comparison and Logical Operators 5
2.3 Program Planning
2.3.1 Program Planning 5
2.3.2 Break it Down 5
2.3.3 Flow Chart → Pseudocode 5
2.3.4 Pseudocode → Program 5
2.3.5 Trivia Game Pseudocode 5
2.3.6 Trivia Game 5
2.4 Operators in Roblox
2.4.1 Powerups Guided Activity 5
2.4.2 Powerups Submission 5
2.4.3 It's a Race! Pseudocode 5
2.4.4 It's a Race! Activity 5
2.4.5 AP Practice: Comparison Operators 5
2.4.6 AP Practice: If/Else Statements 5
2.5 Random Numbers
2.5.1 Random Numbers 5
2.5.2 Explore: Random ANSI Colors! 5
2.5.3 Random Moods 5
2.5.4 Boulder Escape in Roblox 5
2.6 While Loops
2.6.1 While Loops 5
2.6.2 While Loop Countdown 5
2.6.3 Exploration: Lucky Roller 5
2.6.4 Ghost Attack! 5
2.6.5 While Loops Obby Exploration 5
2.6.6 While Loops Obby Submission 5
2.6.7 Change Color and Size 5
2.7 For Loops
2.7.1 For Loops 5
2.7.2 Counting to 10 5
2.7.3 Exploration: For Loop Sum 5
2.7.4 Can You Pick the Lock? 5
2.7.5 For Loops Lava Room Exploration 5
2.7.6 For Loop Lava Room Handout Submission 5
2.7.7 AP Practice: Iteration 5
2.8 Break and Debounce
2.8.1 Break Statements 5
2.8.2 Guess the Password 5
2.8.3 Debouncing 5
2.8.4 Tag! You're It! 5
2.8.5 Break and Debounce 5
2.9 Algorithms
2.9.1 Algorithms 5
2.9.2 Comparing Algorithms 5
2.9.3 Comparing Algorithms Submission 5
2.9.4 Sorting Algorithms 5
2.9.5 Algorithm Efficiency 5
2.9.6 AP Practice: Algorithms 5
2.10 User Interaction and Control Structures Quiz
2.10.1 User Interaction and Control Structures Quiz 20
Practice PT: Pair-Programming Obby
3.1 Practice PT: Pair-Programming Obby
3.1.1 Pair-Programming 1
3.1.2 Pair-Programming 5
3.1.3 Reflection: Pair-Programming 5
3.1.4 Create Performance Task Introduction 5
3.1.5 Create PT Scoring Guidelines 5
3.1.6 Setting Norms 5
3.1.7 Brainstorm and Discuss 5
3.1.8 Planning 5
3.1.9 Program Documentation 5
3.1.10 Pseudocode 5
3.1.11 Build Your Obby! 5
3.1.12 Reflection 5
Parameters and Return Values
4.1 User Input
4.1.1 User Input 5
4.1.2 User Input Example 5
4.1.3 Exploration: The Store 5
4.1.4 Program Testing 5
4.1.5 Sneaky Snails 5
4.1.6 Proximity Prompt and Attributes 5
4.1.7 Capture the Flag Exploration 5
4.1.8 Capture the Flag Exploration Submission 5
4.1.9 Programming the Door and Flag Stand 5
4.1.10 AP Practice: User Input 5
4.2 Parameters
4.2.1 Parameters 5
4.2.2 Welcome to the Game! 5
4.2.3 Exploration: Picking Teams 5
4.2.4 Generating Parts Tutorial 5
4.2.5 Generating Parts Tutorial Code 5
4.3 Parameters in Roblox
4.3.1 Make it Snow! 5
4.3.2 Bubbles Button Exploration 5
4.3.3 Bubbles Button Submission 5
4.3.4 Sparkle Button Activity 5
4.3.5 AP Practice: Parameters 5
4.4 Return Values
4.4.1 Return Values 5
4.4.2 Tasty Tart 5
4.4.3 Exploration: Is it Even? 5
4.4.4 Exploration: High Score 5
4.4.5 Character Generator 5
4.5 Return Values in Roblox
4.5.1 Return Values in Roblox 5
4.5.2 Raining Candy Exploration 5
4.5.3 Raining Candy Exploration Submission 5
4.5.4 Complete the Raining Candy Experience 5
4.6 Parameters and Return Values Quiz
4.6.1 Parameters and Return Values Quiz 20
Practice PT: Scavenger Hunt
5.1 Practice PT: Scavenger Hunt
5.1.1 Scavenger Hunt Demo 5
5.1.2 Scavenger Hunt Project Requirements 5
5.1.3 Create PT Scoring Guidelines 5
5.1.4 Brainstorm and Discuss 5
5.1.5 Planning 5
5.1.6 Pseudocode 5
5.1.7 Create a Scavenger Hunt! 5
5.1.8 Reflection 5
Data Structures
6.1 Intro to Arrays and Accessing an Element in an Array
6.1.1 Introduction to Arrays 5
6.1.2 Array of Foraged Items 5
6.1.3 Exploration: What's Behind the Door? 5
6.1.4 NPC Dialogue 5
6.1.5 Magic Tree Exploration 5
6.1.6 Magic Tree Exploration Submission 5
6.1.7 Complete the Magic Forest 5
6.1.8 AP Practice: Lists 5
6.2 Adding and Removing Elements from an Array
6.2.1 Adding and Removing from an Array 5
6.2.2 Adding and Removing: Foraging Array 5
6.2.3 Exploration: Pizza Toppings 5
6.2.4 Arrays and Data Abstraction 5
6.2.5 Survival Tools 5
6.2.6 Creating an Array of Parts in Roblox 5
6.2.7 Golden Rock 5
6.3 Looping Through Arrays
6.3.1 Looping Through Arrays 5
6.3.2 How Old Are You? 5
6.3.3 Exploration: Don't Forget the Milk 5
6.3.4 Debugging: Average Score 5
6.3.5 Arrays as Parameters 5
6.3.6 Exploration: Menu of the Day 5
6.3.7 Travel Agent 5
6.3.8 Fire Platforms Tutorial 5
6.3.9 Fire Platforms Tutorial Code 5
6.4 Finding an Element in an Array
6.4.1 Finding an Element in an Array 5
6.4.2 Maximum Value 5
6.4.3 Mutual Friends 5
6.4.4 In a World WITHOUT Arrays! 5
6.4.5 In a World WITH Arrays! 5
6.4.6 Reflection: With or Without Arrays 5
6.4.7 Lumberjack 5
6.4.8 AP Practice: List Procedures 5
6.5 Arrays in Roblox: Putting it All Together
6.5.1 Collect the Coins Tutorial 5
6.5.2 Completed Collect the Coins Tutorial Code 5
6.5.3 Boss Box 5
6.5.4 Park Clean Up 5
6.6 Simulation
6.6.1 Simulations 5
6.6.2 Gravity Simulation 5
6.6.3 Conway's Game of Life 5
6.6.4 Wolf Sheep Predation Simulation 1
6.6.5 Heads vs. Tails 5
6.6.6 Coin Flip Reflection 5
6.7 Data Structures Quiz
6.7.1 Data Structures Quiz 5
Digital Information
7.1 Intro to Digital Information
7.1.1 What is Digital Information? 1
7.1.2 What is Digital Information Quiz 5
7.1.3 Fast Food Item 5
7.1.4 Reflection: Encodings Everywhere 5
7.2 Number Systems
7.2.1 Number Systems 1
7.2.2 Number Base Tool 1
7.2.3 Number Systems Quiz 5
7.2.4 Decimal to Binary 1
7.2.5 Decimal to Binary Quiz 5
7.2.6 Binary Game 5
7.2.7 Overflow Error 5
7.2.8 More Overflow Errors 5
7.3 Encoding Text with Binary
7.3.1 Encoding Text with Binary 1
7.3.2 Encoding Text with Binary Quiz 5
7.3.3 Morse Code 5
7.3.4 Decoding a Binary Message 5
7.3.5 2-bit Custom Encoding 1
7.3.6 Bits to ASCII 1
7.3.7 Hello Karel in Bits 5
7.3.8 Create your own Encoding 5
7.4 Pixel Images
7.4.1 Pixel Images 1
7.4.2 Pixel Images Quiz 5
7.4.3 Creating Pixel Images 5
7.4.4 CodeHS Logo 1
7.4.5 Checkerboard 5
7.4.6 Ladder 5
7.4.7 Create an Image! 5
7.5 Pixel Colors!
7.5.1 Pixel Colors 1
7.5.2 Pixel Colors Quiz 5
7.5.3 Colors in Bits 1
7.5.4 Exploring RGB 5
7.5.5 Making Yellow 5
7.5.6 Rainbow 5
7.5.7 Create a Color Image! 5
7.5.8 Escape Room 5
7.5.9 Escape Room Reflection 5
7.6 Data Compression
7.6.1 Data Compression 1
7.6.2 Data Compression Quiz 5
7.6.3 Run Length Encoding 5
7.6.4 Custom Image Compression 1
7.6.5 Respond: Custom Image Compression 5
7.7 Lossy Compression
7.7.1 Lossy Compression 1
7.7.2 Lossy Compression Quiz 5
7.7.3 Remove the Vowels 5
7.7.4 Decreasing Resolution 5
7.7.5 Analog to Digital 1
7.7.6 Respond: Analog to Digital 5
7.8 Cryptography
7.8.1 Cryptography 1
7.8.2 Cryptography Quiz 5
7.8.3 Cryptogram Game! 5
7.8.4 Using the Caesar Cipher 5
7.8.5 Caesar Cipher Encryption 5
7.8.6 Decrypt Caesar's Cipher! 5
7.8.7 Cracking Caesar Program 5
7.8.8 Reflection: Caesar Cipher 5
7.9 Digital Information Quiz
7.9.1 Digital Information Quiz 15
7.9.2 Digital Information Badge 0
Practice PT: Create a Color Filter!
8.1 Practice PT: Create a Color Filter!
8.1.1 Manipulating Images 5
8.1.2 Color Filter in Roblox Exploration 5
8.1.3 Color Filter Exploration Submission 5
8.1.4 Color Filter Practice PT Demo 5
8.1.5 Create PT Scoring Guidelines 5
8.1.6 Create Your Own Color Filter! 5
8.1.7 Reflection 5
Practice PT: Steganography
9.1 Practice PT: Steganography
9.1.1 What is Steganography? 1
9.1.2 Steganography Demo 5
9.1.3 Create PT Scoring Guidelines 5
9.1.4 Create a Steganography Cipher 5
9.1.5 Reflection 5
The Internet
10.1 Welcome to the Internet
10.1.1 Welcome to the Internet 1
10.1.2 Welcome to the Internet Quiz 5
10.1.3 Reflection: The Internet and You 5
10.2 Internet Hardware
10.2.1 Devices and Networks 1
10.2.2 Hardware of the Internet 1
10.2.3 Internet Hardware Quiz 5
10.2.4 The Internet is in the Ocean 1
10.3 Internet Addresses
10.3.1 Internet Addresses 1
10.3.2 Internet Addresses Quiz 5
10.3.3 Free Response: The Need for Addresses 5
10.3.4 4-bit Addresses 10
10.3.5 Free Response: IPv4 vs IPv6 5
10.4 Viewing Websites
10.4.1 Viewing Websites 1
10.4.2 Viewing Websites Quiz 5
10.4.3 Free Response: Explaining a URL 5
10.5 DNS
10.5.1 DNS 1
10.5.2 DNS Quiz 5
10.5.3 How Does DNS Work? 1
10.5.4 Respond: How Does DNS Work? 5
10.5.5 DNS Badge 0
10.6 Routing
10.6.1 Routing 1
10.6.2 Routing Quiz 5
10.6.3 Free Response: Redundancy 5
10.6.4 Routing Ruckus 5
10.6.5 Routing Ruckus Reflection 5
10.7 Packets and Protocols
10.7.1 Packets and Protocols 1
10.7.2 Packets and Protocols Quiz 5
10.7.3 Passing Notes 10
10.7.4 How the Internet Works 1
10.7.5 The Story of the Internet 5
10.8 Sequential, Parallel & Distributed Computing
10.8.1 Computer Processing Operations 1
10.8.2 Computer Processing Operations Quiz 5
10.8.3 Sequential vs. Parallel Activity 5
10.8.4 Free Response: Sequential vs. Parallel 5
10.9 Cybersecurity
10.9.1 Cybersecurity 1
10.9.2 Cybersecurity Quiz 5
10.9.3 You Can Be Tracked! 5
10.9.4 Website Cookies 1
10.9.5 Password Strength 1
10.9.6 Reflection: Password Strength 5
10.9.7 Multifactor Authentication 5
10.9.8 Reflection: PII 5
10.9.9 Phishing Simulator 5
10.9.10 Rogue Access Points 1
10.10 The Impact of the Internet
10.10.1 The Impact of the Internet 1
10.10.2 The Impact of the Internet Quiz 5
10.10.3 Reflection: Internet Impact 5
10.10.4 Crucial Steps to Close the Digital Divide 1
10.10.5 Reflection: Closing the Digital Divide 5
10.10.6 Pokemon Go: Unintended Effects 1
10.10.7 Reflection: Unintended Effects 5
10.11 Creative Credit & Copyright
10.11.1 Creative Credit and Copyright 1
10.11.2 Creative Credit and Copyright 0
10.11.3 Reflection: Cite! 5
10.11.4 Exploring Creative Commons 1
10.11.5 Respond: Creative Commons 5
10.11.6 Task: Finding Images 5
10.11.7 Reflection: Why is Copyright Important? 5
10.12 The Internet Quiz
10.12.1 The Internet Quiz 10
10.12.2 The Internet Badge 0
Project: The Effects of the Internet
11.1 The Effects of the Internet
11.1.1 Topic Brainstorm 5
11.1.2 Gathering Resources 5
11.1.3 Make Your Artifact 25
11.1.4 Written Responses 5
12.1 Getting Started with Data
12.1.1 Getting Started with Data 1
12.1.2 Getting Started with Data Quiz 5
12.1.3 What Do We Do With Data? 1
12.1.4 Reflection: Continuously Collecting Data 5
12.2 Visualizing and Interpreting Data
12.2.1 Visualizing Data 1
12.2.2 Visualizing Data Quiz 5
12.2.3 Exploring Data Visualizations 1
12.2.4 US Recorded Music Revenue 1
12.2.5 National Parks 1
12.2.6 March Madness 1
12.2.7 Captain Marvel 1
12.2.8 Respond: Visualizations 5
12.2.9 Free Response: Choosing a Visualization 5
12.2.10 Visualizing & Interpreting Data Quiz 10
12.3 Data Collection & Limitations
12.3.1 Collecting Data 1
12.3.2 Collecting Data Quiz 5
12.3.3 Reflection: Design a Survey 5
12.3.4 Reflection: Self-Driving Cars 5
12.3.5 Data Collection Quiz 5
12.3.6 Data Limitations 1
12.3.7 Interpreting Data Quiz 5
12.3.8 Line Graph 5
12.3.9 Bar Graph 5
12.3.10 Pie Chart 5
12.3.11 Reflection: Importance of Metadata 5
12.4 Data Quiz
12.4.1 Data Quiz 25
Project: Present a Data-Driven Insight
13.1 Present a Data-Driven Insight
13.1.1 Topic Brainstorm 5
13.1.2 Gathering Resources 5
13.1.3 Make a Visualization 25
13.1.4 Written Responses 5
13.1.5 Share Your Findings 5
Project: The Impact of Computing
14.1 The Impacts of Computing
14.1.1 Artifact Creation 5
14.1.2 Selecting Computing Innovations 5
14.1.3 Data as an Input and an Output 5
14.1.4 Data Privacy and Security 5
Create Performance Task
15.1 Create Performance Task
15.1.1 Create Performance Task 10
AP Exam Review
16.1 Preparation
16.1.1 AP Exam Reference Sheet 0
16.2 Practice AP Exam
16.2.1 Practice AP Exam 25
Creative Development
17.1 Intro to Design Thinking
17.1.1 Intro to Design Thinking 1
17.1.2 Intro to Design Thinking 5
17.1.3 Roblox User Experience Analysis 5
17.1.4 How to Make Accessible Programs 5
17.1.5 Project Description and Requirements 5
17.1.6 Brainstorming Project Ideas 5
17.2 Prototype
17.2.1 Prototype 1
17.2.2 Prototype Quiz 5
17.2.3 Wizard of Oz Prototyping 1
17.2.4 Example Wizard of Oz Paper Prototype 1
17.2.5 Make Your Paper Prototype! 5
17.3 Test
17.3.1 Test 1
17.3.2 Testing Quiz 5
17.3.3 Testing with Users 1
17.3.4 Example: How to User Test 1
17.3.5 How to User Test Responses 5
17.3.6 Example: How NOT to User Test 1
17.3.7 How NOT to User Test Responses 5
17.3.8 Prototype Test #1 5
17.3.9 Prototype Test #2 5
17.3.10 Improve Your Prototype 5
17.4 Project Prep and Development
17.4.1 Pseudocode 5
17.4.2 Project Timeline and Task List 5
17.4.3 Write the Code! 5
17.4.4 Present Your Project 5
17.4.5 Mindsets 5
Updated Practice Create Performance Task Exercises
18.1 Practice PT: Pair-Programming Obby
18.1.1 Reflection 5
18.2 Practice PT: Scavenger Hunt
18.2.1 Reflection 5
18.3 Practice PT: Steganography
18.3.1 Reflection 5
18.4 Practice PT: Create a Color Filter!
18.4.1 Reflection 5
Create Performance Task - Effective 2023-2024
19.1 Create Performance Task: Overview
19.1.1 Create Performance Task: Overview 5
19.1.2 What is the Create Performance Task? 5
19.1.3 Task Verbs Definitions 5
19.1.4 Component A: Program Code Requirements 5
19.1.5 Reflection: Program Code Requirements 5
19.1.6 Component B: Video Requirements 5
19.1.7 Reflection: Video Requirements 5
19.1.8 Component C: Personalized Project Reference Requirements 5
19.1.9 Reflection: Personalized Project Reference Requirements 5
19.2 Create Performance Task: Guidelines
19.2.1 Create Performance Task: Guidelines 5
19.2.2 Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy 5
19.2.3 Reflection: Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Policy 5
19.2.4 Guidelines: Prior to Starting 5
19.2.5 Reflection: Prior to Starting 5
19.2.6 Guidelines: Once You Have Started 5
19.2.7 Reflection: Once You Have Started 5
19.3 Create Performance Task: Categories and Questions
19.3.1 Create Performance Task: Categories and Questions 5
19.3.2 Category 1: Program Design, Function, and Purpose 5
19.3.3 Category 2: Algorithm Development 5
19.3.4 Category 3: Errors and Testing 5
19.3.5 Category 4: Data and Procedural Abstraction 5
19.3.6 Sample A CSP Performance Task [Python] 5
19.3.7 Sample A CSP Performance Task [JavaScript] 5
19.3.8 Reflection: Sample A CSP Performance Task 5
19.3.9 Sample B CSP Performance Task [Python] 5
19.3.10 Sample B CSP Performance Task [JavaScript] 5
19.3.11 Reflection: Sample B CSP Performance Task 5
19.3.12 Sample Roblox CSP Performance Task [Lua] 5
19.3.13 Reflection: Sample Roblox CSP Performance Task [Lua] 5
19.4 Planning and Pacing Your Project
19.4.1 Create Performance Task: Pacing Your Project 5
19.4.2 Collaborating on the Create Performance Task 5
19.4.3 Generative AI: To Use, or Not To Use 5
19.4.4 Brainstorm Your Project 5
19.4.5 Practice Making a Screen Capture 5
19.4.6 Practice Making a Video Recording 5
19.5 Complete the Create Performance Task
19.5.1 Create Performance Task Scoring Guidelines 5
19.5.2 Component A: Program Code [Python] 5
19.5.3 Component A: Program Code [JavaScript] 5
19.5.4 Component A: Program Code [Lua] 5
19.5.5 Component B: Video 5
19.5.6 Component C: Procedure Capture I 5
19.5.7 Component C: Procedure Capture II 5
19.5.8 Component C: Procedure List I 5
19.5.9 Component C: Procedure List II 5
19.5.10 Practice Written Responses 5
19.5.11 Finalizing and Submitting 5