3 points
C++ Documentation
C++ Basics
#include <iostream> using namespace std; main() { /* comments can be one separate line */ cout << "Hello World"; // the compiler will ignore this in-line comment /* C++ comments can also * take up multiple lines * like this one. */ return 0; }
Comparison Operators
/* Comparison operators return booleans (true/false values) */ /* is x equal to y */ x == y /* is x not equal to y */ x != y /* is x greater than y */ x > y /* is x greater than or equal to y */ x >= y /* is x less than y */ x < y /* is x less than or equal to y */ x <= y
/* Remember to include the following line at the top of your program */ #include <cmath> /* Operators: */ + Addition - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulus (Remainder) /* Examples: */ int z = x + y; int w = x * y; /* Increment (add one) */ x++ /* Decrement (subtract one) */ x-- /* Absolute value */ double value = double abs(double x) /* Square Root */ double sqrt = double sqrt(double x) /* Rounding */ int rounded = round(5.86) /* Example */ #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { // round cout << "round(+3.14) = " << round(3.14) } // will print out "round(+3.14) = 3"
/* To use strings, you need to import strings, however they are included in the iostream import.*/ #include <string> /* Strings are mutable, so you can change a string without rebuilding it. */ string str = "Hello"; // Access and update with [ ] or .at() string firstLetter = str[0]; string secondLetter =; // When updating, replace with a char str[1] = 'E'; // str is now HEllo = 'O'; // str is now HEllO // Insert adds string to middle of a string // str.insert(position, string); // Example string str = "Word"; str.insert(3, "l"); // str is now World /* Substrings are overloaded with two options: str.substr(index) Substring from the index to the end str.substr(index, length) Substring from the index for a specified length */ // Examples string str = "Hello World"; str.substr(6); // returns "World" str.substr(3, 2); // returns "lo" // Find the length of a string with either // length or size str.length(); // returns 11 str.size(); // returns 11 /* The find function returns the first position that the search string is found (case sensitive), or string::npos if the string is not found. */ str = "Hello World"; str.find("lo"); // returns 3 str.find("hello") // returns string::npos if (str.find("hello") != string::npos) { cout << "Found" << endl; } else { cout << "Not found" << endl; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; // function declaration int min(int num1, int num2); int main() { // local variable declaration int a = 100; int b = 200; int minimum; // calling the min function minimum = min(a, b); cout << "The minimum value is: " << minimum << endl; return 0; } // function returning the minimum of two numbers int min(int num1, int num2) { // local variable declaration int result; if (num1 < num2) { result = num1; } else { result = num2; } return result; }
Try/Catch Statements
// Basic Try/Catch Block try { // Block of code to execute that may // cause an error } catch (error type) { // Block of code to execute if the error type // is generated } // Example: Validating a number try { /* Attempt to convert to a number. If the input * is a number, it will work, otherwise it will * throw an invalid_argument error.*/ num = stoi(line); } catch (invalid_argument) { isValid = false; cout << "Not an integer, try again." << endl; }
Control Structures
If Statement
if (boolean_expression) { // this will execute if the boolean expression is true } else { // this will execute if the boolean expression is false } // example #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // local variable declaration int a = 1; // check boolean condition if (a < 100) { // if condition is true then print the next line cout << "a is less than 100;" << endl; } else { // if condition is false then print the next line cout << "a is not less than 100;" << endl; } cout << "a is equal to: " << a << endl; return 0; }
While Loop
/* while loop syntax */ while (condition) { statement(s); } /* while loop example */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a = 1; // while loop execution while (a < 100) { cout << "a is still less than 100! a is: " << a << endl; a++; } return 0; }
For Loop
/* for loop syntax */ for (initialize; condition; increment) { statement(s); } /* for loop example */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // for loop execution for (int a = 1; a < 100; a++) { cout << "value of a: " << a << endl; } return 0; }
Input/ Output
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char str[] = "Hello World!"; cout << "Programmers love to say : " << str << endl; }
User Input
There are two main ways to read input from the user.
is used to read one token at a time.
is used to read an entire line at a time.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // To read an entire line, you use the getline command. cout << "Please enter a line: "; // Create a string variable and read in from the user string line; getline(cin, line); // To read a single token, you can use the cin command cout << "Please enter a token: "; string name; cin >> name; return 0; }
File Input/Output
File input is done by opening a file as an input stream and then
reading in using the getline
command. Once
you capture a line, you can then process it before capturing
the next line.
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Create an input file stream ifstream in; // Open the file called input.txt"input.txt"); // Loop to capture all the line. while (true) { string line; // getline reads in our file as a string getline(in, line); /* If you try to read a line and * it fails, you know you are at the * end of our file and you can break * out of the loop */ if ( break; // process the results cout << line << endl; } // close our input file stream in.close(); return 0; }
File output is done by opening a file as an output stream and then streaminng into the file just like you would stream to the console.
#include <fstream> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { // Create and open the output file ofstream out;"output.txt"); // Write to the output file out << "Hello World!" << endl; out << "Nice to meet you" << endl; // Close the file out.close(); return 0; }
Data Structures
#include <vector> // Be sure to include vector /* syntax to declare a vector */ vector<type> vectorName; /* declare a vector with intial values */ vector<type> vectorName {value, value, ...}; /* Examples */ vector<string> names; vector<int> ages {13, 15, 14, 14}; /* Add values to the end of a vector*/ names.push_back("Karel"); /* Use an iterator to add at an index Example: add at index 2 */ vector <string>::iterator it = names.begin(); names.insert(it + 2, "Tracy"); /* Access the third element of a vector */ double third =; double third = weights[2]; /* Vector size */ int s = ages.size();
/* syntax to declare an array */ type arrayName [ arraySize ]; /* declare a 7-element array called weights */ double weights[7]; /* initialize array */ double weights[5] = {10.0, 200.0, 45.4, 70.0, 99.0}; /* assign 4th elements of the ages array to be 33.0 */ weights[3] = 33.0; /* index into array to access the third element */ double third = weights[2];
The util.h file can be imported into any C++ program by using
#include "util.h"
Below is the header file for the
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; // Prints error message and terminates the program void Error(string message); // Prints out prompt and returns string line string readLine(const string prompt = "?"); // Prints out the prompt and returns an integer. If an integer // is not entered (or it is out of the range), the reprompt // is printed and the user can enter again. int readInt(const string prompt = "?", string reprompt = ""); int readInt(const int low, const int high, const string prompt = "?", string reprompt = ""); // Prints out the prompt and returns a double. If a double // is not entered (or it is out of the range), the reprompt // is printed and the user can enter again. double readDouble(const string prompt = "?", string reprompt = ""); double readDouble(const double low, const double high, const string prompt = "?", string reprompt = ""); // Splits a string based on the delimiter and returns a vector vectorsplitLine(string input, char delimeter = ' '); // Returns uppercasw/lowercase version of a string. string toUpperCase(string s); string toLowerCase(string s); // Random number generator. Returns a random integer. // Set seed is optional. void setSeed(int seed); int randInt(); int randInt(int min, int max);