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Activity Points
Functions and Exceptions
1.1 Functions
1.1.1 Functions 1
1.1.2 Functions 5
1.1.3 Greeting 1
1.1.4 Extended Greeting 1
1.1.5 Weather 5
1.2 Functions and Parameters
1.2.1 Functions and Parameters 1
1.2.2 Functions and Parameters 5
1.2.3 Print a Value 1
1.2.4 Name and Age 1
1.2.5 Print Product 5
1.2.6 Print Multiple Times 5
1.2.7 Default Parameter Values 1
1.2.8 Area of a Square with Default Parameters 5
1.3 Namespaces in Functions
1.3.1 Namespaces in Functions 1
1.3.2 Namespaces in Functions 2
1.3.3 Functions and Variables 1
1.3.4 Functions and Variables, Part 2 1
1.3.5 Fix This Program! 5
1.3.6 Adding to a Value 5
1.3.7 Add, Subtract, or Multiply 5
1.4 Functions and Return Values
1.4.1 Functions and Return Values 1
1.4.2 Functions and Return Values 5
1.4.3 Return 10 1
1.4.4 Add One 5
1.4.5 Negate 1
1.4.6 Functions Calling Functions 1
1.4.7 Function Calls As Parameters 1
1.4.8 Sum Two Numbers 5
1.4.9 Temperature Converter 5
1.4.10 Functions Badge 1
1.5 Exceptions
1.5.1 Exceptions 1
1.5.2 Exceptions 5
1.5.3 Enter a Number 1
1.5.4 Enter Name and Age 1
1.5.5 Temperature Converter, Part 2 5
1.5.6 Enter a Positive Number 5
1.6 Functions & Exceptions Quiz
1.6.1 Functions and Exceptions Quiz 25
1.6.2 Control Flow Badge 1
2.1 Indexing
2.1.1 Indexing 1
2.1.2 Indexing 5
2.1.3 Characters in a String 1
2.1.4 Unit Tests 5
2.1.5 Initials 5
2.1.6 Sandwich Sandwiches 5
2.2 Slicing
2.2.1 Slicing 1
2.2.2 Slicing 5
2.2.3 Groups of Characters 1
2.2.4 String Collage 1
2.2.5 Room Names 1
2.2.6 If You're Not First, You're Last 5
2.2.7 Part 1, Replace a Letter 5
2.2.8 Part 2, Replace a Letter 5
2.2.9 Slicing Badge 1
2.3 Immutability
2.3.1 Immutability 1
2.3.2 Immutability 5
2.3.3 String Immutability 1
2.3.4 Find the Error 5
2.4 Strings and For Loops
2.4.1 Strings and For Loops 1
2.4.2 Strings and For Loops 5
2.4.3 The len Function 1
2.4.4 Length of User's Name 5
2.4.5 String For Loop with Indices 1
2.4.6 String For Loop with Characters 1
2.4.7 Spelling Bee 5
2.4.8 Keeping Count 5
2.5 The in Keyword
2.5.1 The in Keyword 1
2.5.2 The in Keyword 5
2.5.3 Contains a Letter 1
2.5.4 Contains a Substring 1
2.5.5 Contains a Vowel 5
2.6 String Methods
2.6.1 String Methods 1
2.6.2 String Methods 5
2.6.3 upper and lower 1
2.6.5 swapcase 1
2.6.6 strip 1
2.6.7 find 1
2.6.8 What's in a Name? 5
2.6.9 Part 1, Remove All From String 5
2.6.10 Part 2, Remove All From String 5
2.6.11 Mindset Survey 3 1
2.7 Strings Quiz
2.7.1 Strings Quiz 25
2.7.2 Strings Badge 1
Project: The Game of Pig
3.1 Project: The Game of Pig
3.1.1 The Game of Pig 5
3.1.2 Build the Basic Program 5
3.1.3 Adding a Computer Opponent 5
Creating and Altering Data Structures
4.1 Tuples
4.1.1 Tuples 1
4.1.2 Tuples 5
4.1.3 A Tuple Is a Sequence 1
4.1.4 A Tuple is Heterogenous 1
4.1.5 Tuples With a Single Element 1
4.1.6 Concatenating Tuples 1
4.1.7 Fix This Tuple 5
4.1.8 Citation 5
4.1.9 Diving Contest 5
4.1.10 Coordinate Pairs 10
4.2 Lists
4.2.1 Lists 1
4.2.2 Lists 5
4.2.3 A List Is Like a Mutable Tuple 1
4.2.4 String <--> List 1
4.2.5 Spell It Out 5
4.2.6 Splitting a String 1
4.2.7 Listed Greeting 5
4.2.8 List of Tuples, Tuples of Lists 1
4.3 For Loops and Lists
4.3.1 For Loops and Lists 1
4.3.2 For Loops and Lists 2
4.3.3 For Loops and Lists 1
4.3.4 For Loops and Lists, Part 2 1
4.3.5 Max In List 5
4.3.6 Owls 5
4.3.7 Exclamat!on Po!nts 5
4.3.8 Word Ladder 10
4.3.9 Owls, Part 2 10
4.4 List Methods
4.4.1 List Methods 1
4.4.2 List Methods 5
4.4.3 append and extend 1
4.4.4 How Many Names? 5
4.4.5 Five Numbers 5
4.4.6 sort 1
4.4.7 Librarian 5
4.4.8 reverse 1
4.4.9 count 1
4.4.10 remove 1
4.4.11 Take a Thing Out, Sort It and Reverse It 5
4.4.12 Librarian, Part 2 10
4.4.13 Lists Badge 1
4.5 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz
4.5.1 Creating and Altering Data Structures Quiz 15
Extending Data Structures
5.1 2d Lists
5.1.1 2d Lists 1
5.1.2 2d Lists 5
5.1.3 A List of Lists 1
5.1.4 Grid 1
5.1.5 2d Lists and Slices 1
5.1.6 Checkerboard, v1 5
5.1.7 Checkerboard, v2 5
5.1.8 Checkerboard, v3 5
5.1.9 Tic Tac Toe 10
5.2 List Comprehensions
5.2.1 List Comprehensions 1
5.2.2 List Comprehensions 5
5.2.3 List of Consecutive Numbers 1
5.2.4 List of Squares 1
5.2.5 Divisible by 3 5
5.2.6 Digits of Pi 1
5.2.7 List of Booleans 1
5.2.8 Last Names 5
5.2.9 Strings To Integers 5
5.2.10 Mindset Survey 4 1
5.3 Packing and Unpacking
5.3.1 Packing and Unpacking 1
5.3.2 Packing and Unpacking 5
5.3.3 Packing 1
5.3.4 Unpacking 1
5.3.5 Unpacking Parameters 1
5.3.6 Coordinate Pair 5
5.3.7 Slopes 5
5.3.8 Swapping 1
5.3.9 Full Name & Citation 5
5.3.10 Packing Badge 1
5.4 Dictionaries
5.4.1 Dictionaries 1
5.4.2 Dictionaries 5
5.4.3 Keys and Values 1
5.4.4 The in Keyword 1
5.4.5 Phone Book 5
5.4.6 Word Counts 5
5.5 Extending Data Structures Quiz
5.5.1 Extending Data Structures Quiz 25
5.5.2 Data Structures Badge 1
Project: Guess the Word
6.1 Project: Guess the Word
6.1.1 Guess the Word Demo 1
6.1.2 Guess the Word, Part 1 5
6.1.3 Guess the Word, Part 2 5
6.1.4 Guess the Word, Part 3 5
6.1.5 Guess the Word, Part 4 5
File I/O
7.1 What is File I/O
7.1.1 What is File I/O 5
7.1.2 What is File I/O 5
7.1.3 What is a TXT File? 5
7.1.4 What is a CSV File? 5
7.1.5 Choosing a File Format: TXT vs. CSV 5
7.1.6 File I/O in Data Science 5
7.1.7 File I/O in Image Processing 5
7.1.8 File I/O and Social Media 5
7.2 Reading Character from File
7.2.1 Reading Character from File 5
7.2.2 Reading Characters from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.2.3 Reading Characters from File 5
7.2.4 Read Specific Characters 5
7.2.5 Read All Characters 5
7.2.6 Fix This: Reading Characters 5
7.2.7 Fix This: Unable to Read 5
7.2.8 Validating Tweet Length 5
7.3 Reading Line from File
7.3.1 Reading Line From File 5
7.3.2 Reading Line from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.3.3 Read Line from File 5
7.3.4 Reading and Printing Lines 5
7.3.5 Counting Lines in a File 5
7.3.6 Summing Numbers from File 5
7.3.7 Formatting Movie Titles 5
7.4 Reading All Lines from File
7.4.1 Reading All Lines from File 5
7.4.2 Reading All Lines from File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.4.3 Reading All Lines from File 5
7.4.4 Using readlines() 5
7.4.5 Finding the Needle in the Haystack 5
7.4.6 Extract Quotes from a Text File 5
7.5 Writing to File
7.5.1 Writing to File 5
7.5.2 Write to End of File: Example Walkthrough 5
7.5.3 Writing to File 5
7.5.4 Write to File 5
7.5.5 Append to File 5
7.5.6 Activity Tracker 5
7.5.7 Guest Book 5
7.5.8 Write the Sum 5
7.6 Move File Pointer Position
7.6.1 Move File Pointer Position 5
7.6.2 Move File Pointer Position: Example Walkthrough 5
7.6.3 Move File Pointer Position 5
7.6.4 Using tell() 5
7.6.5 Reading from a Position in File 5
7.6.6 Read from Middle 5
7.6.7 Reverse a File 5
7.7 File I/O Quiz
7.7.1 File I/O Quiz 5
Classes and Objects
8.1 Classes and Objects
8.1.1 Classes and Objects 0
8.1.2 Classes and Objects 5
8.1.3 The Point Class 0
8.1.4 The Rectangle Class, Part 1 5
8.1.5 The Point Class, Part 2 0
8.1.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 2 5
8.2 Methods
8.2.1 Methods 0
8.2.2 Methods 5
8.2.3 The Point Class, Part 3 0
8.2.4 The Point Class, Part 4 0
8.2.5 The Rectangle Class, Part 3 5
8.2.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 4 5
8.3 Built-In Methods
8.3.1 Built-In Methods 0
8.3.2 Built-In Methods 5
8.3.3 The __repr__ method 0
8.3.4 The __eq__ method 0
8.3.5 The Point Class, Part 5 0
8.3.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 5 5
8.3.7 The Rectangle Class, Part 6 5
8.3.8 Sheet Music 0
8.3.9 Names In a Hat 10
8.4 Operator Overloading
8.4.1 Operator Overloading 0
8.4.2 Operator Overloading 5
8.4.3 The __add__ method 0
8.4.4 The Point Class, Part 6 0
8.4.5 The Rectangle Class, Part 7 0
8.4.6 The Rectangle Class, Part 8 0
8.4.7 Contact Merge 5
8.5 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables
8.5.1 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables 0
8.5.2 Class Variables vs. Instance Variables 5
8.5.3 The Point Class, Part 7 0
8.5.4 The Rectangle Class, Part 9 0
8.5.5 Cars 0
8.5.6 Cars, Part 2 5
8.5.7 Cars, Part 3 0
Exploring CS Careers
9.1 Computer Science Careers
9.1.1 Computer Science All Around Us 1
9.1.2 Computer Science All Around Us 5
9.1.3 CS Careers 1
9.1.4 CS Career Response 5
9.1.5 Coding in the Wild 1
9.1.6 Coding in the Wild Response 5
9.1.7 Inclusive Coding 1
9.1.8 Inclusive Coding Response 5
9.2 Explore a Career
9.2.1 How to Choose the Right Career Path 5
9.2.2 Step 1: Your Hobbies 5
9.2.3 Step 2: Your Talents 5
9.2.4 Step 3: Your Personality 5
9.2.5 Step 4: Your Career Aspirations 5
9.2.6 Step 5: Do Your Research 5
9.2.7 Career Exploration Presentation Guidelines 5
9.2.8 Career Exploration Presentation 5