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Utah Introduction to Python 1 - Outline

  1. Tracy's World

    1. 1.1 Intro to Python with Tracy the Turtle

    2. Video 1.1.1 Intro to Tracy
    3. Check for Understanding 1.1.2 Intro to Tracy
    4. Video 1.1.3 Intro to Tracy: Example Walkthrough
    5. Example 1.1.4 Slinky
    6. Exercise 1.1.5 Stretched Slinky
    7. Free Response 1.1.6 Sequencing with Trace Tables
    8. 1.2 Programming with Tracy

    9. Video 1.2.1 Programming Languages
    10. Quiz 1.2.2 Programming Languages
    11. Notes 1.2.3 Programming Language Hierarchy
    12. Free Response 1.2.4 Popularity of Programming Languages
    13. Article 1.2.5 A Timeline of Programming Languages
    14. Free Response 1.2.6 A Timeline of Programming Languages: Response
    15. Demo 1.2.7 Create a Timeline of Programming Languages
    16. 1.3 Tracy's Grid World

    17. Video 1.3.1 Tracy's Grid World
    18. Check for Understanding 1.3.2 Tracy's Grid World
    19. Exercise 1.3.3 Coordinates Practice: Altering the x location
    20. Exercise 1.3.4 Coordinates Practice: Altering the y location
    21. Exercise 1.3.5 Coordinates Practice: Altering the location
    22. Video 1.3.6 Tracy's Grid World: Example Walkthrough
    23. Example 1.3.7 Dashed Line
    24. Exercise 1.3.8 Shorter Dashed Line
    25. Exercise 1.3.9 Caterpillar
    26. Challenge 1.3.10 [Project] Etch A Sketch: Part 1
    27. Badge 1.3.11 Grid World Badge
    28. 1.4 Tracy's World Quiz

    29. Quiz 1.4.1 Tracy's World Quiz
  2. Moving Tracy

    1. 2.1 Testing Tracy Programs

    2. Video 2.1.1 Testing Tracy Programs
    3. Article 2.1.2 Structured Peer Review
    4. Exercise 2.1.3 4 Horizontal Circles
    5. Free Response 2.1.4 4 Horizontal Circles: Reflection
    6. 2.2 Turning Tracy

    7. Video 2.2.1 Turning Tracy
    8. Check for Understanding 2.2.2 Turning Tracy
    9. Video 2.2.3 Turning Tracy: Examples Walkthrough
    10. Example 2.2.4 Square
    11. Example 2.2.5 X and Y Axes
    12. Exercise 2.2.6 Rectangle
    13. Exercise 2.2.7 4 Columns
    14. Exercise 2.2.8 Tunneling
    15. 2.3 For Loops

    16. Video 2.3.1 For Loops
    17. Check for Understanding 2.3.2 For Loops
    18. Video 2.3.3 For Loops: Examples Walkthrough
    19. Example 2.3.4 Square Using Loops
    20. Example 2.3.5 Dotted Line
    21. Free Response 2.3.6 For Loops and Trace Tables
    22. Exercise 2.3.7 Row of Circles
    23. Exercise 2.3.8 Color Changing Staircase
    24. Exercise 2.3.9 4 Columns 2.0
    25. Badge 2.3.10 Looping Badge
    26. 2.4 Turning Tracy Using Angles

    27. Video 2.4.1 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    28. Check for Understanding 2.4.2 Turning Tracy Using Angles
    29. Video 2.4.3 Turning Tracy Using Angles: Examples Walkthrough
    30. Example 2.4.4 Asterisk
    31. Example 2.4.5 Four Circles
    32. Exercise 2.4.6 Hexagon
    33. Exercise 2.4.7 'X' Marks the Spot
    34. Exercise 2.4.8 Circle Pyramid
    35. Challenge 2.4.9 [Project] Etch A Sketch: Part 2
    36. 2.5 Moving Tracy Quiz

    37. Quiz 2.5.1 Moving Tracy Quiz
  3. Designing and Communicating Solutions

    1. 3.1 Comments

    2. Video 3.1.1 Comments
    3. Check for Understanding 3.1.2 Comments
    4. Video 3.1.3 Comments: Example Walkthrough
    5. Example 3.1.4 Four Circles with Comments
    6. Exercise 3.1.5 Circle Pyramid with Comments
    7. 3.2 Naming Guidelines

    8. Video 3.2.1 Naming Guidelines
    9. Check for Understanding 3.2.2 Naming Guidelines
    10. 3.3 Functions

    11. Video 3.3.1 Functions
    12. Check for Understanding 3.3.2 Functions
    13. Video 3.3.3 Functions: Example Walkthrough
    14. Example 3.3.4 X and Y Axes with Hash Marks
    15. Free Response 3.3.5 Functions and Trace Tables
    16. Exercise 3.3.6 Beaded Bracelet
    17. Exercise 3.3.7 Shape Stack
    18. Badge 3.3.8 Functions Badge
    19. 3.4 Artistic Effects

    20. Video 3.4.1 Artistic Effects
    21. Check for Understanding 3.4.2 Artistic Effects
    22. Video 3.4.3 Artistic Effects: Example Walkthrough
    23. Example 3.4.4 Rainbow Octagon
    24. Example 3.4.5 Circle Square Triangle
    25. Exercise 3.4.6 Four Colored Triangles
    26. Exercise 3.4.7 Colorful Bracelet
    27. Challenge 3.4.8 Kid's Shapes Toy
    28. 3.5 Adding Text

    29. Video 3.5.1 Adding Text
    30. Quiz 3.5.2 Adding Text
    31. Video 3.5.3 Adding Text: Example Walkthrough
    32. Example 3.5.4 Square with Labeled Coordinates
    33. Exercise 3.5.5 Kid's Shapes Toy with Labels
    34. Exercise 3.5.6 Baseball Diagram
    35. Exercise 3.5.7 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
    36. 3.6 Top Down Design

    37. Video 3.6.1 Top Down Design
    38. Check for Understanding 3.6.2 Top Down Design
    39. Video 3.6.3 Top Down Design: Example Walkthrough
    40. Example 3.6.4 Bubble Wrap
    41. Exercise 3.6.5 Bubble Wrap 2.0
    42. Exercise 3.6.6 Sidewalk
    43. Challenge 3.6.7 [Project] Etch A Sketch: Part 3
    44. 3.7 Designing and Communicating Solutions Quiz

    45. Quiz 3.7.1 Designing and Communicating Solutions Quiz
  4. [Project] Design a Mural

    1. 4.1 Design a Mural

    2. Notes 4.1.1 Overview: Design a Mural Project
    3. Demo 4.1.2 Demo: Sample Mural
    4. Free Response 4.1.3 Research and Brainstorm
    5. Challenge 4.1.4 Design Your Mural
  5. Controlling Tracy with Variables

    1. 5.1 Variables

    2. Video 5.1.1 Variables
    3. Check for Understanding 5.1.2 Variables
    4. Video 5.1.3 Variables: Example Walkthrough
    5. Example 5.1.4 Increasing Length
    6. Free Response 5.1.5 Variables and Trace Tables
    7. Exercise 5.1.6 Dartboard
    8. Exercise 5.1.7 Line of Increasing Blocks
    9. Exercise 5.1.8 Color Palette Star
    10. 5.2 Data Types

    11. Video 5.2.1 Intro to Data Types
    12. Exercise 5.2.2 Categorizing Variables, Pt 1
    13. Video 5.2.3 Altering Data Types
    14. Quiz 5.2.4 Data Types
    15. Video 5.2.5 Data Types: Example Walkthrough
    16. Example 5.2.6 Printing and Writing Data Types
    17. Exercise 5.2.7 Categorizing Variables, Pt 2
    18. Exercise 5.2.8 Favorites
    19. 5.3 Strings

    20. Video 5.3.1 Strings
    21. Quiz 5.3.2 Strings
    22. Video 5.3.3 Strings: Example Walkthrough
    23. Example 5.3.4 Mad Libs
    24. Exercise 5.3.5 Printing "Looking for Alaska" by John Green
    25. Exercise 5.3.6 Shapes with Labels
    26. 5.4 String Methods

    27. Video 5.4.1 String Methods
    28. Quiz 5.4.2 String Methods
    29. Video 5.4.3 String Methods: Example Walkthrough
    30. Example 5.4.4 Tone of Voice Changes Everything
    31. Exercise 5.4.5 Noisy Baby Birds
    32. Exercise 5.4.6 Text Messaging
    33. 5.5 User Input

    34. Video 5.5.1 User Input
    35. Check for Understanding 5.5.2 User Input
    36. Video 5.5.3 User Input: Example Walkthrough
    37. Example 5.5.4 Color Coded Increasing Length
    38. Example 5.5.5 Concentric Circles with Labels
    39. Exercise 5.5.6 Colored Dartboard
    40. Exercise 5.5.7 Four Corners
    41. Badge 5.5.8 User Input Badge
    42. 5.6 Parameters

    43. Video 5.6.1 Parameters
    44. Check for Understanding 5.6.2 Parameters
    45. Video 5.6.3 Parameters: Example Walkthrough
    46. Example 5.6.4 Concentric Circles with Labels
    47. Free Response 5.6.5 Parameters and Trace Tables
    48. Exercise 5.6.6 Colorful Caterpillar
    49. Exercise 5.6.7 Circle in a Square
    50. Exercise 5.6.8 Snowman
    51. Exercise 5.6.9 Diamond with Color Changing Background
    52. Exercise 5.6.10 Fillable Volunteer Form
    53. 5.7 Debugging Strategies

    54. Video 5.7.1 Debugging Basics
    55. Debugging 5.7.2 Debug: Diagonal Circles
    56. Debugging 5.7.3 Debug: Semicircles
    57. Video 5.7.4 Debugging from Error Messages
    58. Quiz 5.7.5 Debugging Basics
    59. Debugging 5.7.6 Debug: Three Circles
    60. Debugging 5.7.7 Debug: Row of Bricks
    61. Free Response 5.7.8 Debugging Reflection
    62. 5.8 Clickable Interaction

    63. Video 5.8.1 Clickable Interaction
    64. Quiz 5.8.2 Clickable Interaction
    65. Example 5.8.3 Draw Square by Corner
    66. Video 5.8.4 Clickable Interaction: Example Walkthrough
    67. Example 5.8.5 Move to Click
    68. Exercise 5.8.6 Click to Draw Daisy
    69. Exercise 5.8.7 Coordinate Labels
    70. Exercise 5.8.8 Click Counter
    71. Challenge 5.8.9 [Project] Etch A Sketch: Part 4
    72. 5.9 Using i in For Loops

    73. Video 5.9.1 Using i in For Loops
    74. Check for Understanding 5.9.2 Using i in For Loops
    75. Video 5.9.3 Using i in For Loops: Example Walkthrough
    76. Example 5.9.4 Geometry
    77. Free Response 5.9.5 Using i in For Loops and Trace Tables
    78. Exercise 5.9.6 Geometry 2.0
    79. 5.10 Extended Loop Control

    80. Video 5.10.1 Extended Loop Control
    81. Check for Understanding 5.10.2 Extended Loop Control
    82. Video 5.10.3 Extended Loop Control: Example Walkthrough
    83. Example 5.10.4 Square Swirl
    84. Free Response 5.10.5 Extended Loop Control and Trace Tables
    85. Exercise 5.10.6 Dartboard using i
    86. Exercise 5.10.7 Phone Signal
    87. Badge 5.10.8 Master of i Badge
    88. 5.11 Controlling Tracy with Variables Quiz

    89. Quiz 5.11.1 Controlling Tracy with Variables Quiz
  6. [Project] Cycle Depiction

    1. 6.1 Cycle Depiction

    2. Notes 6.1.1 Overview: Cycle Depiction Project
    3. Free Response 6.1.2 Research and Brainstorm
    4. Challenge 6.1.3 Code your Cycle!
  7. Making Decisions

    1. 7.1 If Statements

    2. Video 7.1.1 If Statements
    3. Check for Understanding 7.1.2 If Statements
    4. Video 7.1.3 If Statements: Example Walkthrough
    5. Example 7.1.4 X and Y Axis with Bolded Marks
    6. Free Response 7.1.5 If Statements and Trace Tables
    7. Exercise 7.1.6 Black and White Squares
    8. Exercise 7.1.7 Happy Face
    9. Video 7.1.8 Comparison String Methods
    10. Example 7.1.9 Guessing a Password
    11. Exercise 7.1.10 Numerical Diameter
    12. 7.2 If/Else Statements

    13. Video 7.2.1 If/Else Statements
    14. Check for Understanding 7.2.2 If/Else Statements
    15. Video 7.2.3 If/Else Statements: Example Walkthrough
    16. Example 7.2.4 Positive, Negative, Zero
    17. Free Response 7.2.5 If/Else Statements and Trace Tables
    18. Exercise 7.2.6 Rating
    19. Exercise 7.2.7 Name Alliteration
    20. Exercise 7.2.8 Clickable Shape
    21. Exercise 7.2.9 Happy/ Sad Face
    22. Challenge 7.2.10 [Project] Etch A Sketch: Part 5
    23. 7.3 Returning Values from Functions

    24. Video 7.3.1 Returning Values from Functions
    25. Quiz 7.3.2 Returning Values from Functions
    26. Video 7.3.3 Returning Values from Functions: Example Walkthrough
    27. Example 7.3.4 Trivia
    28. Free Response 7.3.5 Returning Values and Trace Tables
    29. Exercise 7.3.6 Apple Watch Messages
    30. Exercise 7.3.7 Simple Calculator
    31. 7.4 While Loops

    32. Video 7.4.1 While Loops
    33. Check for Understanding 7.4.2 While Loops
    34. Video 7.4.3 While Loops: Example Walkthrough
    35. Example 7.4.4 Increasing Circles
    36. Free Response 7.4.5 While Loops and Trace Tables
    37. Exercise 7.4.6 Increasing Squares
    38. Exercise 7.4.7 Guess a Number
    39. Exercise 7.4.8 Check Width
    40. Challenge 7.4.9 [Project] Etch a Sketch: Part 6
    41. Badge 7.4.10 Conditionals Badge
    42. 7.5 Making Decisions Quiz

    43. Quiz 7.5.1 Making Decisions Quiz
  8. Putting It All Together

    1. 8.1 Putting Together Control Structures

    2. Video 8.1.1 Putting Together Control Structures
    3. Check for Understanding 8.1.2 Putting Together Control Structures
    4. Example 8.1.3 Block Pyramid
    5. Exercise 8.1.4 Guess a Number 2.0
    6. Exercise 8.1.5 Circle Pyramid 2.0
    7. Challenge 8.1.6 Checkerboard
    8. Badge 8.1.7 Tracy the Turtle Badge
    9. 8.2 Putting It All Together Quiz

    10. Quiz 8.2.1 Putting It All Together Quiz
    11. Badge 8.2.2 Intro to Programming with Turtle Graphics Badge
  9. [Project] On-Screen Calculator

    1. 9.1 On Screen Calculator

    2. Notes 9.1.1 Overview: On-Screen Calculator
    3. Demo 9.1.2 Demo: Calculator
    4. Challenge 9.1.3 Part 1: Create Calculator Image
    5. Challenge 9.1.4 Part 2: Allow User Interaction for First Number
    6. Challenge 9.1.5 Part 3: Allow User Interaction for Operation and Number Two
    7. Challenge 9.1.6 Part 4: Display the Equation Solution