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Texas Computer Science III Framework


Standard Description
127.764.c.1.a apply data abstraction and encapsulation to manage complexity Lessons
127.764.c.1.b implement a student-created class hierarchy Lessons
127.764.c.1.c read and write class specifications using visual organizers, including Unified Modeling Language Lessons
127.764.c.1.d use black box programming methodology Lessons
127.764.c.1.e design, create, and use interfaces to apply protocols Lessons
127.764.c.1.f identify, describe, design, create, evaluate, and compare standard sorting algorithms that perform sorting operations on data structures, including quick sort and heap sort Lessons
127.764.c.1.g select, identify, and use the appropriate abstract data type, advanced data structure, and supporting algorithms to properly represent the data in a program problem solution Lessons
127.764.c.1.h manage complexity by using a systems approach Lessons
127.764.c.2.a use local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs), including the Internet and intranets, in research, file management, and collaboration Lessons
127.764.c.2.b create interactive human interfaces to acquire data from a user and display program results using an advanced Graphical User Interface (GUI) Lessons
127.764.c.2.c write programs and communicate with proper programming style to enhance the readability and functionality of the code by using meaningful descriptive identifiers, internal comments, white space, indentation, and a standardized program style Lessons
127.764.c.2.d work in software design teams Lessons
127.764.c.3.a identify and use the structured data type of arrays of objects to traverse, search, modify, insert, and delete data Lessons
127.764.c.3.b identify and use two-dimensional ragged arrays to traverse, search, modify, insert, and delete data Lessons
127.764.c.3.c identify and use a list object data structure, including vector, to traverse, search, insert, and delete object data Lessons
127.764.c.3.d understand and trace a linked-list data structure Lessons
127.764.c.3.e create program solutions using a linked-list data structure, including unordered single, ordered single, double, and circular linked Lessons
127.764.c.3.f understand composite data structures, including a linked list of linked lists Lessons
127.764.c.3.g understand and create program solutions using stacks, queues, trees, heaps, priority queues, graph theory, and enumerated data types Lessons
127.764.c.3.h understand and create program solutions using sets, including HashSet and TreeSet Lessons
127.764.c.3.i understand and create program solutions using maps, including HashMap and TreeMap Lessons
127.764.c.3.j write and modify text file data Lessons
127.764.4.a develop choice algorithms using selection control statements, including break, label, and continue Lessons
127.764.4.b demonstrate proficiency in the use of the bitwise operators Lessons
127.764.4.c develop iterative algorithms using do-while loops Lessons
127.764.4.d demonstrate proficiency in the use of the ternary operator Lessons
127.764.4.e create program solutions that use iterators Lessons
127.764.4.f identify, trace, and appropriately use recursion Lessons
127.764.4.g understand and create program solutions using hashing Lessons
127.764.4.h perform pattern recognition using regular expressions Lessons
127.764.4.i explore common algorithms, including matrix addition and multiplication, fractals, Towers of Hanoi, and magic square Lessons
127.764.4.j create program solutions that exhibit robust behavior by understanding and avoiding runtime errors and handling anticipated errors Lessons
127.764.4.k understand object-oriented design concepts of inner classes, outer classes, and anonymous classes Lessons
127.764.4.l use object reference scope identifiers, including null, this, and super Lessons
127.764.4.m provide object functionality to primitive data types Lessons
127.764.4.n write program assumptions in the form of assertions Lessons
127.764.4.o write a Boolean expression to test a program assertion Lessons
127.764.4.p construct assertions to make explicit program invariants Lessons
127.764.5.a model ethical acquisition and use of digital information Lessons
127.764.5.b demonstrate proper digital etiquette, responsible use of software, and knowledge of acceptable use policies Lessons
127.764.6.a compare and contrast high-level programming languages Lessons
127.764.6.b create a small workgroup network Lessons
127.764.6.c create and apply a basic network addressing scheme Lessons
127.764.6.d create discovery programs in a low-level language, high-level language, and scripting language Lessons